
Taco Niet, P.Eng.

Associate Professor (Practitioner), School of Sustainable Energy Engineering



Ph.D., Mechanical Engineering, University of Victoria, 2018

M.A.Sc., Mechanical Engineering, University of Victoria, 2002

B.Eng., Mechanical Engineering, University of Victoria, 1998


Industrial and research interests

  • Energy Systems Modelling
  • Energy Storage Technologies
  • Integration of Renewable/Variable Technologies
  • Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation


Teaching interests

  • Instrumentation
  • Systems Design and Modelling
  • Control Systems and Instrumentation
  • Strength of Materials
  • Technology and Society


Selected recently taught courses

  • SEE 110 - Energy, Environment & Society (2019)
  • ENGR 7480 - Environment, Energy and Engineering (2019, BCIT)
  • MECH 8135 - Mechanical Engineering Laboratory (2008-2018, BCIT)
  • MECH 2240 - Strength of Materials (2006 - 2018, BCIT)


SRYE 5143

Selected recent publications

  • T. Niet, Storage end effects: An evaluation of common storage modelling assumptions, Journal of Energy Storage, vol. 27, p. 101050, Feb. 2020, doi: 10.1016/j.est.2019.101050.
  • English, J., T. Niet, B. Lyseng, V. Keller, K. Palmer-Wilson, B. Robertson, P. Wild, A. Rowe.  Impact of Flexibility Requirements on Electricity System Decarbonization.  Renewable Energy.  Vol 145, pp. 27702782, Jan. 2020.
  • Niet, T.  Storage End Effects:  An evaluation of common storage modelling assumptions.  Presented at the ETSAP Workshop, Paris, France, June 7, 2019.
  • Niet, T., B. Lyseng, J. English, V. Keller, K Palmer-Wilson, B. Robertson, A. Rowe, P. Wild.  Valuing infrastructure investments to reduce curtailment.  Energy Strategy Reviews (22) 2018 pages 196-206.
  • Keller, V., B. Lyseng, J. English, T. Niet, K. Palmer-Wilson, I. Moazzen, B. Robertson, P. Wild, A. Rowe.  Coal-to-biomass retrofit in Alberta value of forest residue bioenergy in the electricity system.  Renewable Energy (125) 2018 pages 373-383.
  • Gardumi, F., A. Shivakumar, R. Morrison, C. Taliotis, O. Broad, A. Beltramo, V. Sridharan, M. Howells, J. H繹rsch, T. Niet.  From the development of an open-source energy modelling tool to its application and the creation of communities of practice: The example of OSeMOSYS.  Energy Strategy Reviews (20) 2018 pages 209-228.
  • Lyseng, B., T. Niet, J. English, V. Keller, K. Palmer-Wilson, B. Robertson, A. Rowe, P. Wild. System level power to gas energy storage for high penetrations of variable renewables. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (43) 2018, pages 1966-1979.
  • Niet, T., B. Lyseng, J. English, V. Keller, K. Palmer-Wilson, I. Moazzen, B. Robertson, P. Wild , A. Rowe Hedging the risk of increased emissions in long term energy planning, Energy Strategy Reviews (16) 2017, pages 1-12.
  • English, J., T. Niet, B. Lyseng, K. Palmer-Wilson, V. Keller, I. Moazzen, L. Pitt, P. Wild, A. Rowe.  Impact of electrical intertie capacity on carbon policy effectiveness.  Energy Policy. Volume 101, February 2017, pages 571-581.
  • Lyseng, B., T. Niet, K.Palmer-Wilson, J. Donald, A. Rowe, B. Robertson. Pathways to a decarbonised 2060. Presented at EnVision 2017: Decarbonising energy and environment. Victoria, BC. April 27-28, 2017.