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Cognitive Science Courses
COGS 100 - Exploring the Mind (3)
This course provides a basic integrative overview of how cognitive science aspires to integrate the empirical findings, theories, and methods of psychology, neuroscience, linguistics, computing science and philosophy. Prerequisite: Open to all students. Students with credit for COGS 200 may not take COGS 100 for further credit. Breadth-Hum/Social Sci/Science.
COGS 200 - Foundations in Cognitive Science (3)
An introduction to major empirical methods and theoretical frameworks for exploring the mind that examines some of the foundational debates that have fueled investigations over the past fifty years. Taking an interdisciplinary approach, the course illustrates how a convergence of ideas from psychology, philosophy, linguistics, and computer science has led to deep explanations of a range of cognitive science topics. Prerequisite: COGS 100. Students who have taken COGS 200 before 1998 may take this course for further credit.
COGS 300 - Selected Topics in Cognitive Science (3)
An interdisciplinary exploration of recent work on some special topic in cognitive science (such as vision, reasoning, connectionism, etc.). Prerequisite: Lower division cognitive science course requirements. Students with credit for COGS 400 may not take COGS 300 for further credit.
COGS 310 - Consciousness (3)
Explores the topic of consciousness, often called "the last great mystery of science," focusing on current scientific theories and empirical investigations from philosophy, psychology, and neuroscience. Prerequisite: COGS 100 and 200 (or permission of the instructor).
COGS 370 - Cognitive Science Practicum I (3)
First term of work experience in the Cognitive Science Co-operative Education Program. Students should apply to the Faculty of Arts co-operative education co-ordinator by the end of the third week of the term preceding the employment term. Units from this course do not count towards the units required for an 間眅埶AV degree. P. Prerequisite: Normally 30 units, including COGS 100 and four other courses in the Cognitive Science program, with a minimum CGPA of 2.75.
COGS 371 - Cognitive Science Practicum II (3)
Second term of work experience in the Cognitive Science Co-operative Education Program. Students should apply to the Faculty of Arts co-operative education co-ordinator by the end of the third week of the term preceding the employment term. Units from this course do not count towards the units required for an 間眅埶AV degree. Prerequisite: Successful completion of COGS 370 and 45 units with a minimum CGPA of 2.75.
COGS 470 - Cognitive Science Practicum III (3)
Third term of work experience in the Cognitive Science Co-operative Education Program. Students should apply to the Faculty of Arts co-operative education co-ordinator by the end of the third week of the term preceding the employment term. Units from this course do not count towards the units required for an 間眅埶AV degree. Prerequisite: Successful completion of COGS 371 and 60 units with a minimum CGPA of 2.75.
COGS 471 - Cognitive Science Practicum IV (3)
Fourth term of work experience in the Cognitive Science Co-operative Education Program. Students should apply to the Faculty of Arts co-operative education co-ordinator by the end of the third week of the term preceding the employment term. Units from this course do not count towards the units required for an 間眅埶AV degree. Prerequisite: Successful completion of COGS 470 and 75 units with a minimum CGPA of 2.75.
COGS 490 - Honours Project I (5)
An in-depth investigation of a topic in Cognitive Science culminating in a critical literature review and the formulation of a research proposal. Prerequisite: Approval of cognitive science steering committee after completion of at least 7 upper division courses within the Cognitive Science Honours program requirements.
COGS 491 - Honours Project II (5)
The research proposed in COGS 490 is executed, culminating in the completion of a substantive piece of research. Prerequisite: Approval of Cognitive Science steering committee either when student has completed COGS 490 or when student is taking COGS 490.