
Please note:

To view the current Academic Calendar go to www.sfu.ca/students/calendar.html

Designs for Learning: Secondary Science EDUC 416 (4)

Focuses on teaching secondary school science. Students explore the sciences and aspects of learning science; examine their own scientific thinking; work with the prescribed curriculum; and plan science learning experiences within a consistent framework using appropriate instructional materials and methods. Prerequisite: EDUC 401/402 or corequisite EDUC 403.

Section Day/Time Location
May 11 – Aug 10, 2020: Tue, 1:30–5:20 p.m.
Distance Education
May 11 – Aug 10, 2020: Tue, 5:30–9:20 p.m.
Distance Education
Jun 30 – Aug 10, 2020: Mon, Wed, 8:30 a.m.–12:20 p.m.
Distance Education