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Petroleum Geology EASC 420 (3)

Elements of the petroleum system, including basin type, source rock origination, migration, and trapping mechanisms. Techniques used to identify and map potential hydrocarbon reservoirs in the subsurface, including geophysical methods, surface mapping, well log correlation, and core/chip sample descriptions will be discussed. This material will be presented in a context that demonstrates the life cycle of a hydrocarbon field from exploration (early), delineation (assessment), and production (mature) stages. Datasets available during different stages of development will be discussed in light of their pertinence to optimal reservoir performance. Prerequisite: EASC 304, 309.

Section Instructor Day/Time Location
Shahin Dashtgard
Jan 5 – Apr 11, 2016: Mon, 10:30 a.m.–12:20 p.m.
D101 Jan 5 – Apr 11, 2016: Wed, 10:30 a.m.–1:20 p.m.