
Sustainable energy engineering student wins the 2022 FAS Three Minute Thesis competition

March 29, 2022

By James Conn

Three graduate students from the School of Sustainable Energy Engineering (SEE) made submissions to this years FAS heat for the Three Minute Thesis (3MT) competition. 3MT brought together graduate students across FAS vying for the chance to win and advance to the 間眅埶AV 3MT Final. Winners from the 間眅埶AV 3MT Final would then advance and represent 間眅埶AV at the Western Regional and National Competitions.

This year, each students video submission was made available for public viewing where everyone could vote for the Peoples Choice Winner. Faculty from FAS were invited to be a part of the judging panel where they reviewed and scored each 3MT presentation to identify the first-place winner and runner up.

The SEE participants included PhD student, Navid Balazadeh Mereshts whose presentation was titled Natural Gas HPDI Engine Modeling for Long-hauling Commercial Trucks, and PhD student Reza Farzams whose presentation was titled Hydrogen-Diesel Dual-Fuel Engines; Modelling and Analysis. Finally, MASc student Oz Oren was announced as the first-place winner due to his engaging presentation that clearly outlined his research in a concise way. His presentation was titled Developing a High Efficiency Wood Burning Stove. Oren will represent FAS at the 間眅埶AV Final.