






1. tape ID -

2. Main street dock 8:09

3. from prow of Canada Place 8:42

4. from Canada Place, harbour ambience 4:52

5. west side of Canada Place 4:15


6. Via Rail Station (former CN) 5:38

7. Via Rail Station, interior 5:32

8. Via Rail Station, by automatic doors 2:17

9. soundwalk through station to street 3:15

10. Via Rail Station, announcement 0:41


11. Main & Hastings, Carnegie Centre 6:33

12. soundwalk from Main & Hastings to Columbia (walking west) 6:37

13. soundwalk through Chinatown 7:47

14. Main & Pender 2:38

15. soundwalk through Chinatown 4:50

16. soundwalk through Chinatown 6:46


17. Gastown: Water street & Cambie, steam clock 5:09

18. ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV Harbour Centre, interior soundwalk 6:56

19. soundwalk in Gastown 2:57

20. soundwalk in Gastown cont. 1:13

21. soundwalk in Gastown cont. 10:22

22. soundwalk in Gastown into the 'Mews' 4:36

23. soundwalk in Gastown from Gassy Jack statue 10:36

24. Gastown 2:00



1. tape ID

2. tape ID, helicopter preparing for take-off, takes off at 2:24, small waves, children's voices, passing boats, crows, seaplanes at 4:53 and 6:00, horn at 7:02

3. tape ID, seabirds, machine hum, footsteps and voices, boat horn at 1:24, creaking dock, sea planes 5:23, helicopter at 5:50, boat horn at 7:25, nice variety of sounds, interesting beating of motors

4. tape ID, seaplane takes off, restaurant dishes, crows, people talking, plane take-off at 1:50, people spot a seal 2:06, seaplane lands at 3:45, seal splashes water at 4:14

5. ID, seaplane taxis and takes off 1:38, interesting resonances of engine, people, footsteps and talking, very dynamic

6. ID, ambience of station, automatic doors, workers voices, coughing at 4:06, jackhammering, drilling

7. worker drilling metal bars, people walking and talking, jackhammer at 3:18, complex ambience, long reverb

8. old wooden doors fitted with openers, sirens outside, mixture of interior and exterior as doors open and close, step out at 1:56, cars and sirens

9. ID, through auto doors to interior of station and through to platform, workers speaking in unspecified language, ID at 1:58, back through station and out to street

10. announcement drowned by jackhammer

11. ID, traffic, hammering at 1:27, flag person whistling, people talking, 0:51 traffic whistle, 1:56 woman asks questions, man asks questions at 2:37, air brakes at 4:28, 5:37, horn at 4:47

12. ID, traffic, people walking and talking, sea gull, car horn at 1:53 and 3:51, tape ID at 2:46, electric bus and overhead wires, man spitting at 4:18, truck horn at 4:40

13. ID, walk past a store with exterior speakers then back and into the store, traditional Chinese music at 0:27, people talking, walking back to street and into contemporary music store (stopped to face speakers) 2:01 back to street, traffic

14. teacher telling kids about Chinese customs, Chinese-Canadian kids, large truck at 1:55, more ID at 2:05

15. ID, shopping cart, people talking, radio, walk into Chinese pharmacy, Chinese radio, people talking, traffic, very interesting grocery salesmen selling wares at 2:26, ID

16. ID, sea gull, people talking, salesmen yelling, child talking, walk into small mall, muzak, baby, back to street, interesting events around yelling salesmen, electric saws at 5:00, bus, ID at 6:03, truck pass at 6:10

17. ID, steam clock followed by screeching tires, footsteps, people talking, birds, car radio, horns, helicopter, rattling car, tour bus pass at 3:58, car horn at 4:46

18. ID, escalators, footsteps, ventilation, walk to second floor, nice footsteps at 2:39, people talking, into David Lam Centre, ID

19. ID, bus, walking into office building with wooden floors, elevator bell at 2:26, hammering, footsteps of recordist, back to street, siren at 2:20, bus, traffic, sweeping

20. ID, recorder difficulties, muzak

21. ID, recorder difficulties, woman talking, music at 3:45, traffic, bikes at 1:48, birds, distant seabus horn at 2:35, cart passing at 3:24, saw, tour busses, helicopter, rap music at 6:55, siren at 7:32 and 8:38, truck, ID at 9:38

22. ID, muzak, sparrows, traffic, footsteps, distant seaplane, electronic bells from clock at 1:54, distant gulls at 4:00, into `Blood Alley' at 4:36

23. ID, Volkswagen, helicopter, clicking of bicycle wheel at 2:24, music at 3:19 from restaurant (live), car brakes at 4:28, recorded music at 4:41, squeaky car at 5:00, child talking at 5:25, ventilation, footsteps at 6:05, steam clock at 7:22, cars, birds, car horn at 8:52, music at 9:11, laughter at 9:47, bike at 9:51, ID at 10:23

24. dance music from exterior speakers, tour bus pass at 0:32, music is `Flintstones' theme redone by the B-52's
