


REEL 33 [DAT 16]

Cembra, Italy March 29/75

A [ID 1 0:03]

1. ENTERING CHURCH, as service is beginning.

mark * walk out of church to hear St. Rocco church bells, (nearby, 1/3 mile away). [5:15]

mark * re-enter church. [6:37]

[ID 2 11:20]

2. mark * service continues. [11:20]

[ID 3 13:52]

3. " " " "

[ID 4 20:55]

4. " " " "

[ID 5 22:26]

5. " " " "

[ID 6 27:24]

6. " " " " with Lord's Prayer, then communion with singing.

mark * nice hymn in Lydian mode. [28:52]

[ID 7 42:47]

7. mark * congregation leaving church. [44:37]



1. Take begins with singing and an unusually high-pitched bell ringing. (mark #1 ) combination of bells coming from across the village and the voices singing from inside of the church.

2. Some muttering and consternation over some loud remarks which disturbed the servicer. Priest speaking throughout whole take.

3. Priest speaking; antiphonal singing between priest and congregation, repeating same musical phrases for several minutes; then new musical phrases which also continue for a while.

4. Lots of shuffling and nose blowing while priest is talking (short take).

5. Congregation singing, then beginning of communion.

6. Note the constant whispering (right channel) toward the the beginning of this take, of the local gossips. Note during hymn (mark #5) harmonious voices. Beautiful!

7. Lots of talking and shuffling as people leave church. Good change in ambience from inside to outside. All singing in the service is unaccompanied (no organ). Very powerful, beautiful singing.
