
Zafar Adeel, P.Eng.

Director pro tem, School of Sustainable Energy Engineering

Professor of Professional Practice, School of Sustainable Energy Engineering


BSc, Civil Engineering, Univ. of Engg. & Tech, Lahore, Pakistan

MSc, Environmental Engineering, Iowa State Univ., USA

PhD, Environmental Engineering, Carnegie Mellon Univ., USA

Recently Taught Courses

  • REM 454 - D100 Water Security
  • SEE 351 - Bioprocess Engineering Systems
  • SEE 410W - Sustainable Energy Design Project I
  • SEE 411 – Sustainable Energy Design Project II


SRYE 5132


  • Adeel, Z., and B. Boer (Eds), 2023. - Central and South Asia, Springer Publisher, Dordrecht, The Netherlands.
  • Stefanovic, I.L.., and Z. Adeel (Eds), 2020. , Springer Publisher, Dordrecht, The Netherlands.
  • Devlaeminck, D., Z. Adeel, and R. Sandford (Eds.), 2017. , Springer Publisher, Dordrecht, The Netherlands.
  • Amer, K.M., Z. Adeel, B. Böer, and W. Saleh (Eds.), 2017. , Springer Publisher, Dordrecht, The Netherlands.
  • Adeel, Z. and R. Wirsing (Eds.), 2016. Imagining Industan - , Springer Publisher, Dordrecht, The Netherlands.
  • Adeel, Z., R. Sandford, and D. Devlaeminck (Eds.), 2016. , Springer Publisher, Dordrecht, The Netherlands (in production).
  • Amer, K.M., Z. Adeel, B. Böer, and W. Saleh (Eds.), 2016. , Springer Publisher, Dordrecht, The Netherlands (in production).
  • Axworthy, T.S., and Z. Adeel (Eds.), 2014. , United Nations University, Hamilton, Canada.
  • Bigas, H., T. Morris, R. Sandford and Z. Adeel (Eds.), 2012. , United Nations University, Hamilton, Canada.
  • Adeel, Z., B. Schuster, and H. Bigas, 2009. , United Nations University, Hamilton, Canada.
  • Miyazaki N., Z. Adeel, and Kouichi Owada (Eds.), 2005. , UNU Press, Tokyo, Japan.
  • Ahmad, M.F., M.A. Ali and Z. Adeel (Eds.), 2003. , Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
  • Adeel, Z. (Ed.), 2003. East Asian Experiences in Environmental Governance: Response in a Rapidly Developing Region, UNU Press, Tokyo, Japan.
  • Adeel, Z. (Ed.), 2003. Sustainable Management in Marginal Drylands - Application of Indigenous Knowledge for Coastal Drylands, UNU Desertification Series No. 5, UNU, Tokyo, Japan.
  • Adeel, Z. (Ed.), 2001. Integrated Land Management in Dry Areas, UNU Desertification Series No. 4, UNU, Tokyo, Japan.
  • Ahmed, M. Feroze, M. Ashraf Ali, and Z. Adeel (Eds.), 2001. Technologies for Arsenic Removal from Drinking Water, UNU-BUET, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
  • Adeel, Z. (Ed.), 2001. New Approaches to Water Management in Central Asia, UNU Desertification Series No. 3, UNU, Tokyo, Japan

Edited Journal Issues

  • Current Opinions in Sustainable Science, Vol. 3 No. 6. 2011, Guest Editor
  • Global Environmental Change: Human and Policy Dimensions, Vol. 14 Supp. 1 2004, Special Issue: Focus on the International Year of Freshwater, Guest Editor

Research Papers:

  • Adeel, Z., Bakkensen, L., Cabrera-Rivera, O, Franco, E., Garfin, G.M., McPherson, R.A., Méndez, K., and Wen, X., 2023. Challenges in and Opportunities for International Collaboration - Costing Flood Damages and Losses across Canada, Mexico, and the United States, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, E1323-E1332.
  • Wen, X., Alarcón, A.M., Rae, L.M., Saffari, H., Adeel, Z., Bakkensen, L.A., Méndez, K.M., Garfin, G.M., McPherson, R.A., and Franco, E., 2022. A Comprehensive Methodology for Evaluating the Economic Impacts of Floods: An Application to Canada, Mexico, and the United States, Sustainability, 14, 14139.
  • Adeel, Z., Alarcon, A.M., Bakkensen, L., Franco, E., Garfin, G.M., McPherson R.A., Mendez, K., Roudaut, M.B., Saffari H., Wen, X., 2020. Developing a comprehensive methodology for evaluating economic impacts of floods in Canada, Mexico and the United States, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 50: 1-86.
  • Adeel, Z., 2018. Re-imagining Water (and Energy) Sharing in South Asia, Georgetown Journal of International Affairs, 27 Feb 2018.
  • Adeel, Z., 2017. A renewed focus on water security within the 2030 agenda for sustainable development, Sustain. Sci., 12:891-894.
  • Switzman, H., B. Salem, M.Gad, Z. Adeel, and P. Coulibaly, 2017. Conservation planning as an adaptive strategy for climate change and groundwater depletion in Wadi El Natrun, Egypt, Hydrogeol. J., (DOI 10.1007/s10040-017-1669-y).
  • Adeel, Z., 2014. Engaging and Incentivizing the Private Sector: An Emerging Opportunity for the Water World, New Water Policy and Practice Journal, Vol. 1 No. 1, 20-25.
  • Adeel, Z., 2014. Knowledge Challenges for Policy Integration of Water and Energy Domains. Water Monographies II: Water & Energy. United Nations Office to support the Decade ‘Water for Life’ 2005-2015 / UN-Water Programme on Advocacy and Communication in the framework of the Decade, WCCE - World Council of Civil Engineers, Fundación Aquae.
  • Adeel, Z., 2014. Water, Food and Energy Security in Drylands: Challenges Triggered by Global Changes, International Drylands Development Commission.
  • Adeel, Z., and U. Safriel, 2008. Achieving Sustainability by Introducing Alternative livelihoods, Sustainability Science, Vol. 3 (1).
  • Safriel, U., and Z. Adeel, 2008. Development Paths of Drylands — Is Sustainability Achievable? Sustainability Science, Vol. 3 (1).
  • Adeel, Z., and R. Pomeroy, 2002. , Trees, 16: 235-238.
  • Adeel, Z., 2002. , Global Environmental Change, 12(1): 69-72.
  • Adeel, Z. and M. Glantz, 2001. , Global Environmental Change, 11(2): 171-174.
  • Adeel, Z., D.A. Edwards, and R.G. Luthy, 1995. , Water Resources Research, 31(8): 2035‑2045.
  • Edwards, D.A., Z. Adeel, and R.G. Luther. 1994. Distribution of nonionic surfactant and phenanthrene in a sediment/aqueous system, Environmental Science and Technology, 28(4): 1032-1042.
  • Adeel, Z., and A.D. Levine, 1994. Solubilization and methanogenesis of a particulate industrial waste: Impact of solids loading and temperature, Waste Management, 14(8): 693‑702.

Book Chapters

  • Adeel, Z., 2023. Water Stress and Scarcity. In , Hellberg, S., Soderbaum, F., Swain, A., and Ojendal, J., Routlege International Handbooks.
  • Adeel, Z., and Boer, B., 2023. An Integrated Overview of the Water, Energy, Food Nexus in Central and South Asia. In - Central and South Asia, Adeel, Z., and B. Boer (Eds). Springer Publisher, Dordrecht, The Netherlands.
  • Adeel, Z., 2023. Looking into the Future of the Water, Energy, Food Nexus in Central and South Asia In - Central and South Asia, Adeel, Z., and B. Boer (Eds). Springer Publisher, Dordrecht, The Netherlands.
  • Adeel, Z., 2020. Ethical Dimensions of the Water-Related International Development Agenda, in Ethical Water Stewardship, Stefanovic, I.L., and Z. Adeel (Eds.), Springer Publisher, Dordrecht, The Netherlands.
  • Stefanovic, I.L., and Z. Adeel, 2020. Ethics of Shaping Water Futures, in Ethical Water Stewardship, Stefanovic, I.L., and Z. Adeel (Eds.), Springer Publisher, Dordrecht, The Netherlands.
  • Adeel, Z., 2017.  Managing Water, Energy, and Food for Long-Term Regional Security, in Water-Energy-Food Security Nexus in the Arab Region, Amer, K.M., Z. Adeel, B. Böer, and W. Saleh (Eds.), Springer Publisher, Dordrecht, The Netherlands.
  • Adeel, Z., 2017. Water Security as the Centerpiece of the Sustainable Development Agenda, in The Human Face of Water Security, Devlaeminck, D., Z. Adeel, and R. Sandford (Eds.), Springer Publisher, Dordrecht, The Netherlands.
  • Adeel, Z., 2016. Placing Canada’s Water Policies in an International Context, in Water Policy and Governance in Canada, S. Renzetti and D.P. Dupont, Springer, The Netherlands.
  • Adeel, Z., and P. Newberg, 2016. The Role of International Development in Reimagining the Indus Basin, in Imagining Industan - Overcoming Water Insecurity in the Indus Basin, Adeel, Z. and R. Wirsing (Eds.), Springer, Dordrecht, The Netherlands.
  • Adeel, Z., 2012. , in The Global Water Crisis: Addressing an Urgent Security Issue, United Nations University, Hamilton, Canada
  • Chociej, Z. and Z. Adeel, 2012. , in The Global Water Crisis: Addressing an Urgent Security Issue, United Nations University, Hamilton, Canada
  • Adeel, Z., 2009. Societal Vulnerability to Desertification and Policy Response Options, in Coping with Global Environmental Change, Disasters and Security – Threats, Challenges, Vulnerabilities and Risks, Brauch, H-G., U. Spring, P. Kameri-Mbote, C. Mesjasz, J. Grin, B. Chourou, and J. Birkmann (Eds), Hexagon Publishers, Germany.
  • Koshy, K., Z. Adeel, M. Lal, and M. Mataki, 2006. Impacts of Pollutants in the Asia-Pacific Region, in Global Change and Integrated Coastal Management – The Asia-Pacific Region, Nick Harvey (ed), Springer, Dordrecht, The Netherlands.
  • Safriel, U. and Z. Adeel, 2005. Dryland systems, in Ecosystems and Human Well-being: Current State and Trends, Volume 1, by Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, Island Press, Washington DC, USA.
  • Adeel, Z., and N. Miyazaki, 2005. , in Mankind and the Oceans, by Miyazaki N., Z. Adeel, and Kouichi Owada (Eds.), UNU Press, Tokyo, Japan.
  • Adeel, Z., 2004. Mangrove action plan, in Mangrove Management and Conservation – Present and Future, by Marta Vannucci (Ed.), UNU Press, Tokyo.
  • Adeel, Z., J.W. Mercer, and C.R. Faust, 2000. Models for describing multiphase flow and transport of contaminants, in Kaluarachchi, J. (Ed.) Groundwater Contamination by Organic Pollutants – Analysis and Remediation, American Society of Civil Engineers, Reston, USA.

Policy Reports

  • Adeel, Z., and M. Kawahara, 2018. Women, Water Security, and Peacebuilding in the Arab Region, A Policy Brief. United Nations, New York, USA.
  • Adeel, Z., S. Aslov, J. Maestu, and O. Unver, 2015. , United Nations University, Hamilton, Canada.
  • Schuster-Wallace C.J., Qadir M., Adeel Z., Renaud F., 2014. , United Nations University, Hamilton, Canada.
  • Adeel Z., Bullock A., Chaudhry M.A., Kuylenstierna J., Qadir M., Schuster-Wallace C.J. and Weitz N., 2013. , United Nations University, Hamilton, Canada.
  • UN-Water, 2013. , United Nations University, Hamilton, Canada.
  • Van Lavieren, H., M. Spalding, D.M. Alongi, M. Kainuma, M. Clusener-Godt, Z. Adeel, 2012. , United Nations University, Hamilton, Canada.
  • Mee, L., and Z. Adeel, 2012. , United Nations University, Hamilton, Canada.
  • Adeel, Z., D. Dent, P. Dobie, C. Mersmann, M. Niamir-Fuller, S. Quatrini, and Y. Sokona, 2009. , United Nations University, Hamilton, Canada.
  • Adeel, Z., C. King, T. Schaaf, R. Thomas and B. Schuster, 2008. , United Nations University, Hamilton, Canada.
  • Adeel, Z., U. Safriel, D. Niemeijer, R. White, G. de Kalbermatten, M. Glantz, B. Salem, R. Scholes, M. Niamir-Fuller, S. Ehui, and V. Yapi-Gnaore, 2005. . World Resources Institute, Washington DC, USA.
  • Adeel, Z. and M. Glantz, 2003. Climate Affairs in the South and Southeast Asian Region, United Nations University, Tokyo, Japan.
  • Adeel, Z. and C. King, 2002. Conserving Our Coastal Environment, United Nations University, Tokyo, Japan.
  • Adeel, Z., M. Tabucanon, Y. In-na, M. Thanomphan, G. Wattayakorn, K. Tsukamoto, and S. Vongvisessomjai, 2002. Capacity development needs in the Chao Phraya river basin and the Gulf of Thailand, United Nations University, Tokyo, Japan.