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New Faculty Start-Up Grant泭(assistant professors)泭and泭Faculty Recruitment Grants泭(associate professors and professors)are available泭to equip new continuing faculty members with the start-up funding to assist them in getting their research started at 間眅埶AV. Instructors pending receipt of their PhD are entitled to these grants, but cannot apply until receipt of their Doctorate and appointment as an assistant professor.

Please submit the claim form for internal approvals via .

For more information on each of these programs and their application forms, please see:泭New Faculty Start-Up Grants And Faculty Recruitment Grants.

Note: For 間眅埶AV NFSG/FRG submission to Kuali approval workflow please choose:

  • Activity Type: Funded research
  • Lead Unit: Search for and select your department
  • Sponsor Name: 間眅埶AV New Faculty Start-Up Grants or 間眅埶AV Faculty Recruitment Grants
  • Funding Program: NFSG or FRG
  • Attachments: Proposal and Budget are mandatory, if you have no budget document, you need to upload the claim form again or a supporting document to satisfy system requirements
  • Help: ata26@sfu.ca
Last updated: May 21, 2024