
issues and experts

¶¡ÏãÔ°AV Experts available for 2020 B.C. Provincial Election Debate

October 13, 2020

Tonight, the first televised B.C. Provincial Election Debate will take place. Voters in B.C. will be able to watch the three main party leaders as they discuss important issues regarding the province.

¶¡ÏãÔ°AV currently has an election experts directory available to support media in finding and connecting with ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV experts during this election period. The online directory will be updated regularly to include new experts on current event and other topics of interest that may come up during the election campaign.

The following experts are currently available to speak to a range of election related topics:


Maite Taboada, professor, linguistics, 778.782.5585; mtaboada@sfu.ca
Topics: gender representation in the coverage of the election, media coverage, fake news and misinformation, online comments


Neil Boyd, professor, criminology, 778.782.3324; nboyd@sfu.ca
Topics: Crime, crime and media, drug policy, homicide

Robert Gordon, professor, criminology, 604.418.6640; rgordon@sfu.ca
Topics: crime, criminality and criminal justice, policing


Robert Adamson, lecturer, Beedie School of Business, 604.657.1213; radamson@sfu.ca
Topics: political strategy and COVID-19 issues in U.S., B.C. and Canada, legal and constitutional issues about masks and vaccines, new rules in the workplace and other issues that may impact the election

Andrey Pavlov, professor, Beedie School of Business, 604.763.3696; apavlov@sfu.ca
Topics: B.C.’s economy, economic-related issues, financial markets

Steeve Mongrain, professor and associate chair, economics, 778.782.3547; mongrain@sfu.ca
Topics: Taxation, welfare programs, unemployment insurance (*speaks French)

Tom Gunton, director and professor, Resource and Environmental Management program, 250.477.7601; gunton@sfu.ca
Topics: environment, pipelines, energy issues, environmental assessments

Seth Klein, adjunct professor, urban studies, 604.836.2272; seth_klein@sfu.ca
Topics: climate policy, anti-poverty policy

Marjorie Griffin Cohen, professor emeritus, political science and gender, sexuality and women’s studies, 604-679-8522 or 604-294-2134; mcohen@sfu.ca
Topics: BC economy, labour, gender issues, public policy, long term care, energy and BC Hydro, and Employment Standards


Deborah Harford, Executive Director of Adaption to Climate Change Team (ACT), 604.671.2449; Debbie_harford@sfu.ca
Topics: climate change impacts, risks and strategic solutions for B.C. election

Hendrik Wolff, associate professor, economics, 778.782.4109; Hendrik_wolff@sfu.ca
Topics: transportation, energy, environment, climate change (carbon taxes)

Alex Boston, Renewable Cities ED, MJ Wosk Centre for Dialogue Fellow, a_boston@sfu.ca; 604.928.2347 or (604).264.0838.
Topics: Climate solutions and impacts, transportation/transit, resilient recovery (housing, srs, jobs, fiscal responsibility)

Tom Gunton, director and professor, Resource and Environmental Management program, 250.477.7601; gunton@sfu.ca
Topics: environment, pipelines, energy issues, environmental assessments


John O’Neil, professor, Global and Indigenous Health, Faculty of Health and Sciences, 604.306.4987; joneil@sfu.ca
Topics: COVID-19 and public health issues impacting Indigenous in Canada

Gloria Gutman, professor, emeritus, gerontology, 604.767.2009; gutman@sfu.ca
Topics: COVID-19 and public health issues impacting older adults; seniors housing; long term care; LGBT aging; elder abuse and neglect

Robert Gordon, professor, criminology, 604.418.6640; rgordon@sfu.ca
Topics: medically assisted death, abuse and neglect of seniors, regulation of care facilities

Andrew Sixsmith, professor, gerontology and scientific director, AGEWELL, 778.782.5375; Sixsmith@sfu.ca
Topics: technology for independent living; theories and methods in aging and understanding the innovation process; technologies to connect people; technology policy and the digital divide

Kendra Strauss, director and associate professor, Labour Studies, kstrauss@sfu.ca
Topics: labour and employment issues; care work (seniors’ care and long-term care); social infrastructure


Sanjay Jeram, senior lecturer, political science, 604.445.6790; sjeram@sfu.ca
Topics: public opinion, ideologies, provincial political cultures, electoral strategy, immigration & diversity issues

Cara Camcastle, professor, political science, ccamcast@sfu.ca; 778.887.5585
Topics: B.C. election, Canadian politics, the role of the Green party in BC politics, party ideologies and policies, election analysis, the rise of climate change

Stewart Prest, lecturer, political science, 604.219.9309; stewart_prest@sfu.ca
Topics: B.C. politics, comparative politics, democratic institutions

Andrew Heard, professor, political science, aheard@sfu.ca
Topics: Canadian constitution and institutions, process of forming a government, role of the Lieutenant Governor

Mark Pickup, associate professor, political science, 778.782.8640; Mark_pickup@sfu.ca
Topics: public opinions, political identities and decision-making, conditions of democratic responsiveness and accountability; polls and electoral outcomes

Genevieve Fuji Johnson, professor, political science, gfjohnso@sfu.ca
Topics: politics, racialization, and gender; equity, diversity, and inclusion in public institutions; public policy impacts on BIPOC; democratic processes and inclusion/exclusion