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間眅埶AV Calendar | Fall 2013

BusOne First Year

Newly admitted high school students who wish to begin their business studies at 間眅埶AV on the Surrey or Burnaby campus can choose the BusOne program. BusOne is an interdisciplinary first term program where students will complete first term courses together and attend a weekly workshop focused on three areas of growth: academic, personal and social. Visit

Program Requirements

Students complete all of

BUS 201 - Introduction to Business (3)

The management and operation of business, including the principles, concepts, ideas and tools used by managers. Management in the contemporary world of high technology is emphasized, featuring examples and cases involving high-tech firms. In addition, the course exposes students to international and local business issues, and to large companies as well as to smaller, entrepreneurial firms. Prerequisite: This course is only open to approved Business students. Students with credit for TECH 128, 129 and 130 or for BUS 130 may not take this course for further credit. Business students with greater than 45 units will not receive credit for BUS 201.

BUS 251 - Financial Accounting I (3)

An introduction to financial accounting, including accounting terminology, understanding financial statements, analysis of a business entity using financial statements. Includes also time value of money and a critical review of the conventional accounting system. Prerequisite: 12 units. Students with credit for BUS 221 may not take this course for further credit. Quantitative.

ECON 103 - Principles of Microeconomics (4)

The principal elements of theory concerning utility and value, price and costs, factor analysis, productivity, labor organization, competition and monopoly, and the theory of the firm. Students with credit for ECON 200 cannot take ECON 103 for further credit. Quantitative/Breadth-Soc.

ECON 105 - Principles of Macroeconomics (4)

The principal elements of theory concerning money and income, distribution, social accounts, public finance, international trade, comparative systems, and development and growth. Students with credit for ECON 205 cannot take ECON 105 for further credit. Quantitative/Breadth-Soc.

and one of

MATH 150 - Calculus I with Review (4)

Designed for students specializing in mathematics, physics, chemistry, computing science and engineering. Topics as for Math 151 with a more extensive review of functions, their properties and their graphs. Recommended for students with no previous knowledge of Calculus. In addition to regularly scheduled lectures, students enrolled in this course are encouraged to come for assistance to the Calculus Workshop (Burnaby), or Math Open Lab (Surrey). Prerequisite: Pre-Calculus 12 (or equivalent) with a grade of at least B+, or MATH 100 with a grade of at least B-, or achieving a satisfactory grade on the 間眅埶AV Calculus Readiness Test. Students with credit for either MATH 151, 154 or 157 may not take MATH 150 for further credit. Quantitative.

MATH 154 - Calculus I for the Biological Sciences (3)

Designed for students specializing in the biological and medical sciences. Topics include: limits, growth rate and the derivative; elementary functions, optimization and approximation methods, and their applications; mathematical models of biological processes. Prerequisite: Pre-Calculus 12 (or equivalent) with a grade of at least B, or MATH 100 with a grade of at least C, or achieving a satisfactory grade on the 間眅埶AV Calculus Readiness Test. Students with credit for either MATH 150, 151 or 157 may not take MATH 154 for further credit. Quantitative.

MATH 157 - Calculus I for the Social Sciences (3)

Designed for students specializing in business or the social sciences. Topics include: limits, growth rate and the derivative; logarithmic exponential and trigonometric functions and their application to business, economics, optimization and approximation methods; functions of several variables. Prerequisite: Pre-Calculus 12 (or equivalent) with a grade of at least B, or MATH 100 with a grade of at least C, or achieving a satisfactory grade on the 間眅埶AV Calculus Readiness Test. Students with credit for either MATH 150, 151 or 154 may not take MATH 157 for further credit. Quantitative.

and two of

ENGL 101W - Introduction to Fiction (3)

Examines selected works of literature in order to develop a critical awareness of literary techniques and contexts in the representation of experience. May include the comparative study of works in related literary and artistic genres, and will pay some attention to literature of the Twentieth century. Includes attention to writing skills. Writing/Breadth-Humanities. Prerequisite: . Equivalent Courses: ENGL101. Writing/Breadth-Humanities.

ENGL 102W - Introduction to Poetry (3)

Examines selected works of literature in order to develop a critical awareness of literary techniques and contexts in the representation of experience. May include the comparative study of works in related literary and artistic genres, and will pay some attention to literature of the Twentieth century. Includes attention to writing skills. Writing/Breadth-Humanities. Prerequisite: . Equivalent Courses: ENGL102. Writing/Breadth-Humanities.

ENGL 103W - Introduction to Drama (3)

Examines selected works of literature in order to develop a critical awareness of literary techniques and contexts in the representation of experience. May include the comparative study of works in related literary and artistic genres, and will pay some attention to literature of the Twentieth century. Includes attention to writing skills. Writing/Breadth-Humanities. Prerequisite: . Equivalent Courses: ENGL103. Writing/Breadth-Humanities.

ENGL 104W - Introduction to Prose Genres (3)

The literary study of a variety of prose genres, such as the essay, biography, autobiography, travel narrative, and journalistic writing. May include works which challenge the boundary between fiction and non-fiction. The course is intended to develop a critical awareness of literary techniques and contexts in the representation of experience. Includes attention to writing skills. Writing/Breadth-Humanities. Prerequisite: . Equivalent Courses: ENGL104. Writing/Breadth-Humanities.

ENGL 105W - Introduction to Issues in Literature and Culture (3)

An introduction to the study of literature within the wider cultural field, with a focus on contemporary issues across genres and media. Writing/Breadth-Humanities. Prerequisite: . Equivalent Courses: ENGL105. Writing/Breadth-Humanities.

ENGL 199W - Introduction to University Writing (3)

An introduction to reading and writing in the academic disciplines. Prerequisite: 12 units. Students with credit for ENGL 199 may not take this course for further credit. Writing.

PHIL XX1 - Critical Thinking (3)

An introduction to the evaluation of arguments as they are encountered in everyday life. The central aim will be to sharpen skills of reasoning and argumentation by understanding how arguments work and learning to distinguish those which actually prove what they set out to show from those which do not. Open to all students. Quantitative.

PHIL 100W - Knowledge and Reality (3)

An introduction to some of the central problems of philosophy. Topics to be discussed include the different theories of reality; the nature and sources of knowledge, truth, evidence, and reason; the justification of belief and knowledge about the universe. These topics and problems will be considered as they arise in the context of issues such as: relativism versus absolutism; the existence of God; personal identity; the nature of the mind and its relation to the body; free will and determinism; the possibility of moral knowledge. Open to all students. Students with credit for PHIL 100 may not take this course for further credit. Writing/Breadth-Humanities.

PHIL 120W - Introduction to Moral Philosophy (3)

An introduction to the central problems of ethics: for example, the nature of right and wrong, the objectivity or subjectivity of moral judgments, the relativity or absolutism of values, the nature of human freedom and responsibility. The course will also consider general moral views such as utilitarianism, theories of rights and specific obligations, and the ethics of virtue. These theories will be applied to particular moral problems such as abortion, punishment, distributive justice, freedom of speech, and racial and sexual equality. Sometimes the course will also focus on important historical figures such as Plato, Aristotle, Kant and Mill. Open to all students. Students with credit for PHIL 120 may not take this course for further credit. Writing/Breadth-Humanities.

WL 101W - Writing About Literature (3)

Examines international migrancy, cultural identities, or cross-cultural influence in world literatures, while introducing the fundamentals of literary analysis and expository writing. Writing/Breadth-Humanities. Writing/Breadth-Humanities.

WL 103W - Pre-Modern World Literature (3)

Surveys pre-modern texts of world literature. Writing/Breadth-Humanities. Prerequisite: . Writing/Breadth-Humanities.

WL 104W - Modern World Literature (3)

Surveys poetry and prose from the seventeenth-century to the present, with a focus on the literary exploration of issues of humanity. Writing/Breadth-Humanities. Prerequisite: . Writing/Breadth-Humanities.

Residency Requirements and Transfer Credit

The University’s residency requirement stipulates that, in most cases, total transfer and course challenge credit may not exceed 60 units, and may not include more than 15 as upper division work.

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