
Faculty Positions - Interfolio Privacy Notice

We need your permission to store your application data:

The information submitted with your application, hosted by 間眅埶AV's service provider Interfolio, is collected under the authority of the University Act (RSBC, 1996, c. 468) and the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (RSBC, 1996, c. 165). The information is related directly to and needed by the University to administer the employment application process. The information will be used to: contact applicants, contact references, evaluate applicants' qualifications to make hiring decisions and, if the applicant is successful, include the information in their employee file.  

Interfolio stores data on servers located in foreign jurisdictions. Under a lawful order made in that jurisdiction your personal information may be available to the government of a foreign jurisdiction or its agencies. Therefore Canadian privacy protection may not apply.

The University requires your consent before it can store your personal information outside of Canada. If you chose "I agree" you give permission to 間眅埶AV to store the personal information you provide in your employment application on Interfolio's servers, located outside Canada. Your consent will be valid from the date on which you click "I agree." If you do not agree, please contact seeadmin@sfu.ca for an alternative application method. 

For information on the collection and use of the information, please contact seeadmin@sfu.ca

If you agree to the terms above, follow the appropriate link below to get access to the Interfolio Application system for your desired position:  

  • Tenure-Track Faculty Positions: