

Graduate Students

I am currently looking for students with simulation and/or hands-on research experience to participate in collaborative research with industrial partners on challenging problems facing the development of high efficiency gaseous fuelling, engine, and vehicle systems to achieve substantial reductions in CO2 emissions from commercial vehicles. Funded opportunities are available for both MASc and PhD levels.

Available research projects:

1. Modelling, hardware development and testing for gaseous fuel systems (incl. H2, RNG)    

2. Experimental testing and evaluation of non-premixed gaseous fuel injection and combustion  

If either of these are of interest to you, please contact me via e-mail at gordon_mctaggart-cowan@sfu.ca with the following information:

  • A short explanation of why this research is of interest to you and how your previous experience has prepared you to undertake an advanced research degree working in this field;
  • Academic training including institution, CGPA, and specialization
  • Degree of interest and semester you would like to start
  • A CV highlighting any relevant practical or industrial experience

Please note that while I greatly appreciate all expressions of interest, I will only contact applicants where there is a promising fit between the interested applicant and my available research opportunities.

Equity, diversity and inclusion: a diverse and vibrant research group, where different backgrounds and viewpoints are welcomed and where all voices are encouraged, is a cornerstone of innovative research. Interested applicants of all backgrounds are encouraged to contact me.   


Click to learn more about applying to the MASc or PhD programs in the School of Sustainable Energy Engineering.