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| 間眅埶AV Calendar | Spring 2014

Nuclear Science Minor

This program is offered jointly by the Departments of Chemistry and Physics.

Minimum Grade Requirement

Students wishing to enrol in physics courses must obtain a C- grade or better in prerequisite courses.

Program Requirements

Students complete a total of 14 upper division units, chosen from

CHEM 482 - Directed Study in Advanced Topics of Chemistry (3)

Directed reading in a topic chosen in consultation with a supervisor. 間眅埶AV requires selection of a faculty supervisor and submission of a study topic to the department a least one month prior to the start of the term in which the course will be taken. Prerequisite: Permission of the department. Normally taken during the fourth year of study.

NUSC 341 - Introduction to Radiochemistry (3)

Brief description of the nucleus and its decays and reactions; interaction of radiation with matter; nuclear instrumentation; radioisotopes in chemistry; activation analysis and related analytical techniques; other applications of nuclear techniques; nuclear reactors and nuclear fusion. Prerequisite: Completion of 60 units in a science program, including first year calculus, chemistry and physics. Quantitative.

NUSC 342 - Introduction to Nuclear Science (3)

Review of nuclear properties and systematics. Properties of the nuclear force; shell model and structure of complex nuclei, nuclear decay via particle emission and spontaneous fission; experimental description of nuclear reactions; nucleon-nucleus and heavy ion reactions. Prerequisite: NUSC 341 or permission of the department. Recommended: MATH 251. Quantitative.

NUSC 344 - Nucleosynthesis and Distribution of the Elements (3)

Formation and distribution of the chemical elements in the early universe, in present stellar environments and in the solar system; elemental abundances and isotopic ratios; and radiometric chronology techniques. Prerequisite: Completion of 60 units in a science program, including first year calculus, chemistry and physics. Quantitative.

NUSC 346 - Radiochemistry Laboratory (2)

Introduction to the techniques of radiochemistry; proportional and Geiger counters; sample preparations and half-life measurement; synthesis and separation of labelled compounds; beta and gamma-ray spectroscopy. Prerequisite: NUSC 341. Quantitative.

NUSC 444 - Special Topics in Nuclear Science (3)

Advanced topics in nuclear science. Prerequisite: NUSC 342 or 442, or permission of the department.

PHYS 385 - Quantum Mechanics I (3)

Wave mechanics and the Schroedinger equation, the harmonic oscillator, introduction to Dirac notation, angular momentum and spin, the hydrogen atom, atomic structure, time-independent perturbation theory, atomic spectra, and applications. Prerequisite: MATH 252 or 254; PHYS 285 or ENSC 380 or CHEM 260. Corequisite: PHYS 211; MATH 310. Quantitative.

PHYS 485 - Particle Physics (3)

Physics of elementary particles. Symmetries, strong interactions, electromagnetic interactions, weak interaction. Prerequisite: PHYS 385 or CHEM 464 or permission of the department. Recommended: PHYS 380. Students with credit for NUSC 485 may not take this course for further credit. Quantitative.

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