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Health and Fitness Studies
This program provides a co-ordinated program of study on a full or part-time basis in the areas of health, fitness and nutrition, and provides basic knowledge in the functions of the healthy human body at rest and during physical exertion. The program is useful to those supervising training and/or fitness programs, to sport coaches, and to the general public.
間眅埶AV Requirements
間眅埶AV is governed by the University’s admissions regulations. After University admission, submission of a completed program approval form to the biomedical physiology & kinesiology academic advisor is required for formal acceptance in the program.
The certificate is normally completed within five years of admission to the certificate program.
Units applied to one certificate may not be applied to another certificate or diploma.
Prerequisite and Required Course Grades
Students enrolling in in biomedical physiology and kinesiology courses must have a grade of C- or better in prerequisite courses. Students enrolled in this certificate program must have a grade of C- or better in all required courses.
Program Requirements
Students must have a minimum 2.00 grade point average (GPA) calculated on all required courses.
Students complete one of
Basic anatomy and physiology of the skeletal, muscular, nervous, endocrine, cardio-respiratory, urinary, digestive, immune, and reproductive systems. (distance education). Kinesiology majors and honors students may not receive credit for BPK 105. BPK or KIN 205 or 208 may be used as a substitute for BPK 105 by students in the Kinesiology Minor and Certificate programs. No student may take both BPK (or KIN) 105 and BPK (or KIN) 208 for credit. Recommended: Grade 11 biology, chemistry and physics. Students who have taken KIN 105 cannot repeat this course for credit.
An introductory survey of human physiology with an emphasis on mechanisms of regulation and integration. Anatomy of structures will be detailed only when it is critical to a functional understanding. Although this is intended as a survey course, some topics will be covered in reasonable detail in order to give insight into mechanisms of function. BPK (or KIN) 208 may not be used as a substitute for BPK (or KIN) 205 by students in the Kinesiology Major and Honors programs. Kinesiology majors and honors students who have taken BPK (or KIN) 105 must also take BPK (or KIN) 205. For students taking both of these courses, credit will only be given for BPK (or KIN) 205. Prerequisite: BISC 101, CHEM 281, PHYS 101 and 102. Students with credit for KIN 205 may not take this course for further credit.
An introduction to anatomy and physiological function of the major human systems, from a biomedical engineering perspective. Normally only available to students in the Biomedical Engineering Program. KIN 208 may be used as a substitute for KIN 105 by students in the Kinesiology Minor and Certificate programs. Kinesiology Major and Honors students may not receive credit for BPK 208. No student may take both BPK (or KIN) 105 and BPK (or KIN) 208 for credit, or both BPK (or KIN) 205 and BPK (or KIN) 208 for credit. Corequisite: CHEM 180. Students with credit for KIN 208 may not take this course for further credit.
and all of
An introduction of the principles of human nutrition with an emphasis on topics of current interest. The material is presented in a Canadian context to focus on nutrition practices and problems in this country. Students will gain an understanding of factors affecting food selection and the role of nutrition in maintaining good health. Students will develop the ability to discriminate between reliable and unreliable information on the subject of food and nutrition. Students with credit for KIN 110 may not take BPK 110 for further credit. Breadth-Science.
Explores health from a holistic perspective, in which health is viewed as physical, psychological, and social well-being. Considers genetics, environment, personal health behaviors (such as diet, exercise, stress management, and drug use), socioeconomic status, health care delivery systems, and aging with the intent to improve students' abilities to evaluate health information. Students with credit for KIN 140 may not take this course for further credit. Breadth-Science.
Basic procedures for the assessment of the status and performance of the individual according to the principles of anthropometry, functional anatomy, biomechanics, exercise physiology, and motor learning. Recommended: grade 11 biology, chemistry and physics. Students with credit for KIN 142 may not take this course for further credit. Breadth-Science.
Introduces the student to exercise physiology. Focuses on personal exercise prescription to improve aerobic capacity, muscular strength and endurance, and flexibility. Also discusses athletic conditioning, e.g. speed and power training. The effects of nutritional and environmental factors on exercise and the role of exercise in weight control and stress management are considered. Recommended: medical clearance from a personal physician. Students with credit for KIN 143 may not take this course for further credit. Breadth-Science.
and one of
An extension of BPK (or KIN) 143, Exercise Management, this course parallels the on-campus course BPK (or KIN) 343. This course is designed for students completing the health and fitness certificate and/or a kinesiology minor. The goal of the course is to provide students with an opportunity to appreciate principles of exercise leadership, assess individual fitness needs, design programs and monitor effects of prescribed exercise. This course is available only through distance education. Kinesiology majors and honors students may not receive credit for BPK (or KIN) 342. Prerequisite: BPK (or KIN) 105 (or 205), 142 and 143. Students with credit for KIN 342 or BPK (or KIN) 343 may not take this course for further credit.
An extension of BPK (or KIN) 143, Exercise Management, designed to provide students with an opportunity to appreciate principles of exercise leadership, assess individual fitness needs, design programs and monitor effects of prescribed exercise. The course includes a 34 hour practicum. Prerequisite: BPK (or KIN) 142, 143 and 205; STAT 201 or an equivalent statistics course, BPK (or KIN) 340 (may be taken concurrently). Students must successfully complete a Criminal Record Check prior to enrolling. Students with credit for BPK (or KIN) 342 or KIN 343 may not take this course for further credit. Quantitative.
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Students are introduced to basic concepts in human motor systems underlying goal-direction movement. Topics including the problems of planning/control of movements, the role of the nervous system in integrating sensory and motor systems to produce movement, and motor learning are discussed. Taught from a behavioral and neurophysiological perspective and explores psychological influences on motor control. Research from a variety of distinct areas is integrated to provide a coherent picture of our understanding of human motor systems. Prerequisite: BPK (or KIN) 142 or permission of instructor. Students with credit for KIN 207 may not take this course for further credit.
Includes delineation of the role of the sports therapist and will study the structural and functional characteristics of the body with regard to the prevention of injury in sport. A first aid approach to athletic injuries will be developed with practical experience in routine treatments. Prerequisite: BPK (or KIN) 142. Students with credit for KIN 241 may not take this course for further credit.
A study of human size, shape, proportion, composition, maturation and gross function related to basic concepts of growth, exercise, performance and nutrition. Prerequisite: BPK (or KIN) 105 or 142, and STAT 201 or an equivalent statistics course. Students with credit for KIN 303 may not take this course for further credit.
The study of human physiological responses and adaptations to acute and chronic exercise/work. Cardiorespiratory, cellular and metabolic adaptations will be studied and discussed in detail. Prerequisite: BPK (or KIN) 205, MBB 201 (or 231). Recommended: BPK (or KIN) 201. Students with credit for KIN 310 may not take this course for further credit.
This course examines the theory and application of nutrition for fitness and sport. Students will study issues around dietary practices commonly promoted for performance enhancement, including mechanisms, effectiveness, risks and regulations. Students will learn skills for critical evaluation of nutrition research and nutrition claims, and will employ these in several small group projects investigating specific nutrition issues and products. Prerequisite: BPK (or KIN) 105 (or 205), and 110. Students with credit for KIN 312 or BPK (or KIN) 424 may not take this course for further credit.
For students interested in physical education, health science professions and liberal arts. Brief discussions on applied anatomy, aging, common dysfunctions and diseases enable students to appreciate the relationship between structure and function. Available only through correspondence, this course will not be counted as an upper level optional course for a major in kinesiology. Prerequisite: BPK (or KIN) 142 & either BPK (or KIN)105 w/ a grade of C or higher) or BPK (or KIN) 205. Students with credit for BPK (or KIN) 324 or BPK (or KIN) 326 or KIN 325 may not take this course for further credit.
Relationships among health, physical activity, and other health-associated behaviors are examined. In addition, the theories and models of health behavior, in the context of intervention and promotion strategies, are discussed. Pertinent background information is provided, concerning the influence of fitness on various disease states, as well as the epidemiology of health and exercise behaviors. Prerequisite: BPK (or KIN) 142, STAT 201 (or PSYC 201). Recommended: BPK (or KIN) 140. Students with credit for KIN 340 may not take this course for further credit.
The fundamentals of physiological growth and development from conception to maturity. Topics included form a strong foundation for those interested in designing appropriate activity programs for children of all ages. Prerequisite: BPK (or KIN) 105 or 205, and 142. Students with credit for KIN 375 may not take this course for further credit.
Designed for those who require a serious but fairly broad discussion of specific physiological aspects of aging. The overall emphasis is on humans and other mammalian species and the varieties of aging changes they manifest. Prerequisite: BPK (or KIN) 105 or 205 (formerly KIN 100), 142 and 90 units. Students with credit for KIN 461 may not repeat this course for credit.
* available by distance education
+ courses have additional prerequisites