REEL 29 [DAT 17]
Salzburg, Austria March 23/75
1. CATHEDRAL BELLS, (Palm Sunday) from Hohensalzburg fortress. Beginning of ring is missing (9:25 am).
(complements reel 28, take 3)
2. CATHEDRAL BELLS in Domplatz (7:00 pm).
mark * nearby bells, footsteps, then cathedral bells. [8:07]
3. CATHEDRAL BELLS (7:15 pm)
4 & 5. mark * GATEKEEPER CLOSING GATE to St. Peter's cemetery beginning a sequence moving around buildings in St. Peter's square, including some love talk at the beginning ( see data sheet for details).
mark * love talk. [27:03]
mark * walk into St. Peter's church. [32:03]
mark * " " Kellar restaurant. [35:25]
mark * " " Franciscan church, (performance of Schubert mass in progress). [39:37]
1. Note how the keynote ambience emerges after the bells stop.
2. Dog barks in middle of this take.
3. Another good example of bells in context (cf. # 22,c).
5. (mark 4) Closing of heavy wooden doors, going in and out of the church vestibule. At end, good "up close" voices of snowball fight (in progress throughout the sequence).