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| 間眅埶AV Calendar | Spring 2020

Applied and Computational Mathematics

Doctor of Philosophy

The Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Applied and Computational Mathematics is a program intended for those who wish to develop advanced independent research skills. Candidates pursue a research-intensive program leading to a substantial contribution to knowledge in a particular area of applied and computational mathematics.

間眅埶AV Requirements

Applicants must satisfy the University admission requirements as stated in Graduate General Regulations 1.3 in the 間眅埶AV Calendar. Applicants normally submit scores in the aptitude section and the appropriate advanced section of the Educational Testing Service's graduate record examinations (GRE). Applicants with backgrounds in areas other than mathematics (e.g. a bachelor's degree, or its equivalent, in engineering or physics) may be considered suitably prepared for these programs.

Program Requirements

This program consists of courses, a candidacy examination, and a thesis for a minimum of 20 units.

Students must complete

a minimum of eight graduate units in Mathematics

and a candidacy exam

APMA 995 - PhD Oral Candidacy Exam (0)

An open oral candidacy exam given by the supervisory committee. The exam consists of a proposed thesis topic defence by the student and supervisory committee questions about related proposed research topics. The exam follows submission of a written PhD research proposal. Graded on a satisfactory/unsatisfactory basis. Students who fail will either successfully complete a second exam within six months or withdraw from the program. Prerequisite: Applied Mathematics PhD stream students only. Must be completed within first six terms of the program.

Section Instructor Day/Time Location
Nathan Ilten
Steven Ruuth

and a thesis

MATH 899 - PhD Thesis (12)

Graded on a satisfactory/unsatisfactory basis.

Section Instructor Day/Time Location

Students who are admitted to the PhD program without an MSc are also required to take a minimum of additional 24 units which is equivalent to that obtained by students with an MSc.

Program Length

Students are expected to complete the program requirements in four years.

Other Information

Candidacy Examination

Students pass an oral candidacy exam given by the supervisory committee before the end of the fourth full-time term. The exam consists of a proposed thesis topic defence and supervisory committee questions about related proposed research topics. The oral exam follows submission of a written PhD research proposal and is graded ‘Satisfactory’ or ‘Unsatisfactory’. Those who are graded ‘Unsatisfactory’ will complete a second exam within six months. A student who cannot obtain 'Satisfactory after two attempts will normally be withdrawn from the program.


A PhD candidate must submit and defend a thesis based on their original work that embodies a significant contribution to mathematical knowledge.

Academic Requirements within the Graduate General Regulations

All graduate students must satisfy the academic requirements that are specified in the Graduate General Regulations, as well as the specific requirements for the program in which they are enrolled.