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¶¡ÏãÔ°AV Calendar | Spring 2017

Molecular Biology and Biochemistry

Doctor of Philosophy

This program provides advanced education and research training for a career in academia, industry, or the public sector, and emphasizes a research apprenticeship in combination with relevant course work. Students learn from and collaborate with researchers from a range of disciplines related to molecular biology and biochemistry (MBB). The program will be of interest to those wishing to use cutting edge laboratory and/or computational approaches to address research problems in biology, biochemistry or biomedical disciplines.

¶¡ÏãÔ°AV Requirements

Students who possess a master of science (MSc) degree may apply to the molecular biology and biochemistry graduate program committee to be admitted to the doctor of philosophy (PhD) program. Exceptional students who have a bachelor of science (BSc) degree and relevant research experience may also be considered for entry. Applicants must have identified a senior supervisor who is willing to consider their application. Applicants should contact faculty members directly to discuss their research interests and confirm the availability of funding and space in their research group. Only students having identified a proposed senior supervisor will be considered for program admission.

Program Requirements

Students who enter the program with a bachelor of science (BSc) degree, or equivalent, are required to complete a minimum total of 18 units, at least 15 of which must be in graduate courses.

All students must complete:

MBB 801 - Student Seminar in Molecular Biology and Biochemistry I (3)

Discussion of recent literature through student seminars and written reports. Introduction to professional skills for scientific careers.

MBB 806 - PhD Graduate Research Candidacy Examination (3) +

Oral presentation and defense of a written PhD research proposal. Students will be examined on their knowledge relevant to the proposed research, capacity to complete the proposed thesis research (including any relevant preliminary results), and understanding of the broader field of study. All PhD students enrolled in the MBB PhD graduate program must take MBB 806. Prerequisite: Permission of the student's supervisory committee.

Section Instructor Day/Time Location
Nancy Hawkins
Peter Unrau

and one unit of MBB colloquia by completing one of

MBB 821 - Cell and Molecular Biology Colloquium (1)

Recent research articles on the molecular mechanisms underlying cellular activities will be presented and discussed by students and faculty, with an emphasis on critical analysis of the concepts and experimental design and methods. A student may not take more than 3 units of Cell and Molecular Biology Colloquium courses, including BISC 821, 822, 823. Prerequisite: BISC 331/MBB 331 or equivalent. Students who have taken BISC 821, 822 or 823 may not receive credit for this course.

MBB 822 - Cell and Molecular Biology Colloquium (1)

Recent research articles on the molecular mechanisms underlying cellular activities will be presented and discussed by students and faculty, with an emphasis on critical analysis of the concepts and experimental design and methods. A student may not take more than 3 units of Cell and Molecular Biology Colloquium courses, including BISC 821, 822, 823. Prerequisite: BISC 331/MBB 331 or equivalent. Students who have taken BISC 821, 822 or 823 may not receive credit for this course.

MBB 823 - Cell and Molecular Biology Colloquium (1)

Recent research articles on the molecular mechanisms underlying cellular activities will be presented and discussed by students and faculty, with an emphasis on critical analysis of the concepts and experimental design and methods. A student may not take more than 3 units of Cell and Molecular Biology Colloquium courses, including BISC 821, 822, 823. Prerequisite: BISC 331/MBB 331 or equivalent. Students who have taken BISC 821, 822 or 823 may not receive credit for this course.

MBB 861 - Biomolecular Structure and Function Colloquium (1)

Recent research articles on the structure, function, and interactions of macromolecules including proteins, nucleic acids, and lipids, as well as their complexes, will be presented and discussed by students and faculty, with an emphasis on critical analysis of the concepts and experimental design and methods. Prerequisite: BISC 331/MBB 331 or equivalent.

Section Instructor Day/Time Location
Rosemary Cornell
MBB 862 - Biomolecular Structure and Function Colloquium (1)

Recent research articles on the structure, function, and interactions of macromolecules including proteins, nucleic acids, and lipids, as well as their complexes, will be presented and discussed by students and faculty, with an emphasis on critical analysis of the concepts and experimental design and methods. Prerequisite: BISC 331/MBB 331 or equivalent.

Section Instructor Day/Time Location
Rosemary Cornell
MBB 863 - Biomolecular Structure and Function Colloquium (1)

Recent research articles on the structure, function, and interactions of macromolecules including proteins, nucleic acids, and lipids, as well as their complexes, will be presented and discussed by students and facuty, with an emphasis on critical analysis of the concepts and experimental design and methods. Prerequisite: BISC 331/MBB 331 or equivalent.

Section Instructor Day/Time Location
Rosemary Cornell

and another 11 units selected from other graduate courses, chosen in consultation with the supervisory committee and which can include approriate courses from MBB and/or other departments. Two of these 11 units can come from colloquia and/or journal clubs, with journal clubs being completed as one-unit directed readings courses.

Entry with an MSc

Students who enter the program with a master of science (MSc) degree are required to complete a minimum of six units including both of:

MBB 801 - Student Seminar in Molecular Biology and Biochemistry I (3)

Discussion of recent literature through student seminars and written reports. Introduction to professional skills for scientific careers.

MBB 806 - PhD Graduate Research Candidacy Examination (3) ++

Oral presentation and defense of a written PhD research proposal. Students will be examined on their knowledge relevant to the proposed research, capacity to complete the proposed thesis research (including any relevant preliminary results), and understanding of the broader field of study. All PhD students enrolled in the MBB PhD graduate program must take MBB 806. Prerequisite: Permission of the student's supervisory committee.

Section Instructor Day/Time Location
Nancy Hawkins
Peter Unrau

If MBB 801-3 has already been taken by the student, the remaining three units must be completed by taking appropriate graduate courses or colloquia.

Students are expected to attend the Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry research seminar series and participate regularly in a journal club. Journal clubs are discussion groups that focus on the current research literature, and can be in the form of the MBB colloquia, or informal groups consisting of the members of one or more research laboratories.

Students must maintain a minimum GPA of 3.0

+ enrol at the earliest opportunity following four terms of program enrolment

++ completed at the first opportunity following two terms of program enrolment


The emphasis of the program is on original research. An original thesis contributing to new knowledge is presented and defended according to . The defense includes a public seminar on the contents of the thesis.

Interdisciplinary Oncology Graduate Specialization (IOGS)

This specialization is for students who are interested in gaining exposure to diverse facets of cancer-related research. Application to the program is through the Interdisciplinary Oncology Steering Committee. The PhD requirements for this specialization are as follows:

Entry with a BSc or equivalent:

Students who enter the program with a Bachelor of Science (BSc) degree, or equivalent, will complete all of:

MBB 801 - Student Seminar in Molecular Biology and Biochemistry I (3)

Discussion of recent literature through student seminars and written reports. Introduction to professional skills for scientific careers.

MBB 806 - PhD Graduate Research Candidacy Examination (3) +

Oral presentation and defense of a written PhD research proposal. Students will be examined on their knowledge relevant to the proposed research, capacity to complete the proposed thesis research (including any relevant preliminary results), and understanding of the broader field of study. All PhD students enrolled in the MBB PhD graduate program must take MBB 806. Prerequisite: Permission of the student's supervisory committee.

Section Instructor Day/Time Location
Nancy Hawkins
Peter Unrau
ONC 502 - Concepts in Oncology (3)

This course covers the biology and epidemiology of cancer and theories behind prevention, diagnosis and treatment of different types of cancer. A major goal of the course is to integrate knowledge and research on the biology of cancer with all disciplines in oncology. This course can only be taken once, either during an MSc or during a PhD. Prerequisite: Enrollment in a participating graduate program. No specific courses are prerequisites.

ONC 510 - Seminars in Oncology (3)

This course features cancer-related research by trainees and faculty at the BC Cancer Research Centre. Topics include recent developments in the molecular basis of oncogenesis, cancer bioinformatics, cancer epidemiology, cancer treatment and other clinical studies, and ethical issues. Students are required to present seminars on their research. Students undertaking the Interdisciplinary Oncology Graduate Specialization must enroll in this course throughout their entire time as a graduate student. This course can be taken twice, if a student does the Interdisciplinary Oncology Graduate Specialization (IOGS) as an MSc student, and also does it as a PhD student. Students who transfer from MSc to PhD would only take it once. Prerequisite: Enrollment in a participating graduate program. No specific courses are prerequisites.

Section Instructor Day/Time Location
Sharon Gorski

and one unit of MBB colloquia by completing one of

MBB 821 - Cell and Molecular Biology Colloquium (1)

Recent research articles on the molecular mechanisms underlying cellular activities will be presented and discussed by students and faculty, with an emphasis on critical analysis of the concepts and experimental design and methods. A student may not take more than 3 units of Cell and Molecular Biology Colloquium courses, including BISC 821, 822, 823. Prerequisite: BISC 331/MBB 331 or equivalent. Students who have taken BISC 821, 822 or 823 may not receive credit for this course.

MBB 822 - Cell and Molecular Biology Colloquium (1)

Recent research articles on the molecular mechanisms underlying cellular activities will be presented and discussed by students and faculty, with an emphasis on critical analysis of the concepts and experimental design and methods. A student may not take more than 3 units of Cell and Molecular Biology Colloquium courses, including BISC 821, 822, 823. Prerequisite: BISC 331/MBB 331 or equivalent. Students who have taken BISC 821, 822 or 823 may not receive credit for this course.

MBB 823 - Cell and Molecular Biology Colloquium (1)

Recent research articles on the molecular mechanisms underlying cellular activities will be presented and discussed by students and faculty, with an emphasis on critical analysis of the concepts and experimental design and methods. A student may not take more than 3 units of Cell and Molecular Biology Colloquium courses, including BISC 821, 822, 823. Prerequisite: BISC 331/MBB 331 or equivalent. Students who have taken BISC 821, 822 or 823 may not receive credit for this course.

MBB 861 - Biomolecular Structure and Function Colloquium (1)

Recent research articles on the structure, function, and interactions of macromolecules including proteins, nucleic acids, and lipids, as well as their complexes, will be presented and discussed by students and faculty, with an emphasis on critical analysis of the concepts and experimental design and methods. Prerequisite: BISC 331/MBB 331 or equivalent.

Section Instructor Day/Time Location
Rosemary Cornell
MBB 862 - Biomolecular Structure and Function Colloquium (1)

Recent research articles on the structure, function, and interactions of macromolecules including proteins, nucleic acids, and lipids, as well as their complexes, will be presented and discussed by students and faculty, with an emphasis on critical analysis of the concepts and experimental design and methods. Prerequisite: BISC 331/MBB 331 or equivalent.

Section Instructor Day/Time Location
Rosemary Cornell
MBB 863 - Biomolecular Structure and Function Colloquium (1)

Recent research articles on the structure, function, and interactions of macromolecules including proteins, nucleic acids, and lipids, as well as their complexes, will be presented and discussed by students and facuty, with an emphasis on critical analysis of the concepts and experimental design and methods. Prerequisite: BISC 331/MBB 331 or equivalent.

Section Instructor Day/Time Location
Rosemary Cornell

and at least two of the following elective courses*

ONC 548 - Rotation in Oncology (3)

This course allows students to gain hands-on experience by rotations through specialty laboratories and/or by shadowing clinicians. Students can use the rotation opportunity to learn new techniques and or gain an understanding of the clinical aspects of their research project. The supervisor and supervisory committee create a custom rotation plan for the student. A grade is assigned based on a written report by the student, which is evaluated by the student's supervisory committee. This course can only be taken once, either during an MSc or during a PhD. Prerequisite: Enrollment in a participating graduate program. No specific courses are prerequisites. Permission from instructor required.

Section Instructor Day/Time Location
Sharon Gorski
BPK 851 - Recent Advances in Experimental Carcinogenesis (3)

This class will integrate current knowledge on the process of carcinogenesis in tissues in which cancer commonly occurs in North America. Discussions will focus on new techniques being developed to identify individuals at risk for cancer and new approaches being used to intervene to prevent development of the disease. Prerequisite: BPK (or KIN) 431.

MBB 746 - Cell Death and Cell Survival (3)

An examination of various types of cell death and cell survival mechanisms and their relationship to disease with a focus on cancer and therapeutic strategies.

Section Instructor Day/Time Location
Sharon Gorski
Jan 4 – Apr 7, 2017: Wed, Fri, 8:30–10:20 a.m.
MBB 762 - Human Genomics (3)

The organization of the human genome and the role of genomic variation in health and disease. Genomics and personalized medicine; intellectual property and privacy issues.

Section Instructor Day/Time Location
Robert Holt
Jan 4 – Apr 7, 2017: Tue, 2:30–4:20 p.m.
Jan 4 – Apr 7, 2017: Thu, 2:30–4:20 p.m.
BISC 834 - Essential Cell Biology (3)

Review of basic processes in cell biology including, but not limited to, cell adhesion/migration, cytoskeleton, endo/exocytosis, intracellular trafficking, signal transduction, ion homeostasis, energy generation, protein processing/apoptosis, post-translation modifications, genomics. A review of each topic will be followed by an introduction to cutting-edge work in this field. Prerequisite: Permission of the course co-ordinator.

HSCI 775 - Seminar in Molecular Mechanisms of Epigenetics (3)

Discussion of novel and advanced topics in chemical covalent modifications of chromatin that influence gene regulation. Prerequisite: MBB 331 or permission from the instructor.

HSCI 776 - Seminar in Molecular Basis of Drug Action and Environmental Exposure (3)

Topics in molecular biology-based research into pathologies of disease related to drug and environmental exposures will be discussed. Focus on systems pharmacology and the molecular determinants of drug and toxicant action as they relate to gene expression and signal transduction. Prerequisite: HSCI 323, MBB 331, or permission of the instructor.

Section Instructor Day/Time Location
Mark Labrecque
Jan 4 – Apr 7, 2017: Fri, 9:30 a.m.–12:20 p.m.
HSCI 778 - Seminar in Molecular Epidemiology of Infectious Diseases (3)

Application of modern molecular methods to epidemiological questions. Globally-relevant and emerging infectious diseases will be highlighted. The course will emphasize critical review of the current literature in the field. Prerequisite: BISC 303, 330, MBB 331, or permission from the instructor.

Section Instructor Day/Time Location
Zabrina Brumme
Jan 4 – Apr 7, 2017: Thu, 8:30–11:20 a.m.

*Note: Any relevant Special Topics course from any department may be included upon permission of the IOGS Steering Committee. Oncology related courses at other institutions may also be used to satisfy the elective requirement. Please consult with the Interdisciplinary Oncology Graduate Specialization Steering Committee for queries regarding course eligibility.

Entry with an MSc Degree:

Students who enter the IOGS program with a Master of Science (MSc) degree will complete the following courses:

MBB 801 - Student Seminar in Molecular Biology and Biochemistry I (3) *

Discussion of recent literature through student seminars and written reports. Introduction to professional skills for scientific careers.

MBB 806 - PhD Graduate Research Candidacy Examination (3) ++

Oral presentation and defense of a written PhD research proposal. Students will be examined on their knowledge relevant to the proposed research, capacity to complete the proposed thesis research (including any relevant preliminary results), and understanding of the broader field of study. All PhD students enrolled in the MBB PhD graduate program must take MBB 806. Prerequisite: Permission of the student's supervisory committee.

Section Instructor Day/Time Location
Nancy Hawkins
Peter Unrau
ONC 502 - Concepts in Oncology (3)

This course covers the biology and epidemiology of cancer and theories behind prevention, diagnosis and treatment of different types of cancer. A major goal of the course is to integrate knowledge and research on the biology of cancer with all disciplines in oncology. This course can only be taken once, either during an MSc or during a PhD. Prerequisite: Enrollment in a participating graduate program. No specific courses are prerequisites.

ONC 510 - Seminars in Oncology (3)

This course features cancer-related research by trainees and faculty at the BC Cancer Research Centre. Topics include recent developments in the molecular basis of oncogenesis, cancer bioinformatics, cancer epidemiology, cancer treatment and other clinical studies, and ethical issues. Students are required to present seminars on their research. Students undertaking the Interdisciplinary Oncology Graduate Specialization must enroll in this course throughout their entire time as a graduate student. This course can be taken twice, if a student does the Interdisciplinary Oncology Graduate Specialization (IOGS) as an MSc student, and also does it as a PhD student. Students who transfer from MSc to PhD would only take it once. Prerequisite: Enrollment in a participating graduate program. No specific courses are prerequisites.

Section Instructor Day/Time Location
Sharon Gorski

If a student has already completed the specialization as an MSc student, they may still enroll in the IOGS as a PhD student upon approval by the IOGS steering committee. Note that in this circumstance, ONC 510-3 must be taken for credit again in the PhD program, but ONC 502-3 cannot be taken again for credit.


The major portion of the PhD specialization program will be devoted to original research. An original Thesis which contributes to new knowledge must be presented and defended at the end of the degree program in accordance with ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV Graduate General Regulations. In addition, all MBB PhD candidates must present a public seminar on their research.

* If MBB 801 has already been completed, then a minimum three courses are required, i.e. MBB 806, ONC 502 and ONC 510.

+ enrol at the earliest opportunity following four terms of program enrolment

++ completed at the first opportunity following two terms of program enrolment

Academic Requirements within the Graduate General Regulations

All graduate students must satisfy the academic requirements that are specified in the , as well as the specific requirements for the program in which they are enrolled.