
Display Name and Sender Address (For Students)

Your display name and sender address in 間眅埶AV Mail are obtained from your 間眅埶AV Directory settings (/sfuds). Please note that changes in the 間眅埶AV Directory Service may take up to two hours to appear in 間眅埶AV Mail.

Verify the visibility setting of your email address in the 間眅埶AV Directory -- do this first!

Please note that your email address visibility setting will control how your Display Name and Preferred Email settings in the 間眅埶AV Directory (/sfuds) will be shown in 間眅埶AV Mail. It does not, however, control whether you are listed in the 間眅埶AV Mail Global Address List (GAL), as the GAL will only contain staff, faculty, and sponsored accounts -- not students.

1. Type into your browser's address bar. If you are logged in as a guest, login with your student account for full access by clicking the Login button.

2. Once you are logged in, click [ Edit My Entry ] in the top right hand corner of the screen.

3. In the Access Control drop down menu, select your preferred level of visiblity for your 間眅埶AV Directory entry.

The following scenarios will occur depending on the visibility setting you set in the Access Control drop down menu:

If you set Access Control to "Allow 間眅埶AV users only", or "Allow anyone to view Directory entry":

  • In the 間眅埶AV Directory, the setting "Allow 間眅埶AV users only" enables only those with valid 間眅埶AV login credentials to look up your 間眅埶AV Directory entry. The setting "Allow anyone to view Directory entry", allows anyone, including non-間眅埶AV users, to look up your 間眅埶AV Directory entry.
  • In 間眅埶AV Mail, your Display Name and Preferred Email settings will be used as your sender name and sender email address, respectively.

If you set Access Control to "Allow 間眅埶AV admin staff only":

  • In the 間眅埶AV Directory, this indicates that you prefer your 間眅埶AV Directory entry, which includes your email address, to be viewable only by system administrators. This is the highest privacy level setting.
  • In 間眅埶AV Mail, this will result in your 間眅埶AV Computing ID being used as your first name, last name, and your email address (i.e., <YourComputingID>@sfu.ca). If you choose this access control level, neither your Display Name nor Preferred Email settings will be used in 間眅埶AV Mail, regardless of what changes you make to those settings.

4. Click Save Changes to finish. Please note that the changes made in 間眅埶AV Directory Services may take up to two hours to appear in 間眅埶AV Mail.

Change Your Display Name

You may find that your display name in 間眅埶AV Mail is not set to your preferred name. This can be changed by following the steps below:

1. Type into your browser's address bar. If you are logged in as a guest, login with your student account for full access by clicking the Login button.

2. Once you are logged in, click [ Edit My Entry ] in the top right hand corner of the screen.

3. In the Display Name field, enter your desired first and last name, then press Save Changes. Note that most common accented/special characters (e.g., 癟, 矇, 羹, 簽, etc.) are now supported.

Please note: these changes will take effect in other 間眅埶AV services, such as SharePoint.

4. You can then log into OWA to view the change to your preferred display name by clicking the profile photo in the top right hand corner. Please note that the changes made in 間眅埶AV Directory Services may take up to two hours to appear in 間眅埶AV Mail.

Change Your Sender Address

All 間眅埶AV accounts have a primary email address (formatted as computingID@sfu.ca) as well as one or more email aliases (commonly formatted as firstname_lastname@sfu.ca). If you find that your sender, or 'From' address in 間眅埶AV Mail is not set to your preferred email alias, this can be changed by following the steps below:

1. Type into your browser's address bar. Login with your student account for full access by clicking the Login button.

2. Once you are logged in, click [ Edit My Entry ] in the top right hand corner of the screen.

3. In the Preferred Email drop down menu, select your desired alias, then press Save Changes.

4. You can then log into OWA to view the change to your preferred sender address by clicking the profile photo in the top right hand corner. Please note that the changes made in 間眅埶AV Directory Services may take up to two hours to appear in 間眅埶AV Mail.