

Suggested Courses in Other Departments

*CMPT 225 - Data Structures and Programming
*CMPT 354 - Database Systems I
CMPT 711 - Bioinformatics Algorithms
CMPT 726 - Machine Learning
CMPT 727 - Statistical Machine Learning
CMPT 732 - Programming For Big Data 1
CMPT 733 - Programming For Big Data 2
CMPT 741 - Data Mining
CMPT 767 - Visualization
CMPT 843 - Principles of Database and Knowledge-Base Systems: Big Data Analytics
CMPT 881 - Algorithms for Big Data

ECON 435 - Econometric Methods (5)
ECON 835 - Econometrics (4)
ECON 836 - Applied Econometrics (4)
ECON 837 - Econometric Theory I (4)

Engineering Science

ENSC 802 - Stochastic Systems

Health Sciences

HSCI 802 - Principles of Epidemiology for Public Health
HSCI 805 - Intermediate Epidemiologic Methods


MATH 425-3 Real Analysis
MATH 495/795 - Selected Topics in Applied Mathematics (Topics have included Stochastic Differential Equations)
MATH 725-3 - Real Analysis
MATH 831-4 - Real Analysis
MATH 895-4 - Reading (Topics have included Introduction to Measure-Theoretic Probability)

REM 612-5 - Simulation Modelling in Natural Resource Management
REM 613-5 - Methods in Fisheries Assessment
REM 614-5 - Advanced Methods in Fisheries Stock Assessment
REM 660-5 to 663-5 - (Varies) Special Topics in Resource Management (Topics have included Applied Quantitative Ecology and Survey Design and Analysis)

*Graduate students do not receive credit for 200- or 300-level courses but may take them for educational purposes.