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| ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV Calendar | Fall 2019

Humanities Minor

Program Requirements

Lower Division Requirements

Students complete nine lower division units including

HUM 101W - Introduction to the Humanities (3)

An introduction to issues and concepts central to the study of the Humanities. Through exposure to primary materials drawn from different periods and disciplines, students will become acquainted with a range of topics and ideas relating to the study of human values and human experience. Prerequisite: . Equivalent Courses: HUM101. Writing/Breadth-Humanities.

Section Instructor Day/Time Location
Paul Crowe
Sep 3 – Dec 2, 2019: Thu, 2:30–4:20 p.m.
D101 Sep 3 – Dec 2, 2019: Thu, 4:30–5:20 p.m.
D102 Sep 3 – Dec 2, 2019: Thu, 5:30–6:20 p.m.
D103 Sep 3 – Dec 2, 2019: Thu, 4:30–5:20 p.m.
D104 Sep 3 – Dec 2, 2019: Thu, 5:30–6:20 p.m.
D105 Sep 3 – Dec 2, 2019: Thu, 4:30–5:20 p.m.
D106 Sep 3 – Dec 2, 2019: Thu, 5:30–6:20 p.m.

and one of

HUM 201 - Great Texts: Ancient World to Renaissance (3)

An intensive study of some of the major works which have had a formative influence on the structure and development of western thought. Reading and discussion of primary texts and the major themes which emerge from them will introduce students to essential philosophical, literary, social, and religious themes of western civilization. Texts for this course will be drawn from the Ancient World, Middle Ages and the Renaissance. Prerequisite: 30 units. Breadth-Humanities.

HUM 202 - Great Texts: Renaissance to Modernity (3)

An intensive study of some of the major works which have had a formative influence on the structure and development of western thought. Reading and discussion of primary texts and the major themes which emerge from them will introduce students to essential philosophical, literary, social and religious themes of western civilization. Texts for this course will be drawn from the 17th century through to the modern period. Prerequisite: 30 units. Breadth-Humanities.

HUM 203 - Great Texts: Asian Thought and Literature (3)

An introduction to classic texts which have endured as monuments of Asian thought and literature. Readings and discussions of primary texts and their central ideas will introduce students to philosophical, literary and religious themes in a selected, major Asian tradition. Prerequisite: 30 units. Breadth-Humanities.

and one further lower division Humanities course.

Upper Division Requirements

Students complete 16 units in upper division humanities courses. See .

Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences Degree Requirements

For all bachelor of arts (BA) programs, students complete 120 units, which includes

  • at least 60 units that must be completed at ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV
  • at least 45 upper division units, of which at least 30 upper division units must be completed at ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV
  • at least 65 units (including 21 upper division units) in Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences courses
  • satisfaction of the writing, quantitative, and breadth requirements
  • an overall cumulative grade point average (CGPA) and upper division CGPA of at least 2.0, and a program (major, joint major, extended minor, minor) CGPA and upper division CGPA of at least 2.0

For students in other Faculties, please check your Faculty's overall degree requirements: /students/calendar/faculties-research.html

Writing, Quantitative, and Breadth Requirements

Students admitted to ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV beginning in the fall 2006 term must meet writing, quantitative and breadth requirements as part of any degree program they may undertake. See Writing, Quantitative, and Breadth Requirements for university-wide information.

WQB Graduation Requirements

A grade of C- or better is required to earn W, Q or B credit



W - Writing


Must include at least one upper division course, taken at ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV within the student’s major subject
Q - Quantitative


Q courses may be lower or upper division
B - Breadth


Designated Breadth Must be outside the student’s major subject, and may be lower or upper division
6 units Social Sciences: B-Soc
6 units Humanities: B-Hum
6 units Sciences: B-Sci


Additional Breadth 6 units outside the student’s major subject (may or may not be B-designated courses, and will likely help fulfil individual degree program requirements)

Students choosing to complete a joint major, joint honours, double major, two extended minors, an extended minor and a minor, or two minors may satisfy the breadth requirements (designated or not designated) with courses completed in either one or both program areas.