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On this page:

  1. Internal deadlines
  2. e-Submission
  3. Submission requirements
  4. Internal review

Grant submission always follows the process developed by sponsors. Most sponsors are requesting proposals through online portals now, but there are still some that require submission by email or even courier.

Independent of the mode of submission, the sponsor may ask you as the Principal Investigator (PI) to submit the application directly (see:泭Submission by PIs) or may ask that the application to be submitted by an institutional representative in which case Research Services will submit for you (see:泭Submission by Research Services).

In some cases, the sponsor asks you to submit directly, but requires a cover page signed by an institutional representative. In this case, please make sure internal approvals are secured and email the cover page (routing sheet, signature page) to Research Services (ors@sfu.ca)泭three泭business days before the submission deadline to secure the signature.

Internal Deadlines

Research Services will review an application if it is submitted by Research Services. If the application is submitted by the principal investigator, it may require the signature of an institutional research services representative.泭In order to have enough time to process the application and request, 間眅埶AV has internal deadlines for external funding applications.

間眅埶AV internal deadlines are泭THREE business days泭in advance of the funding agencys external deadlines. For example,

  • If the external deadline is July 5 (Thursday), 2018, 間眅埶AV internal deadline is 9:30 AM, July 2 (Monday), 2018.
  • If the external deadline is July 9 (Monday), 2018, 間眅埶AV internal deadline is 9:30 AM, July 4 (Wednesday), 2018.

Why does 間眅埶AV have internal deadlines?

The purpose of internal deadlines is to ensure that the staff of泭Research Services has enough time to review applications before submitting it or signing off on it on behalf of the institution. It also ensures that researchers have enough time to make corrections to their applications if any errors or omissions are identified.

Please note:泭Applications will still be signed or forwarded to the funding agency even if the internal deadline is missed but it will be put in the queue behind others who submitted on time. This may result in the risk of missing the external submission deadline when泭Research Services is handling overlapping deadlines or applications for large competitions.泭Your Chair and Dean might also have internal policies with which you need to comply when submitting proposals to external funders.


e-Submission refers to the process of electronically submitting a grant application to a funding agency via its online system. The e-Submission process is used for all SSHRC and NSERCs granting programs, some of CIHRs granting programs, as well as NIH, Health Research B.C., and other agencies.

Please note:泭Some portals require registration, which can take time.泭ORS has a profile on the common portals and will initiate profiles on behalf of 間眅埶AV when a new funding opportunity requires it. Please check with ORS before registering to a new portal to avoid duplications and necessity for revisions. It is important that researchers register early, to ensure they are affiliated with 間眅埶AV and to understand how the portal works before submission. Please also check submission deadlines and validation processes the portal uses to ensure submissions do not get timed-out.

The following are common portals accessed by 間眅埶AV researchers and Research Services:

  • CIHR Research Net:泭
  • NSERC Grants and Scholarships Administration Portal:泭
  • SSHRC Webapps:泭
  • Health Research B.C. Apply Net:泭
  • Heart and Stoke Foundation:泭
  • Research.gov (NSF):泭
  • Grants Online (NOAA):泭
  • Grants.gov (NIH, DOD):泭
  • Assist (NIH):泭

Most online application portals, including the Tri-Agencies, allow you to upload and work on documents on the online portal. To make sure only final drafts get submitted, the agencies assign statuses to a proposal (e.g. in progress, completed, submitted, returned, approved, received, etc.).泭Research Services can only see a proposal after "submit"泭button has been clicked, which we call "submit mode".

Submission Requirements

Submission by PIs

A PI must secure泭 internal approval泭with a copy of his/her application no later than 9:30AM of the泭internal 間眅埶AV deadline before submission to any sponsor.

Note.泭If your application requires an institutional representative signature,泭Research Services will return the signed cover page to you for submitting directly to the agency.

Submission by Research Services

A PI must have his/her application in the submit mode on the agencys online application portal (or in the泭Research Services inbox if the sponsor is not using a portal), and have secured all internal approvals no later than 9:30AM of the泭internal 間眅埶AV deadline.

Internal Review

Applications submitted to the funding agency by泭Research Services or that request an institutional representative signature will require internal review. 間眅埶AV reviews applications in order to:

  • Ensure that applications meet the university and funding agency's guidelines and requirements
  • Provide the final review to spot errors that may eliminate a proposal from the competition

間眅埶AV internal review by泭Research Services varies depending on the requirements of each funding agency.泭 In general,泭Research Services conducts the following checks:

  • Internal Approvals with Chair and Dean signoff
  • Supporting documents (e.g., proposal and statement of work)
  • Submission deadline
  • Institutional signatures
  • Eligibility: ensure the applicant is eligible to hold the grant through 間眅埶AV based on the sponsor policies and requirements
  • Sponsor terms and conditions
  • Overhead (indirect costs)
  • Compliance requirements (e.g., research ethics, animal care, biohazard, etc.)
  • Conflict of Interest
  • Budget period and amount
  • Type of grant: grant or contract
Last updated: May 30, 2024