






1. tape ID

2. Reifel Bird Sanctuary, balcony off the warming hut 4:59

3. Reifel Bird Sanctuary, north perimeter trail 5:26

4. Reifel Bird Sanctuary, centre pond 0:37

5. Reifel Bird Sanctuary, centre pond 6:34


6. Gastown, steam clock 4:16

7. Gastown 0:56

8. warehouse area 1:05

9. Port of Vancouver, container area 5:23

10. Vancouver Port Authority, stairwell 0:54

11. west of Canada Place, 9 o'clock gun 3:39

12. Vancouver Art Gallery, steps 5:40

13. soundwalk from Art Gallery to new courthouse 8:36

14. Vancouver Courthouse, below main steps 2:21

15. soundwalk, through Eatons 8:11

16. Granville and Georgia 1:49

17. Granville and Georgia, bus stop 2:24

18. Vancouver Stock Exchange, visitor's centre 8:20

19. soundwalk, from stock exchange north along Granville 3:17

20. Granville (200 block), BC Hydro Horn 3:41

21. Dr. Sun Yet Sen Park 5:51


22. Britannia Centre, swimming pool 5:14

23. Britannia Centre, ice rink 5:05

24. Britannia Centre, empty handball court 2:22

25. soundwalk, Commercial Drive 14:04

26. soundwalk, Commercial Drive 10:05



1. tape ID

2. ID, blackbirds, kids talking, ducks, other birds, pigeons (?), footsteps, ducks splashing, distant jet, ID at 4:47

3. ID, Canada geese in field, other birds, small plane overhead, child talking at 3:17, distant jet, people talking, very distant train whistle at 5:01

4. ducks and child (battery change)

5. ducks, children, small birds, people, closer ducks at 1:04, ducks land at 1:31 and 3:01, distant geese, jets at 3:00, 4:34 and 5:44 (airport), gun shot (?), footsteps, distant horn (boat?) at 1:49 and 2:18, child coughs at 3:51

6. ID, traffic on cobble stones, passersby, some mic rumble, steam clock at 2:06, siren at 2:44

7. Harley Davidson motorcycle

8. train passing slowly, crossing bells, cars leaving at end, very dynamic take, much screeching, etc. of metal wheels

9. observation deck of Vancouver Port Authority, container loading, large machines, bells at 0:47 and throughout, air horns at 1:51, tractor trailers, forklifts, men yelling, truck horns, air brakes

10. good, clear sounds of closing door

11. traffic, mic handling noise, bicycle pass, power boat, distant laughter, trucks, squeaks, 9 o'clock gun and echoes at 2:52, some distortion, two men yell

12. ID, traffic, car horns, people talking, brake squeaks, footsteps, sparrows, wind on mic

13. ID, talking, footsteps inside gallery, walkie-talkie at 1:26, through door at 1:30, traffic, distant music, fountain, muzak at 2:52, fountains get louder and quieter as they are passed by the mic, car horn at 7:20, footsteps at 7:35, air brakes at 7:53, ID at 8:17

14. footsteps, distant voices, outside traffic, ventilation, elevator bells (?)

15. ID, through door, cash registers, elevator bells, footsteps, music (Annie Lennox), conversation, buzz of lights, shifting ambiences, piano muzak, close to cash registers at 1:55, announcement at 4:03, squeaky doors, walk outside at 5:39, some wind on mic, bus brakes, traffic, ID at 7:04

16. ID, bus pass, brakes, gulls, conversation, horn at 1:09, overhead wires, air brakes at 0:24

17. ID, trolley bus, air brakes, passengers, bus leaves, conversation, street sweeper (person) busker with guitar, bike pass at 1:10, bus pass at 1:20, bus wires, 2:18 car passes

18. ID, men talking. computer keyboards, elevator bells, some mic rumble, electric motor hum (ventilation), aluminum ladder, coughing at 2:44, 5:48, 5:52, bus outside, walking out of building, good take of bus brakes, air brakes at 7:17, more brake squeaks at 7:20, traffic, busses and people

19. traffic, commentary, clarinet growing louder, wagon at 1:07, wind on mic, chain, bus, clarinet fading, car starts at 1:56, brakes, traffic, arrive at Granville, bus wires, tape ID at 2:37

20. ID, birds, helicopter, traffic, gulls, people talking, ventilator, excellent recording of the BC Hydro horns at 2:43

21. ID, man hammering roof tiles, bell at 0:34, birds, women talking, distant traffic, gulls, horn, sparrows, helicopter, child, back-up signal at 4:03, talking

22. ID, kids yelling, water hissing, splashing, hiss drops back at 2:54, instructor, teaching kids, hot levels, walking out at 4:54, whistling, door, pop machine

23. ID, kids yelling, hockey sticks on ice, ventilation, reverb, skates on ice, instructor, puck shot into boards

24. ID, big reverb, ventilator, whistling, clicking, etc. of recordist, very quiet otherwise

25. ID, traffic, penny whistle, sparrows, music, conversation, inside shop, talk with proprietor, bumped mic, outside onto street, people, brakes, motorcycle, some mic noise at 3:30, into the park, kids playing at 3:42, footsteps, baby, dogs at 5:00, crows at 5:11, busses, tennis, motorcycles, (on Commercial again), car at 6:39, trolley bus at 7:15, music at 7:36, Volkswagen at 8:36, truck at 9:40, car at 9:03, car horn at 11:37, tire squeals at 12:15, into 1st ave. market at 12:24, mall ambience, outside again at 13:12, dog tags at 13:24

26. ID, cash registers, traffic, talking, cart, mic noise, loud V8 truck at 2:21, mandolin at 2:34, busker, man yelling at 3:07, horn at 3:18, bus, door slam, "hello" from woman at 3:53, plane overhead, sparrows, car door at 5:25, trolley bus, truck at 6:10, sea plane at 6:23, into Joe's Cafe at 7:42, music, billiards, outside at 8:35, door slams, brakes, distant music, ID at 9:57
