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| 間眅埶AV Calendar | Fall 2013

Environmental Literacy


The program addresses the need for undergraduate students from a broad range of disciplines to have a basic understanding of the complexity and interdisciplinarity of environmental issues. It seeks to introduce students to physical, ecological, and social perspectives on the environment, with emphasis on the functioning of physical and ecological systems and how human activities have affected and are affected by such systems over time. Typically, the program will also provide students with knowledge of environmental issues as they pertain to their own field of study.

The program will require students to complete a total of 21 units, comprised of 12 lower division units and a minimum of nine lower and/or upper division units depending upon electives taken. These requirements include three introductory environmental courses (one physical, one ecological and one social science); one course introducing students to the complexity and interdisciplinarity of the environment issues; and a minimum of 9 units of electives chosen from one of the three elective groups.

Earned units may be applied to the student's major or minor programs, and to a bachelor's degree. However, units earned in the certificate cannot be applied to another 間眅埶AV certificate or diploma.

Students in the following environmental specialty programs will be ineligible to receive the certificate:

  • (bachelor of science)
  • (bachelor of arts)
  • (bachelor of arts)

Program Requirements

Students complete at least 21 units, of which 12 units are required core courses and the remaining nine units are selected from one of the electives groups.

Students are responsible for meeting the prerequisite requirements for courses used toward the certificate.

Core Courses

Students complete a minimum of 21 units, including all of

ENV 222 - Environmental Controversy: An interdisciplinary study of environmental issues (3)

Through lecture, field experiences, guest presentations and group projects, students will explore the complexity within a number of key environmental controversies, exploring its scientific, social, cultural, ethical, legal and personal aspects. Prerequisite: Two of the following: GEOG 102 or REM 100 and EVSC 100 or GEOG 111. Students who have received credit for ENV 399 (Environmental Controversy) can not receive credit for ENV 222.

GEOG 111 - Earth Systems (3)

An introduction to landforms, climates, soils and vegetation; their origins, distributions, interrelationships and roles in the ecosystem. Laboratory work and field trips are included. Breadth-Science.

and one of

BISC 204 - Introduction to Ecology (3)

An introduction to biotic-environmental relationships and dynamics; ecological concepts; population dynamics, variation, adaptation and evolution. Prerequisite: BISC 101 and 102 with a grade of C- or better. Students with credit for GEOG 215 may not take this course for further credit.

GEOG 215 - Biogeography (3)

An examination of the abiotic and biotic factors that control the distribution and development of plant communities, including climatic and geological change. Prerequisite: GEOG 111. Students with credit for BISC 204 may not take this course for further credit.

and one of

GEOG 102 - World Problems in Geographic Perspective (3)

Current world-scale problems are examined in their regional and global contexts, with emphasis being placed on the importance of dynamics of the natural environment in human affairs. Breadth-Social Sciences.

REM 100 - Global Change (3)

This course provides students with an overview of global environmental change and its causes from a social science perspective, historically and at the present time. Population growth, an increasing ecological footprint and changes in ideology, social organization, economy and technology will be critically reviewed. New ways of thinking in natural and social science will be considered in relation to specific issues such as land, soil and food; energy, raw materials and solid waste; air pollution and transportation; water, oceans and fisheries; climate change; forestry and biodiversity; urbanization, and alternative futures. Breadth-Social Sciences. Equivalent Courses: ENPL100. Breadth-Social Sciences.

Elective Groups

Students complete a minimum of 9 units from one of the groups of electives.

Social and Historical (Group A)

ARCH 329 - Special Topics in Environmental Archaeology (3)

Select topics relating to environmental archaeology. Prerequisite: ARCH 201.

ARCH 340 - Zooarchaeology (5)

An introduction to the study of animal remains from archaeological sites. Coverage of the major concepts and methods used in the study of animal remains and detailed practical coverage of the vertebrate skeleton. Prerequisite: ARCH 201.

ARCH 365 - Archaeological Perspectives on Human Ecology (3)

Examines methods, theories, and concepts for understanding how past cultures interacted with their bio-physical surroundings. Integrates diverse kinds of data and knowledge to understand these relationships. Topics to be addressed include local and traditional ecological knowledge, paleoenvironmental reconstruction, human-environment interaction, human-induced environmental changes, paleodiet, and domestication. Prerequisite: ARCH 201; or any two of ARCH 100, REM 100, GEOG 100, EVSC 100; and 45 credits.

ARCH 386 - Archaeological Resource Management (3)

Surveys the origins, implementations, and need for archaeological heritage legislation on an international and national scale. Topical issues associated with contract archaeology, public archaeology, native heritage, and avocational societies are incorporated. Prerequisite: ARCH 201.

ARCH 390 - Archaeobotany (5)

An introduction to the recovery and analysis of macroscopic archaeological plant remains. The major methodological and interpretive issues in archaeobotany will be covered, with an emphasis on plant domestication in selected regions of the world. Prerequisite: REQ-ARCH 201 and either ARCH 272/272W or 273.

ENV 320W - Ethics and the Environment (3)

An introduction to the field of environmental ethics for non-specialists. Addresses questions such as what obligations we have to future generations and the natural world, as well as the extent of these obligations. Prerequisite: Students must have earned at least 45 units. Students who have taken PHIL 333-3 or ENV 399-3 "Special Topics in Environmental Ethics" prior to or in 2011 and students with credit in PHIL 328-3 may not enroll in this course for further credit. Philosophy Majors and Minors may not take this course for credit towards their major or minor degree. Writing.

FNST 212 - Indigenous Perceptions of Landscape (3)

Indigenous peoples of North America possess perceptions of landscape rooted in their long history with the land. Using methods and theories designed for anthropology, archaeology, land and resource management planning and geography will bring a multi-disciplinary approach to this study of cultural landscapes. Prerequisite: FNST 101 or 201.

FNST 332 - Ethnobotany of British Columbia First Nations (3)

This course is an introduction to the study of plant knowledge and use by First Nations peoples in British Columbia. It provides students with information about the role of plants in First Nations' cultures including such areas as foods, medicines, technology, ceremony, ecological indicators, and within First Nations' knowledge and classification systems. Special focus may be placed on the ethnobotany of one or more Aboriginal groups or culture areas. Prerequisite: FNST 101 or by permission of the department. Breadth-Science.

FNST 403 - Indigenous Knowledge in the Modern World (3)

This course explores the subject of traditional indigenous knowledge and its contemporary implications for First Nations programs in such areas as economic development, ecotourism, spiritualism, language retention, biodiversity, ethnoscience, environmentalism, and heritage conservation. First Nations perspectives on patents, copyrights, and other creative products from traditional culture will also be examined through lecture, guest speakers and seminar presentation. Prerequisite: Prerequisite: FNST 201 or by permission of the department.

FNST 433 - Indigenous Environmental Activism (4)

Examines contemporary writings regarding indigenous environmental logic and environmental concerns of contemporary times. Studies effects of resource extraction upon indigenous nations, globalization, genetic modifications, health, intellectual property, spiritual beliefs, culture and society, art and language and compares these with specific indigenous logic at the time of contact. Prerequisite: 45 units.

GEOG 322 - World Resources (4)

An analysis of the use and development of natural resources from a geographic, economic and institutional perspective. Prerequisite: At least 30 units including GEOG 221. Students with credit for GEOG 322W may not take this course for further credit.

GEOG 362 - Geography of Urban Built Environments (4)

Current concepts and approaches in urban geography regarding the development of built environments. Central concerns are the relationships between urbanization and the state, capital, and civil society at various scales. Prerequisite: At least 30 units, including one of GEOG 221, 241, or 261. Students with credit for GEOG 362W may not take this course for further credit.

GEOG 377 - Environmental History (4)

Examines the reciprocal influences between humans and nature through time. Topics may include settlement, agriculture, technology, politics, urbanization, science, and conservation. Prerequisite: 45 units with nine of lower division Geography units. Students with credit for HIST 377 may not take this course for further credit.

GEOG 385 - Agriculture and the Environment (4)

An examination of the relationship between agricultural production systems and the biophysical environment, with emphasis on the origins of, and potential solutions to, agri-environmental degradation. Prerequisite: GEOG 221.

GEOG 389W - Nature and Society (4)

Examines the relationship between nature and society, covering the dominant geographical approaches to human-environment interaction, and their social, spatial, and political economic effects. Prerequisite: GEOG 221 or GEOG 241 (Students who received credit for EVSC 200 before 2011 may use it to meet the prerequisite requirement for this course). Writing.

HIST 377 - Environmental History (4)

Examines the reciprocal influences between humans and nature through time. Topics may include settlement, agriculture, technology, politics, urbanization, science, and conservation. Prerequisite: 45 units including nine units of lower division History. Students with credit for GEOG 377 may not take this course for further credit.

HSCI 216 - Ecological Determinants of Human Growth, Development and Health (3)

Effects that social and ecological factors have on human growth, development and health. Challenges such as epidemics, natural catastrophes, industrialization, globalization, migration, poverty, war, global warming, etc, leading to evolution and adaptations. Relationships between socio-ecological challenges, their health consequences and related gene-population variations and effects on growth, development, sexual maturation, reproductive investment, and senescence and health. Prerequisite: HSCI 100 or BISC 101.

HSCI 304 - Perspectives on Environmental Health (3)

Environmental risks and the impact of human activity on health. Chemical and biological hazards. Methodological approaches to their detection, assessment, management, and mitigation. Prerequisite: Two HSCI 200-level courses one of which may be taken concurrently.

HSCI 309 - Health and the Built Environment (3)

Relationships between the physical environment in which people live and their health and well being. How the built environment affects physical activity, obesity, exposure to pathogens and toxins, health status, mental health, and risk of illness and injury. How urban form, physical infrastructure, and landscape and building design can promote health. Prerequisite: 60 units including one HSCI course. Students with credit for HSCI 403 may not complete this course for credit.

HUM 325 - The Humanities and the Natural World (4)

A study of the humanistic, scientific, political, and ideological discourses deriving from concern with the natural environment. Using classic and contemporary sources, this course examines the interaction of humans with the non-human world, and includes such topics as human communities and nature, the immersion of the individual in nature, nature and the human habitat. Prerequisite: 45 units. Breadth-Humanities.

PHIL 328 - Environmental Ethics (3)

A survey of contemporary issues in environmental ethics. Topics may include: animal rights, the intrinsic value of nature, 'deep ecology', obligations to future generations, conservation, environmental justice, as well as relevant background materials in ethical theory. Prerequisite: one of PHIL 120W, 220 or ENV 320. Students who have complete PHIL 318 may not take this course for further credit.

SA 326 - Ecology and Social Thought (S) (4)

An examination of recent social thought that is concerned with environmental and ecological themes. It will address a selection from the following themes: technology evaluation; technology and science as ideology; ecology and social inequality; the concepts of ecosystem, environment and wilderness; the self-world relationship; politics of environmental uses; environment and the economy. Prerequisite: SA 101 or 150 or 201W.

SA 371 - The Environment and Society (SA) (4)

An examination of environmental issues in their social context. Environmental issues are on the leading edge of contemporary public concern and public policy debates. This course will examine such issues as the relationship between social organization and mode of subsistence, the politics of hunger, and the way in which human societies in their particular social, historical, and cultural contexts view and interact with the natural world. Prerequisite: SA 101 or 150 or 201W.

Natural Science (Group B)

BISC 304 - Animal Ecology (3)

A study of the interrelationships of animals and their physical and biotic environment. Prerequisite: BISC 101, 102 and 204 with a grade of C- or better. Students with credit for BISC 304W may not repeat this course for further credit.

BISC 309 - Conservation Biology (3)

An examination of the primary threats to biodiversity, how biological processes contribute to the persistence of populations and structure of communities, and species and landscape approaches to conservation in the real world. Prerequisite: BISC 204 with a grade of C- or better. Students who have taken BISC 474 in Spring 2006 or BISC 475 in Spring 2008 as special topics courses titled 'Conservation Ecology' cannot take this course for further credit.

BISC 313 - Environmental Toxicology (3)

This course introduces students to basic principles of toxicology and several classes of widely encountered environmental pollutants. Emphasis is on toxicology as an interdisciplinary science. This course is a prereq for all advanced toxicology courses. Prerequisite: MBB 231 with a grade of C- or better.

CHEM 191 - Living in a Materials World: From the Stone Age to Nanoscience (3)

A survey of materials that have been used throughout human history, from stone, bone and wood to modern plastics and superconductors. The chemical principles that give rise to different materials' properties will be examined, with an emphasis of how small changes at the molecular level can have important implications in everyday life. Issues of sustainability and the environmental impact of materials will be discussed. Intended for both science and non-science students. Quantitative/Breadth-Science.

CHEM 192 - Chemistry in Your Home, Work, and Environment (3)

The impact of chemistry on modern living. Students will gain a broad perspective on chemical processes with historical, environmental and economic importance in shaping society, examining both the beneficial and harmful aspects of the chemicals that shape our lives. Topics may include: perfumes, explosives, drugs, dyes, plastics, pesticides and greenhouse gases. Intended for both science and non-science students. Quantitative/Breadth-Science. Prerequisite: . Quantitative/Breadth-Science.

CHEM 317 - Analytical Environmental Chemistry (2)

Principles and applications of the methodologies of analytical chemistry employed in the determination of substances in air, water, and soil, with particular emphasis upon sampling and sample preparation. Prerequisite: CHEM 316 and 371. Corequisite: CHEM 372 should be taken concurrently. Quantitative.

CHEM 371 - Chemistry of the Aqueous Environment (3)

An introduction to chemical processes in the aqueous environment. Quantitative treatment of the variables determining the composition of natural systems. Chemistry of aqueous toxic agents, wastewater treatment, and related matters. Prerequisite: CHEM 281 and CHEM 360. Quantitative.

CHEM 372 - Chemistry of the Atmospheric Environment (3)

Quantitative treatment of chemical and physical processes in the atmospheric environment. Chemistry of the troposphere including air pollution and climate change. Chemistry of the stratosphere including ozone depletion. Environmental radioactivity. Current topics. Prerequisite: CHEM 281 and CHEM 360. Quantitative.

EASC 104 - Geohazards - Earth in Turmoil (3)

An introduction to the range of geological hazards that affect the Earth, the environment and humanity. Topics covered will include the hazards and risks related to volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, landslides and avalanches, tsunamis, geomagnetic storms and other potentially cataclysmic events. The forecasting and possible mitigation of these geohazards will also be investigated. Students with credit for GEOG 312-4 may not take this course for additional credit. Students may not take EASC 104 for credit towards EASC major or minor program requirements. Breadth-Science. Prerequisite: REQ-Students with credit for GEOG 312-4 may not take this course for additional credit. Breadth-Science.

EASC 107 - Economic Geological Resources (3)

An overview of the Earth's major economic resources of the Earth for non-Earth Science majors or minors. Background will be provided on major Earth processes which cause significant natural resources including metallic resources, hydrocarbon and other energy resources, industrial mineral and groundwater resources. Much of the focus will be on the changing nature of how resources have been found and exploited through history and how this may evolve in the near to distant future. Students may not use EASC 107 for credit towards earth sciences major or minor program requirements. Breadth-Science. Breadth-Science.

EASC 209W - Environmental Geoscience (3)

Environmental geology is a branch of Earth Science that deals with the relationship of people to their geological habitat. Topics covered will include environmental impact of mineral extraction and logging; erosion and sedimentation in rural and urban environments; and mass movements in mountainous terrain. The course includes two 1-day field trips that usually occur on Saturdays. This course is primarily designed for EASC program students and those pursuing degrees in other Departments and Faculties that require a strong foundational course in Environmental Geoscience. Prerequisite: EASC 101. Students with credits for EASC 303W may not take this course for credit. Writing.

EASC 304 - Hydrogeology (3)

An introduction to the basic concepts and principles governing the flow of groundwater in the subsurface environment. These are used to develop an understanding of aquifers and their physical properties, groundwater sustainability and management, and interaction of groundwater with surface water. In addition, as a foundation course in fluids in geologic media, this course has relevance to the oil and gas and mining industries, as well as to engineering applications such as dewatering. Prerequisite: EASC 101 and PHYS 102 or 121 or 126 or 141; and 12 additional units in earth sciences, physical geography or environmental science. Quantitative.

EASC 314 - Principles of Glaciology (3)

An introduction to the study of ice in the modem environment from a geophysical perspective, with a focus on glaciers and ice sheets. Topics include the physical and chemical properties of ice, glacier mass and energy balance, glacier and ice-sheet hydraulics and dynamics, fast ice flow and the relationship between ice and climate. Prerequisite: 60 units, including MATH 152, PHYS 102 or 121 or 126 or 141, and any 100-level EASC course or permission of the instructor. Recommended: EASC 101. Quantitative.

EVSC 100 - Introduction to Environmental Science (3)

Introduces students to the discipline of environmental science. Lecture material will be complemented by case studies and guest speakers. Students who have completed EVSC 200 may not complete this course for further credit. Breadth-Science.

GEOG 213 - Introduction to Geomorphology (3)

An examination of landforms, processes, laws, and theories of development; types and distributions. Prerequisite: GEOG 111 or EASC 101.

GEOG 214 - Weather and Climate (3)

An examination of the basic principles and processes governing the Earth's weather and climate. Topics include: radiation, greenhouse effect, clouds, precipitation, atmospheric circulation, mid-latitude cyclones, tropical storms, climate change. Prerequisite: GEOG 111. Quantitative.

GEOG 311 - Hydrology (4)

Introduction to the hydrologic cycle, with an emphasis on the hydrology of British Columbia; description and analysis of the processes of water movement and storage measurements and analysis of hydrologic data. Prerequisite: GEOG 213 or 214; GEOG 251 or one of STAT 101, 201, 203 (formerly 103), or 270. Quantitative.

GEOG 312 - Geography of Natural Hazards (4)

An introduction to the occurrence and origin of natural hazards such as volcanic eruptions, landslides, etc. Interaction between the relevant natural processes and society will be examined, as well as prediction of natural events and the amelioration of the effects of such events within different cultural contexts. Prerequisite: GEOG 111 or EASC 101. Students with credit for GEOG 212 may not take this course for further credit.

GEOG 313 - River Geomorphology (4)

Intermediate analysis in fluvial and coastal geomorphology with particular reference to British Columbia. Prerequisite: GEOG 213. Quantitative.

GEOG 314 - The Climate System (4)

A survey of the climate system, with emphasis on the interactions among its components; radiation, energy and water balances; climate sensitivity and feedbacks; natural and anthropogenic climate change; climate models. Prerequisite: GEOG 214. Recommended: MATH 151 and 152 or MATH 154 and 155 or MATH 157 and 158. Quantitative.

GEOG 315 - World Ecosystems (4)

Distribution, structure, function, and dynamics of the world's major biomes. Attention to comparative aspects among terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems and to environmental problems associated with the biomes. Prerequisite: GEOG 215 or BISC 204.

GEOG 316 - Global Biogeochemical and Water Cycles (4)

Introduction to the cycling of essential chemical elements through ecosystems. Interactions among biological, hydrological, and geological controls on the structure and function of ecosystems and the spatial-temporal scales of elemental cycling are emphasized. Environmental problems resulting from disturbance to natural equilibria in the elemental cycles are examined. Prerequisite: GEOG 215 or BISC 204 or permission of the instructor. Quantitative.

GEOG 318 - Soils in Our Environment (4)

A survey of soils and their management. Focuses on the role of soils in the environment; their physical, chemical and biological properties; processes of degradation (including erosion, desertification, pollution, and nutrient depletion); and the maintenance of healthy soils. Prerequisite: Completion of 45 units including GEOG 111. Students who have taken GEOG 317 may not take this course for further credit. Breadth-Science.

PHYS 346 - Energy and the Environment (3)

The physical principles and limitations of renewable energy source utilization and energy conversion. A quantitative introduction to energy conversion and storage systems, including solar power and heating; wind, tidal, geothermal, hydroelectric and nuclear power, hydrogen technology, electrical and mechanical energy storage. Prerequisite: CHEM 120 or 121; PHYS 102 or 121 or 126 or 141; and MATH 155 or 152. Quantitative.

Environmental Management (Group C)

BUS 453 - Sustainable Innovation (3)

Challenges associated with continuing innovation are examined and students work to generate innovative solutions by challenging existing economic models. Students learn about sustainable opportunity, recognition, and screening, and understand how great ideas to 'save the plant' can get off the ground. Prerequisite: BUS 360W; 60 units. Students with credit for BUS 494 when offered as Sustainable Innovation may not complete this course for further credit.

BUS 489 - Management Practices for Sustainability (3)

Businesses are realigning and in some cases, reinventing their organizations toward more sustainable business models. Management systems and initiatives will be examined that enable organizations to reduce their firms' negative environmental and social impacts while, in many cases, increasing profits and competitive advantage. Prerequisite: BUS 360W and 374; 60 units. Students who have taken BUS 457 cannot take this course for further credit.

CMNS 349 - Environment, Media and Communication (4)

An examination of how media, culture and communication shape public opinion and behavior about environmental issues such as global warming (un)sustainable resource use and pollution, with special attention to the impact of practices such as advertising, public relations, science and risk communication, journalism and advocacy communication upon public discourse about the environment, and the role of dialogue and deliberation in mediating and resolving conflict over environmental issues. Prerequisite: 60 units, including at least one upper division course in CMNS, DIAL, EVSC, GEOG or BlSC. Or written permission of the instructor. Students with credit for CMNS 388 may not take this course for further credit.

DEVS 201 - Introduction to Development and Sustainability (3)

A critical introduction to various approaches to development and sustainability. Examines the impacts of major drivers of environmental change caused by development processes, and offers selected case studies from around the world illustrating policy and practical challenges to implementing sustainable development measures at various scales.

DEVS 401 - Issues, Concepts and Cases in Development and Sustainability (4)

An in-depth critical examination of contemporary challenges to effective governance for sustainable development within the context of global north-south relations. Assesses the prospects for sustainable solutions in relation to selected problem-solving thematic areas and case studies at various scales involving student-led dialogues. Prerequisite: 60 units. Students with credit for ENV 401 may not complete this course for further credit.

ECON 260 - Environmental Economics (3)

Economic analysis of environmental problems (water and air pollution, etc.). Evaluation of market failures due to externalities and public goods. Market and non-market regulation of environmental problems. Prerequisite: ECON 103 or 200. Students with credit for ECON 360 may not take this course for further credit. Quantitative.

ECON 362 - Economics of Natural Resources (4)

Application of economic analysis to natural resource problems and efficient management practice; public policy considerations in respect to development and conservation; benefit-cost analysis. Prerequisite: ECON 201 or 301; 60 units. Quantitative.

ECON 460 - Seminar in Environmental Economics (3)

Focus will vary from term to term. Prerequisite: ECON 302. Quantitative.

ENV 319 - Environmental Law (3)

Provides a practical introduction to the legal system governing the use and protection of the environment in Canada. A central theme is the difference between the law on paper and the law in practice. Prerequisite: Students must have earned at least 45 units. Students who have taken ENV 399-3 "Special Topics in Enviromental Law" in 2012 may not enroll in this course for further credit.

ENV 321 - Ecological Economics (3)

Introduces students to the concepts and methods of ecological economics. Provides students with grounding in the core principles of conventional economics applied to the environment but then extends this to the integration of economics and ecology to create a new ecological-economic understanding of environmental change and sustainability. Prerequisite: Minimum of 45 units. Students who have taken ECON 260 can not take this course for further credit. ENV 321 is Identical to REM 321 and students cannot take both for credit.

GEOG 322 - World Resources (4)

An analysis of the use and development of natural resources from a geographic, economic and institutional perspective. Prerequisite: At least 30 units including GEOG 221. Students with credit for GEOG 322W may not take this course for further credit.

GEOG 385 - Agriculture and the Environment (4)

An examination of the relationship between agricultural production systems and the biophysical environment, with emphasis on the origins of, and potential solutions to, agri-environmental degradation. Prerequisite: GEOG 221.

POL 452W - Energy Policy (4)

Examines the politics and policies of energy, including historical and technical perspectives. Topics include alternative energy, climate change, regulatory policy, and the economics of energy, as well as practical case studies. Students who have completed POL 459 in 2009 and 2010 may not complete this course for further credit. Writing.

REM 201 - Introduction to Sustainable Community Development (3)

Builds an understanding of strengths and weaknesses of conventional approaches to development; rationale for alternative approaches; varying interpretations of community and of development; and essential components for creating local economic development strategies. Sustainable community development is introduced as a framework to meet current social and economic needs while ensuring adequate resources are available for future generations. Prerequisite: 30 units. Not permitted for credit toward the Sustainable Community Development Post Baccalaureate Diploma. Students with credit for CED or SCD 201 may not complete this course for further credit. Breadth-Social Sciences.

or SCD 201 - Introduction to Sustainable Community Development (3)

First required course for the SCD Certificate. Builds an understanding of strengths and weaknesses of conventional approaches to development; rationale for alternative approaches; varying interpretations of community and of development; and essential components for creating local economic development strategies. Sustainable Community Development is introduced as a framework to meet current social and economic needs while ensuring adequate resources are available for future generations. Prerequisite: 30 units or SCD Certificate program approval or permission of the director for SCD. Not permitted for credit toward the SCD Post Baccalaureate Diploma. Corequisite: students may not complete this course concurrently with upper division SCD courses. Students with credit for CED or REM 201 may not complete this course for further credit. Breadth-Social Sciences.

REM 301 - Sustainable Community Development Theory and Practice (4)

A theoretical foundation for understanding sustainable development at the community level, including an integrated approach to the environmental, economic, and social aspects of development. Emphasizes economic and policy instruments, and planning tools, for engaging in and implementing SCD. Prerequisite: CED or SCD 201 or REM 201 or completion of 60 units. Students with credit for CED or SCD 301 may not complete this course for further credit. Breadth-Social Sciences.

or SCD 301 - Sustainable Community Development Theory and Practice (4)

A theoretical foundation for understanding sustainable development at the community level; including an integrated approach to environmental, economic, and social aspects of development. Emphasizes economic and policy instruments, and planning tools, for engaging in and implementing SCD. Prerequisite: SCD certificate program approval and CED, SCD or REM 201 or SCD diploma program approval or completion of 60 units or permission of the director for SCD. Students with credit for CED or REM 301 may not complete this course for further credit. Breadth-Social Sciences.

REM 321 - Ecological Economics (3)

Introduces students to the concepts and methods of ecological economics. Provides students with grounding in the core principles of conventional economics applied to the environment but then extends this to the integration of economics and ecology to create a new ecological-economic understanding of environmental change and sustainability. Prerequisite: minimum of 45 units. Students who have taken ECON 260 cannot take this course for further credit. REM 321 is Identical to ENV 321 and students cannot take both for credit.

REM 356 - Institutional Arrangements for Sustainable Environmental Management (3)

This course provides an overview of some basic legislation, agencies, and policies which currently are in use to regulate the natural environment at the international, nation, provincial, regional, and local levels. Its purpose is to present a basic set of evaluative questions which can be used to address the effectiveness and efficiency of the environmental regulatory and management systems currently in use. Prerequisite: REM 100.

REM 445 - Environmental Risk Assessment (3)

Students receive theory and practical experience in the control and management of hazardous substances in the environment. This includes the application of techniques used to assess toxicological, ecological and human health risks of contaminants within the current regulatory framework. Prerequisite: MATH 151 or 154 or 157; STAT 101 or 103 or 201 or 301 or GEOG 251.

REM 471 - Forest Ecosystem Management (3)

Students will examine the problems of managing forest ecosystems for a variety of societal goals and objectives. The course will start with an examination of the ecological characteristics of forest ecosystems and their dynamics. The second section will focus on the objectives and tools of forest management in an ecological context. The final section of the course will focus on the institutions, economics and policies of forest management, with a focus on British Columbia's historical and current management issues. This course will involve lectures, group discussions, field trips, and exercises. Prerequisite: At least one of REM 311, BISC 304, BISC 310, BISC 404, GEOG 315, or GEOG 316.

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