

REEL 80 [DAT 37]

Wensleydale, England May 30/75

A [ID 1 0:29] & [ID 2 4:27]

1-2. PRESTON MILL (cont'd from Reel 79)

B 3-12. GATES

[ID 3 6:52]

3. wide iron pasture gate (two subtakes).

[ID 4 8:38]

4. wooden house gate, with nice creek (3 subtakes).

[ID 5 9:23]

5. large metal driveway gate (6 subtakes).

[ID 6 12:46]

6. wide iron field gate.

[ID 7 13:15]

7. wide wooden field gate (2 subtakes).

[ID 8 14:35]

8. wide wooden pasture gate.

May 31/75

[ID 9 15:51]

9. Wide metal gate at highway (3 subtakes).

mark * 2nd subtake is of diesel train passing. [16:48]

[ID 10 19:19]

10. wide wooden gate.

[ID 11 20:47]

11. wide wooden farmyard gates (2 subtakes).

[ID 12 22:37]

12. 2 wooden gates (5 subtakes).

York, England

C [ID 13 25:54]

13. NOON BELL ("Big Peter"), York Minster Cathedral

mark * beginning of bells. [32:10]

[ID 14 37:55]

14. long test tone


Photo 225, Photo 228, Photo 226

[ID 15 38:18]

15. RAINDALE MILL / WATERDRIVEN CORN MILL, inside: log wheels at horizontal drive shaft and main beam connection point.

mark * by the millstones. [43:21]

(cont'd on Reel 81)



3-12. Gate noises. A wide variety of metallic and wooden gates. Often the gate itself is quite silent, only the latch is heard opening and shutting. All examples are clear - the ambient level in each case is very low.

13. Ambience before and after bell rings is extremely quiet: bird ambience, no traffic. The last few attacks are noticeably softer, and at half the normal tempo, as the clapper hits only one side of the bell.
