Q: For the Milestone Award category, what type of "impacts" are you looking for and how to they relate to the general selection criteria?
A: The Milestone Award is intended to recognize a specific and recent research or scholarly contribution, not sustained contributions over a career. It is up to the nominator to describe the contribution and convince the multidisciplinary selection committee why it represents a "milestone," by detailing its outcomes and impacts with reference to at least one of the three selection criteria. The outcomes and impacts may take a myriad of forms.
Q: Will requests for extensions to the eligibility window for a given award category be accepted?
A: Requests for extensions to the eligibility window for any award category will be assessed by the Research Excellence Awards Committee on a case-by-case basis during the adjudication process. These requests must be detailed and justified in the nomination letter (including the dates and type of any career interruptions or delays, if applicable).
Q: Can we submit a 5-minute video accompanying the 2-page nomination letter?
A: No, we will accept a written letter or a video, but not both.
Q: Will you accept additional support letters as part of the nomination package?
A: No. To ensure that all nominees receive a fair and consistent evaluation, we will only accept those documents that comprise the nomination package: the nomination form, the 2-page nomination letter (or max. 5-min audio or video file), and the 5-page CV.