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| 間眅埶AV Calendar | Summer 2020

Applied and Computational Mathematics

Master of Science

The Master of Science (MSc) in Applied and Computational Mathematics offers advanced education and research training in applied analysis, computation and mathematical modelling. Students admitted to the program will complete one of two program options.

間眅埶AV Requirements

Applicants must satisfy the University admission requirements as stated in Graduate General Regulations 1.3 in the 間眅埶AV Calendar. Applicants normally submit scores in the aptitude section and the appropriate advanced section of the Educational Testing Service's graduate record examinations (GRE). Applicants with backgrounds in areas other than mathematics (e.g. a bachelor's degree, or its equivalent, in engineering or physics) may be considered suitably prepared for these programs.

Program Requirements

This program consists of required courses, elective courses, and a thesis for a minimum of 36 units.

Students must complete one of

APMA 900 - Asymptotic Analysis of Differential Equations (4)

Analysis and computation of classical problems from applied mathematics such as eigenfunction expansions, integral transforms, and stability and bifurcation analyses. Methods include perturbation, boundary layer and multiple-scale analyses, averaging and homogenization, integral asymptotics and complex variable methods as applied to differential equations.

APMA 901 - Partial Differential Equations (4)

First order non-linear partial differential equations (PDEs) and the method of characteristics. Hamilton-Jacobi equation and hyperbolic conservation laws; weak solutions. Second-order linear PDEs (Laplace, heat and wave equations); Green's functions. Sobolev spaces. Second-order elliptic PDEs; Lax-Milgram theorem.

and one of

APMA 920 - Numerical Linear Algebra (4)

Conditioning and stability of numerical methods for the solution of linear systems, direct factorization and iterative methods, least squares, and eigenvalue problems. Applications and mathematical software.

APMA 922 - Numerical Solution of Partial Differential Equations (4)

Analysis and application of numerical methods for solving partial differential equations. Potential topics include finite difference methods, spectral methods, finite element methods, and multi-level/multi-grid methods.

and one of

APMA 930 - Computational Fluid Dynamics (4)

Basic equations governing compressible and incompressible fluid mechanics. Finite difference and finite volume schemes for hyperbolic, elliptic, and parabolic partial differential equations. Practical applications in low Reynolds number flow, high-speed gas dynamics, and porous media flow. Software design and use of public-domain codes. Students with credit for MATH 930 may not complete this course for further credit.

APMA 935 - Analysis and Computation of Models (4)

Analysis of models from the natural and applied sciences via analytical, asymptotic and numerical studies of ordinary and partial differential equations.

and at least one other course from the courses listed above that has not already been completed

and an additional eight graduate units

and either the thesis or project option

Thesis Option

and a thesis

MATH 898 - MSc Thesis (12)

Graded on a satisfactory/unsatisfactory basis.

Section Instructor Day/Time Location

Project Option

and an additional 4 graduate units

and a project

MATH 880 - MSc Project (6)

A project leading to research in mathematics completed under the supervision of a faculty member. The project will consist of a written report and a public presentation. This course can only be used for credit towards the MSc project course option. Graded on a satisfactory/unsatisfactory basis.

Section Instructor Day/Time Location

NOTE: 間眅埶AV students enrolled in the Accelerated master's degree program within the Department of Mathematics may apply a maximum of 10 graduate course units, taken while completing the bachelor’s degree, towards the upper division undergraduate electives of the bachelor’s program and the requirements of the master’s degree. For more information go to: .

Program Length

Students are expected to complete the program requirements in six terms.

Other Information

Cross-listed Courses

Normally courses that are cross-listed as undergraduate courses cannot be used to satisfy the graduate course requirements.


The thesis normally involves a significant computational component which is submitted and defended at an oral examination.


The project normally involves a significant computational component and requires a project report and a final presentation. The project component is normally completed within one term.

Academic Requirements within the Graduate General Regulations

All graduate students must satisfy the academic requirements that are specified in the Graduate General Regulations, as well as the specific requirements for the program in which they are enrolled.