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Technologies of Gender and Sexuality CMNS 355 (4)

The course takes an intersectional feminist perspective on exploring, critiquing and developing alternatives to dominant technologies of sexuality and gender. Topics may include: shifting notions of femininities and masculinities; (cyber)feminist methodologies in cultural studies; the body and subjectivity; gender and surveillance; post-feminism; work in the media and tech industries; gender and gaming. Prerequisite: 60 units.

Section Instructor Day/Time Location
Stacey Copeland
May 11 – Aug 10, 2020: Mon, 5:30–8:20 p.m.
J101 May 11 – Aug 10, 2020: Mon, 4:30–5:20 p.m.
J102 May 11 – Aug 10, 2020: Mon, 8:30–9:20 p.m.