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間眅埶AV Strategic Research Plan (SRP) Priority Project

Valuing and Measuring Scholarly Impact

VPRI portfolio lead
Elicia Maine
Associate Vice-President, Knowledge Mobilization and Innovation (AVPKMI)
Faculty lead
Carman Neustaedter
Dean, Faculty of Communication, Art and Technology

On this Page:

  1. Challenge
  2. Action
  3. Project Goals
  4. Working Group



The ways in which we generate scholarly impact are varied. They include publications in high-impact journals, publishing books, performances, exhibitions, the engagement of community in research and the mobilization of knowledge to the non-academic community. Current incentive and reward structures within the university do not always reflect modern measures of research impact.



Working with the provost, deans, chairs and directors, the library, and 間眅埶AV Faculty Relations, we will examine 間眅埶AVs incentive and support structures to assess whether they align with the way the university values research impact as well as equity, diversity and inclusion.

Project Goals

  • September 2023

    The working group has established a definition of Valuing and Measuring Scholarly Impact (VMSI) for alignment of the working group and sub-committees, as well as for conducting interviews for TPC Chairs.泭

  • July 2023

    Collected a library of background literature and tools on research assessment, defining research impact, and international initiatives. If you are interested in learning more or sharing resources, contact泭Lupin Battersby.

  • May 2024

    The membership of the working group has been renewed for another year and some new members have been added. This working group had its first meeting in June 2024. See below for a list of current泭working group members.

  • April 2024

    The sub-committee developed a project plan and a semi-structured interview schedule for interviewing TPC chairs across the university in order to泭understand泭how scholarly impact is measured and valued in TPC processes. This will help inform the development of tools to support TPCs.

    The interviews began in April and will continue over the summer semester.泭

  • March 2024

    The sub-committee submitted the project for exemption review by 間眅埶AV Research Ethics which was granted. (Article 2.5 of泭TCPS 2)

  • April 2024

    The sub-committee will be reviewing and providing inputs and guidelines for the material being developed by 間眅埶AV Equity Office to refresh the required EDI training for search Committees on their hiring, tenure, and promotion processes.泭

  • April 2024

    The sub-committee has started reviewing relevant awards across other Canadian universities for泭promising practices that may be useful in providing guidance on internal awards at 間眅埶AV.

  • April 2024

    The sub-committee has started collecting and synthesizing literature and guidelines for writing impact narratives to inform the development of a made for 間眅埶AV resource.泭

  • December 2023

    The working group will develop these recommendations and materials over a longer-term horizon as more understanding and knowledge is gathered through the above review of the current practices at the university that involve scholarly impact.

Working Group 

Name Role Department/Office
Lara Beth Aknin Professor, Area Coordinator, Social Psychology Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
Juan Pablo Alperin Associate Professor, Publishing Associate Director of Research for the Public Knowledge Project Faculty of Communication, Art and Technology
Lupin Battersby Knowledge Mobilization Manager VPRI
Derek Bingham Professor, Statistics & Actuarial Science Faculty of Science
Nicholas Blomley Professor and Chair, Geography Faculty of Environment
Varundeep Chahal Strategic Projects Manager VPRI
Habib Chaudhury Chair and Professor, Department of Gerontology Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
Pooja Dharamshi Assistant Professor Faculty of Education
Livleen Diwana Executive Assistant, Associate Vice-President, Knowledge Mobilization and Innovation (AVPKMI) VPRI
Diane Finegood Professor and Fellow Morris J. Wosk Centre for Dialogue
Sharon Gorski Professor, Molecular Biology and Biochemistry Faculty of Science
Wenona Hall Associate Professor, Indigenous Studies Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
Robert Hogg Distinguished Professor, Associate Dean, Research  Faculty of Health Science
Elicia Maine (CoChair) Associate Vice-President, Knowledge Mobilization and Innovation (AVPKMI),
Professor of Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Knowledge Mobilization and Innovation (AVPKMI)
Beedie School of Business
Alison Moore Digital Scholarship Librarian
Carman Neustaedter (CoChair) Dean Faculty of Communication, Art and Technology
Kam Phung Assistant Professor
Jane Pulkinham Senior Advisor, Academic Affairs Professor, Sociology Office of the Provost and Vice President Academic


Considering the types of scholarly impact at 間眅埶AV, three subcommittees have been formed to deliver on the project goals with specific areas of focus:

  1. Tenure Promotion
  2. Faculty Renewal & Retention
  3. Administrative

Sub-Committee Members

Tenure Promotions Committees

Lead: Elicia Maine

Members:Diane Finegood,泭Sharon Gorski,泭Wenona Hall,泭Nicholas Blomley,泭Lupin Battersby (honorary member),泭Livleen Diwana (Executive Assistant)

Faculty Renewal & Retention

Lead: Carman Neustaedter

Members:泭Lara Aknin,泭Pooja Dharamshi,泭Robert Hogg,泭Kam Phung,泭Jane Pulkingham


Lead: Lupin Battersby

Members:Juan Pablo Alperin,泭Derek Bingham,泭Varundeep Chahal,泭Habib Chaudhury,泭Alison Moore

If you would like to get more information on the work of the sub-committees, please contact Lupin Battersby.