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Comparative Embryology of Marine Invertebrates MASC 411 (6)

A comprehensive study of development of marine invertebrates available at the Bamfield Marine Sciences Centre including all major phyla and most of the minor phyla. Lectures will cover gametogenesis, fertilization, regeneration, cell lineage, mosaic and regulated development, larval development and metamorphosis of the different groups. Laboratory work will include methods and techniques of obtaining and handling gametes, preparation and maintenance of larval cultures and observation of development up to metamorphosis if possible. Some selected and clearly defined classical experiments will be performed. Efforts will also be made to study various pelagic larvae. Prerequisite: Offerings of the MASC courses may vary from summer to summer because instructors are drawn from different universities. For that reason, prerequisites may vary slightly. In general, upper division standing in biology is required, and admission is usually competitive. Students are encouraged to consult the brochure published each fall by the Bamfield Marine Sciences Centre for full and specific details. The brochure will be available from the Department of Biological Sciences.