
Liberal Studies Courses

Liberal Studies Program | Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
間眅埶AV Calendar 2013 Spring

The following are all the courses offered in this area. To view the current course catalog and/or course schedule on the Student Information System, visit (select "Class Search/Browse Catalog" on the left menu).

LS 800-5 Reflections on Reason and Passion I

The first of two core courses that constitute an extended examination of the tension between reason and passion in human experience. This course will emphasize close reading and discussion of works, drawn from different cultures and epochs, that reflect on human passion.

LS 801-5 Reflections on Reason and Passion II

The second of two core courses that constitute an extended examination of the tension between reason and passion in human experience. This course will examine writings by some who have insisted on the indispensability of reasoning as a guide to action and the source of truth, as well as writings by some of those who on various grounds have cast doubt on this faith in human reason.

LS 810-5 Self and Society

This course will examine some aspects of the relationship between selfhood, as idea and experience, and social organization. Approaches to the topic will vary, but may involve scientific, social scientific, philosophical and aesthetic perspectives.

LS 812-5 Science and Human Values

This course will deal with issues surrounding the nature of the scientific attitude, the growth of scientific knowledge and the impact of scientific and technological change. Specific attention will be given to the value implications of science and technology in relation to other forms of human understanding and experience.

LS 813-5 Religious and Secular World Views

This course will deal with the conflicts and continuities of secular and religious approaches to such fundamental issues as the origins of the universe and of the human species, human virtue, and human destiny.

LS 814-5 Liberty and Authority

This course will examine the tension between liberty and authority as expressed in some of the following: political and judicial ideas and systems; conflicting economic ideologies; personal relationships.

LS 815-5 Organizing Social Realities: Gender, Class, Race, Nation

This course will examine how distinctions among people create pattern and conflict, by studying some of the fundamental organizing concepts of society which both unite and divide people.

LS 819-5 Selected Topics

This course provides an opportunity for the occasional offering of a seminar course appropriate to the program but on a topic outside the regular courses.

LS 829-5 Directed Study

This course provides an opportunity for individual study on a topic of the student's choice, under the guidance of one or more faculty. Arrangements for this course must be approved by the graduate chair in advance of enrolment.

LS 898-5 Libera l Studies Graduating Seminar

The final seminar for those students in the graduate liberal studies program pursuing the course option MA. The seminar will revisit the themes raised in the two opening core seminars (LS 800 and 801).

LS 990-2.50 Extended Essays (Completion)

LS 991-2.50 MA Project (Completion)

LS 998-5 MA Extended Essays

Students will present two of their essays for formal examination in order to satisfy the 間眅埶AV requirements for a master's degree.

LS 999-5 MA Project

This course is for students choosing to satisfy part of the requirements for an MA in liberal studies by presenting a project for formal examination.

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