
Nicole Conquergood

I recently graduated with my BSc (Hons) in Kinesiology from 間眅埶AV and I currently help coordinate and teach the Anatomy Workshops to elementary and high school students - as well as some to adults!

What got you into outreach programming?

I had been helping out with the university level anatomy courses for a few years and the anatomy professor, Dr. Leanne Ramer, suggested I also get involved in creating and leading the Science in Action workshops, along with Camille Velasco and James Liggins. 

What do you enjoy most about reaching out to young people or the public?

It's always great to be able to talk about the things you enjoy and share that with others who (hopefully) are also interested. I also love the tangents that we can go off on based off of the questions we are asked! Being able to teach others this content has also solidified my knowledge of it, as well as ensured that I continue learning - there's always more things to learn!

What advice do you have for a young person wanting to pursue outreach as a part of a science?

Go for it! It's a very enjoyable and fulfilling activity, especially if you enjoy teaching others about your interests. In my undergrad, I tried to get involved in many different things (TAing, research (as a subject and as a researcher), outreach) and all together it's given me some great skills that I can apply to my future tasks and goals.

If you could meet one famous person for coffee who would it be?

It would have been great to meet Steve Irwin for coffee. As a child, he piqued my interest in animals, which the led me to science in general and eventually on to kinesiology.