

FOLDER 2 - Festivals/Events 

HATS OFF DAY (Hastings St, Burnaby), JUNE 5/2010

1. Soundwalk on Hastings, 13:10

Photo 0642, Photo 0643

2. Hats off Bossa Band, 4:06

Photo 0646


3. Main St. Soundwalk, 11:11

Photo 0734, Photo 0735


4. Gastown Latin Jazz Performance, 5:12

Photo 0755, Photo 0756


5. Streetside Recording on Davie of people walking toward the waterfront, 3:39

Photo 0951, Photo 0952

6. Hari Krishna March, 2:02

7. Davie St. Soundwalk, 3:55

8. Corner of Davie & Denman, 3:39

9. Beach Ave. Soundwalk, 6:51

10. Intersection of Beach & Cardero, 3:31

Photo 0957, Photo 0958, Photo 0959

11. Fireworks Presentation, 26:37

Photo 0960, Photo 0961, Photo 0962


12. Corner of Denman & Robson, 8:02

Photo 0964

13. Corner of Denman & Robson (changed position), 5:56

Photo 0971

14. Gilford St. Laneway, 1:55

Photo 0975

15. Gilford St Laneway II, 1:38

16. Corner of Denman & Comox, 5:06

Photo 0977, Photo 0980


17. False Creek Carol Ships, 8:22

Photo 1192, Photo 1194, Photo 1195

18. False Creek Carol Ships (edit), 4:03


19. Christmas Market Soundwalk, 6:38

Photo 2752, Photo 2753, Photo 2754



1. *Soundwalk*, track ID @ intro, clear day - sunny, lots of people walking about - Hastings St was closed to cars, I began the walk at Gamma and walked west to Rosser, started the walk at the carshow section - absent of music, live performance & dancing becomes increasingly louder beginning at 3:20 as I approach and eventually pass, I'm in front of the stage at roughly 4:50, car stereo of parked car begins at roughly 5:20 and its volume continues to increase as I approach (the owner seemed to be showing off his state of the art stereo system and had the volume at an obscene level - as the peaking of the recording makes evident), beginning @ 6:00 there are small sporadic "popping" noises which are children throwing snapping toys to the ground (they likely were used as a promotional gift by a store at some point along Hastings), stereo music remains a keynote until about 9:30 (I think it's Bruce Springsteen), dog barking at 10:10, distinct children's voices at 10:50, keys jangling at 11:40, child's voice at 12:15, track ID @ end.

2. Track ID @ intro, East of Madison & West of Rosser, bossa band performance - beginning with a sax solo, 4 piece band (guitar, sax, bass, drum), crowd gathered in front listening, hundreds of people walking past (keynote of voices), guitar solo begins at aprox 1:15, ends at aprox 2:50 - band move back into the head and finish the tune ("Tangerine" by Johnny Mercer - an old jazz standard) at 3:55.


3. *Soundwalk*, track ID @ intro, beginning at 33rd and Main - walking North, overcast & slightly windy, live music (singer/guitarist - solo performer) from a distance becomes increasingly louder as I approach, voices of people litter the streets, passing in front of performer @ 2:00 (sound level peaks), guitar performer then recedes and a hip hop performer becomes apparent (and volume increases as I approach), *peaking as i pass in front of stage area* (aprox 2:50-3:00), Dj at roadside becomes audible at about 5:50 and volume increases as I approach, I'm directly in front at about 6:50 - he begins an R&B mashup version of Toto's "Africa", 8:00 - bells from ice cream cart, laughter beginning at 9:45, sneezing @ 11:04.


4. Local Latin Jazz band Zapato Nego is performing on an outdoor stage set up on Water St. in Gastown, the recording was made standing at the edge of an alley way between two buildings - aprox 150 ft from the stage, street was packed with people that stopped to listen, recording begins with the last few measures of the piano solo - they then play the head and move into the drum solo at 0:51 over a vamp by the rest of the ensemble, crowd response at about 2:30, song end at 3:00 - clapping, cheering, yelling until 3:30, stage announcement at 3:30.


5. Streetside recording, thousands of people walking NW on Davie toward Denman/English Bay to watch the fireworks presentation, crowd abmience - footsteps/chatter throughout, expletive @ 0:35, laughter @ 1:15, footsteps at 3:29 - no real time to acquire any distinct sounds as hundreds/thousands of people walk past.

6. Fixed spatial perspective during recording, the march consisted of about 10 people walking AGAINST the flow of pedestrian traffic, the lead singer was singing into a megaphone, at about 0:19 people from the crowd joined in so as to mock the performance, @ 1:30 - bicycle rickshaw with ghetto blaster.

7. *Soundwalk*, track ID @ intro, walking west from Cardero toward the water, beginning in front of the Safeway, children running @ 0:20, bike rickshaw @ 1:50 - bells & music, conversation behind me beginning @ 2:50.

8. Fixed spatial position - standing just outside the centre of the intersection, test fireworks @ 0:52, streets are closed - people scattered all over, general crowd ambience - chatter & footsteps, bike rides past @ 2:20.

9. *Soundwalk*, track ID @ intro, walking South on Beach Ave to end @ Cardero, thousands of people gathering in the streets anticipating the fireworks, @1:00 a guy with a boombox on his shoulders walks past me, @ 1:30 the sound of music played through speakers by a radio station that was set up along side of the road to promote the event (playing "I Wish" by Stevie Wonder), bells @ 3:20 - ice cream cart, child's voice @ 4:50, test fireworks @ 5:28, bike rides past @ 6:30, intersection signal at 6:48.

10. Fixed spatial position, crowd is anticipating the fireworks - people are finding spots to watch, conversation in Spanish @ 1:00, ice cream bike/cart at 2:30 (bells chiming), footsteps @ 3:25.

11. Standing @ the corner of Beach & Cardero, thousands of people on the hill in front of me, hundreds more litter the street behind me, everyone captivated by the fireworks once they begin, each of the four evenings in the series of the Celebration of Light was presented by a different country - this one was by Mexico, a countdown of anticipation by a few people happen at 0:14, ice cream cart chime is evident beginning @ 0:18,  fireworks begin @ 0:22.


12. Emcee commentating as floats pass by, dance music being played out of local PA system, large crowd is gathered at this corner, 1:14 - the pedestrian beep at the intersection is audible, horn honking @ 6:00.

13. Same emcee as noted above, group from ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV (as mentioned by the emcee) passes at 0:27sec, accompanying music shifted to rock and roll (The Beatles @ 1:00 "Twist and Shout"), nearby conversations are increasingly audible, intersection "beep" at 5:00.

14. I'm standing one block from the activity of the parade, the sound was being channeled by the buildings up the laneway, the same emcee from the previous couple of recordings remains audible, music from the parade becomes increasingly loud at about 0:30  until about 0:50 when it readjusts.

15. Same position above following a volume adjustment (!), child & mother walking past @ approx. 0:25.

16. Track ID @ intro, different emcee at this position, the crowd is at a distance of about 30-40 ft (there was too much water being sprayed to get any closer with the gear), dance music accompaniment, floats are rolling past and are introduced by the emcee, expletive at approx. 3:10, horns at 4:50.


17. Recorded at False Creek on a pier at Olympic Village, first ship could be heard beginning at around 0:20, music at around 0:35, and the loudness of the engine caused a bit of peaking as it begain its roundabout in the creek, Beach Boys Christmas carol at about 1:40, sporadic voices of chatter can be heard on the first boat as it passed - the passengers in the remaining boats were inside, skytrain at 3:00, following the first boat there were no other ships playing music - a total of about eight, wind *peaking* beginning at 5:50 or so.

18. This is a 4 minute edit of the previous track, minus the peaking at the beginning and end.


19. Soundwalk (counter-clockwise through the market), I'm paying for admission at the intro - there's a bit of an exchange with the attendant, track ID @ 0:50, I give my ticket to the clerk and enter the market at 1:07, electroacoustically produced music at 1:24, merry-go-round music at 2:00, many children's voices, seagulls & birds in the distance at 3:40.
