
Strategic Recruiting: Values-Guided Hiring

Time and Date: 2:00-3:30 PM on Friday, May 22
Session Type: Workshop
Location: Blusson Hall, Room 10021

Creating an inclusive, diverse workplace is all about the culture, and all about the people.  Part of the equation for success is providing training to existing staff and creating policies that support a welcoming environment, but an often-overlooked aspect is attracting and picking the right talent when you are expanding your team.

In this workshop we will explore strategies and tools to attract a diverse pool of potential hires, to position your company as an employer of choice in the interview, and to select exceptional candidates who combine technical excellence with values that match your company’s commitment to teamwork, supportive workplace culture, and diversity in thoughts and perspectives.

Facilitators: Dr. Elizabeth Croft and Jennifer Pelletier

Elizabeth A. Croft, Ph.D., P.Eng., Fellow Engineers Canada, Fellow American Society of Mechanical Engineers, is Professor, Associate Dean for Education and Professional Development, and NSERC Chair for Women in Science and Engineering, BC-Yukon in the Faculty of Applied Science at UBC and leader of the WWEST program for women in engineering, science and technology. The aim of this initiative is to promote science and engineering as an excellent career choice for women and other under-represented groups, and to identify and eliminate barriers that result in attrition from these career paths.  As director of the Collaborative Advanced Robotics and Intelligent Systems (CARIS) Laboratory at UBC, her research investigates how robotic systems can behave, and be perceived to behave, in a safe, predictable, and helpful manner, and how people interact with and understand robotic systems. Applications of this work range from manufacturing assembly to healthcare and assistive technology. Elizabeth received a Peter Wall Early Career Scholar award in 2001, the Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists (BC) Professional Service Award in 2005, the Award for the Support of Women in the Engineering Profession, Canadian Council of Professional Engineers in 2006, an NSERC Accelerator award in 2007, and a YWCA Women of Distinction Award in 2013.

Jennifer Pelletier is the Manager for the NSERC Chair for Women in Science and Engineering (BC / Yukon) and also holds the positions of Program Administrator, for the Engendering Engineering Success Research Project and Network Coordination Administrator, for the National CWSE Network. She has been recognized with a UBC Applied Science 2012 Dean's Award for Excellence in Service and a UBC 2010 President's Staff Award in the category of Enhancing the UBC Experience. She was also named the Honourary President of the Engineering Undergraduate Society for the 2009-2010 school year. Her educational background is in Adult Education and project management.  Jennifer was a member of the Board of Advisors for GEERing Up! UBC Engineering & Science for Kids from 2006-2012. GEERing Up! is a non-profit organization dedicated to engineering and science education and outreach for the children and youth of British Columbia, particularly those in areas traditionally under-represented in engineering and science.