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| 間眅埶AV Calendar | Spring 2016

Sociology Graduate Co-operative Education Program

Program Requirements

In this program students gain work experience that complements their academic studies.

MA students in good standing with a minimum 3.0 GPA may apply after satisfactory completion of the following or equivalent.

SA 857 - Research Design Seminar (5)

Guides students through the process of designing a prospectus for MA or PhD thesis research. Required course for MA and PhD students in Sociology and Anthropology. Students from other departments and faculties may enrol with permission of instructor. Offered each summer term. Prerequisite: SA 856 or permission of instructor.

and one of

and one of

SA 853 - Readings in Sociology I (5)

Section Instructor Day/Time Location
SA 854 - Readings in Sociology II (5)

Section Instructor Day/Time Location
SA 871 - Readings in Anthropology I (5)

Section Instructor Day/Time Location
SA 872 - Readings in Anthropology II (5)

Section Instructor Day/Time Location

Supervisory committee recommendation and departmental graduate program committee approval to enter the co-op program is required.

Students may complete the traditional two separate work term co-op program, or the three consecutive work term co-op internship.

Arrangements for work terms are made through the faculty’s co-op co-ordinator at least one term prior.