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Special Arrangements Courses

SAR 890 - Comprehensive Exam

Students must pass a comprehensive examination. The structure of the examination will be determined by the supervisory committee. Graded on a satisfactory/unsatisfactory basis. Prerequisite: Permission of the department.

SAR 891 - Special Topics (3)

To be selected by the student and supervisory committee.

SAR 892 - Special Topics (3)

To be selected by the student and supervisory committee.

SAR 893 - Special Topics (4)

To be selected by the student and supervisory committee.

SAR 894 - Special Topics (5)

To be selected by the student and supervisory committee.

SAR 895 - Special Topics (3)

To be selected by the student and the supervisory committee.

SAR 896 - Special Topics (5)

To be selected by the student and the supervisory committee.

SAR 897 - President's Dream Colloquium (5)

This special topics course is for students participating in the President’s Dream Colloquium. The colloquium is an initiative to bring leading thinkers to ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV and provide an annual forum for intensive interdisciplinary exchange amongst faculty and students in the form of a graduate course. Course registration is through application only. Graded on a satisfactory/unsatisfactory basis.

SAR 898 - Master's Thesis (6)

SAR 899 - PhD Thesis (6)