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Molecular Biology and Biochemistry
This program provides advanced education and research training for a career in academia, industry or the public sector and emphasizes development of research skills in combination with relevant course work. The program is of interest to those wishing to use cutting edge laboratory and/or computational approaches to address research problems in biology, biochemistry or biomedical disciplines.
間眅埶AV Requirements
Applicants must have a bachelor's degree in a relevant discipline and should preferably have research experience. In addition, applicants must have found a senior supervisor who is willing to support their application. Applicants should contact faculty members directly to discuss their research interests and confirm the availability of funding and space in their research group. Only students having a proposed senior supervisor can be considered for admission to the program.
Program Requirements
Students must complete 12 units of graduate courses, including
Discussion of recent literature through student seminars and written reports. Introduction to professional skills for scientific careers.
and one unit of MBB colloquia by completing one of
Recent research articles on the molecular mechanisms underlying cellular activities will be presented and discussed by students and faculty, with an emphasis on critical analysis of the concepts and experimental design and methods. A student may not take more than 3 units of Cell and Molecular Biology Colloquium courses, including BISC 821, 822, 823. Prerequisite: BISC 331/MBB 331 or equivalent. Students who have taken BISC 821, 822 or 823 may not receive credit for this course.
Recent research articles on the molecular mechanisms underlying cellular activities will be presented and discussed by students and faculty, with an emphasis on critical analysis of the concepts and experimental design and methods. A student may not take more than 3 units of Cell and Molecular Biology Colloquium courses, including BISC 821, 822, 823. Prerequisite: BISC 331/MBB 331 or equivalent. Students who have taken BISC 821, 822 or 823 may not receive credit for this course.
Recent research articles on the molecular mechanisms underlying cellular activities will be presented and discussed by students and faculty, with an emphasis on critical analysis of the concepts and experimental design and methods. A student may not take more than 3 units of Cell and Molecular Biology Colloquium courses, including BISC 821, 822, 823. Prerequisite: BISC 331/MBB 331 or equivalent. Students who have taken BISC 821, 822 or 823 may not receive credit for this course.
Recent research articles on the structure, function, and interactions of macromolecules including proteins, nucleic acids, and lipids, as well as their complexes, will be presented and discussed by students and faculty, with an emphasis on critical analysis of the concepts and experimental design and methods. Prerequisite: BISC 331/MBB 331 or equivalent.
Recent research articles on the structure, function, and interactions of macromolecules including proteins, nucleic acids, and lipids, as well as their complexes, will be presented and discussed by students and faculty, with an emphasis on critical analysis of the concepts and experimental design and methods. Prerequisite: BISC 331/MBB 331 or equivalent.
Recent research articles on the structure, function, and interactions of macromolecules including proteins, nucleic acids, and lipids, as well as their complexes, will be presented and discussed by students and facuty, with an emphasis on critical analysis of the concepts and experimental design and methods. Prerequisite: BISC 331/MBB 331 or equivalent.
and another eight units selected from other graduate courses, chosen in consultation with the supervisory committee and which can include appropriate courses from MBB and/or other departments. Two of these eight units can come from colloquia and/or journal clubs, with journal clubs being completed as one-unit directed readings courses.
Students must maintain a minimum GPA of 3.0.
Students are expected to attend the Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry research seminar series and participate regularly in a journal club. Journal clubs are discussion groups that focus on the current research literature, and can be in the form of the MBB colloquia, or informal groups consisting of the members of one or more research laboratories.
A major part of the program is original research. A thesis describing the research is submitted and defended in accordance with Graduate General Regulations.
Academic Requirements within the Graduate General Regulations
All graduate students must satisfy the academic requirements that are specified in the (residence, course work, academic progress, supervision, research competence requirement, completion time, and degree completion), as well as the specific requirements for the program in which they are enrolled, as shown above.