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Field Techniques in Hydrogeology EASC 603 (3)

This course is intended to complement the theoretical aspects of physical hydrogeology and aqueous geochemistry covered at an undergraduate (or early MSc) level by providing students with hands-on experience using hydrogeological equipment (data loggers, pumps, chemical sampling equipment), implementing sampling and testing protocols, and observing state-of-the-art monitoring and geophysical tools. The course entails preparatory research and data interpretation on the hydrogeology of the Fraser delta (including surficial geology, regional geochemistry and geophysical characteristics), a week at a hydrogeology field site on the Fraser River delta (early May), the extensive analysis and interpretation of data gathered during the field session complemented with regional data acquired during preliminary investigations, the development of a large-scale simulation model of the groundwater flow system at the site, and the completion of a comprehensive hydrogeological report. The course normally runs for about three weeks following spring session final examinations. Note: This course has limited enrollment. Prerequisite: Undergraduate courses in physical and chemical hydrogeology (or equivalent) and consent of the department.

Section Instructor Day/Time Location
Diana Allen