


REEL 1 [DAT 1]

Stockholm, Sweden Feb.8/75

A [ID 1 0:45]

1. STADHUSET, Stockholm: walking from noisy street to quiet courtyard.

B [ID 2 2:40]

2. BARNHUSRIRAN CANAL: walking along canal (left channel only).

C [ID 3 9:08]

3. ELEVATOR, Hotel Plaza.

D [ID 4 10:45]

4. STORKYRKAN BELLS from 200 yds.

mark * bells enter. Good counterpoint from another set of bells. [13:46]

E [ID 5 20:39]

5. STORKYRKAN BELLS from one mile.

mark * bells enter. [22:16]

F [ID 6 28:46]

6. STORKYRKAN BELLS from 3/4 mile: bells are barely audible because of street noise.

G [ID 7 35:42]

7. SKATING, KUNSTRAD GARDEN: kid skating to rock music.

mark * music stops for a moment. [37:01]

H [ID 8 38:23]

8. STREETWALK, VASTERLANGATEN: Walking along Vasterlangaten, a cobblestone street, to the palace.

mark * good door closing. [41:48]



1. Left channel only. The noises of the street are quickly left behind.

2. Foot falls on different walking surfaces, including wooden ducts.

3. Virtually silent operation of the elevator.

4. (Startling opening of this take is the recording van sliding door shutting). A long, extended ring preceded by 2 or 3 bells sounding together.

5. Note fluctuations in intensity of the bell due, to wind effects.

6. Bell audible only during lulls in traffic, which is louder than in previous take (#5).

7. Note back/middle/foreground. (Background of music, middleground of generalized skate noise, foreground of individual skate noise and voices.)

8. This street was closed to traffic in a shopping area of an older district.
