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This page provides general information about the Research Support Fund (RSF) program at ԰AV. Detailed information about ԰AV's RSF processes are available on theinternal RSF web page for staff and faculty (԰AV log-in is required; please use your personal ԰AV account as role accounts may not allow for access to this page).

On this page:

  1. What is the Research Support Fund?
  2. What are Incremental Project Grants (IPG)?
  3. What is the Research Security stream of IPG?
  4. What are the indirect costs of research?
  5. How is the RSF allocated at ԰AV?
  6. Affiliated hospitals and health institutes
  7. RSF and IPG spending, objectives, indicators and outcomes
  8. RSF impact on ԰AV research
  9. Resources

What is the Research Support Fund?

Canada's (RSF) assists postsecondary institutions with the costs associated with managing their research enterprise.  This helps the institutions maintaina world-classresearch environment, thereby helping make Canada a world leader in research and development.  RSF grantscan be usedto maintain modern labs and equipment; provide access to up-to-date knowledge resources; provide research management and administrative support; meet regulatory and ethical standards; or transfer knowledge from academia to the private, public, and not-for-profit sectors.

What are Incremental Project Grants?

The (IPG) funding opportunity is a stream ofRSF. IPG provides funding,in addition to an institution’s RSF grant,whichprovides additionalsupport tothe indirect costs of research.To receive IPG funds, an eligible institution must submit an application for specific projects. These projects must fit within a group of priorities that cut acrossRSF’s five existing categories of eligible expenses. IPG's initial four priority areas are: innovation and commercialization activities; facilities renewal, including deferred maintenance; information resources, including digital resources, open access and databases; and equity, diversity and faculty renewal (in the context of equity, diversity, and inclusion).

What is the Research Security stream of IPG?

Starting in FY22-23, a was added to IPG to provide institutions with funding to support the indirect costs of research security and to support the . This funding stream will provide institutions across Canada a collective total of $125 million over five years. Research Security is considered a fifth priority area of the IPG program, and enables institutions to build capacity to identify, assess and mitigate potential threats to research security.

What are the indirect costs of research?

RSF and IPG support theindirect costs of research, whichare the “hidden” costs that are incurred in the support of research-related activities that cannot be easily attributed to a specific research project.

At ԰AV, the indirect costs of research include:

  • Maintaining high quality research infrastructure through the renovation and maintenance of research facilities, upgrades to equipment and the operating costs of research space;
  • Providing in-house technical expertise for ongoing and daily support to research facilities;
  • Acquiring research resources including library holdings and datasets;
  • Facilitating research through institutional support for the completion of grant applications and proposals, financial administration and reporting, and research planning and promotion;
  • Ensuring the requirements of regulatory bodies are met, including the Tri-Council & Canadian Council on Animal Care;
  • Managing the licensing of university technologies.

How is the RSF allocated at ԰AV?

Breakdowns showinghow԰AV has spent its RSFamong the fiveRSF expenditure categories and fourIPG priority areascan be found in theRSF and IPG Spending, Objectives, Indicators, and Outcomessection below.

At ԰AV, RSF is generally divided between the university and the initiating faculty, as is the case with overheads realized from research funded through contracts. The initiating faculties report each year on the use of these RSF funds, so that ԰AV can fulfill reporting requirements.

Additionaldetails about internal ԰AV RSF processes and allocations are available on the ԰AV Internal RSF Program webpage(԰AV staff or faculty login required).

AffiliatedHospitals or Health Institutes

The followingHealth Institutesare considered԰AV’s affiliates for RSF grants:

  • BC Cancer Agency
    • BC Cancer, part of PHSA
    • BC Cancer Research Centre
    • BC Cancer Research Institute
    • BC Cancer - Abbotsford
    • BC Cancer – Kelowna (Sindi Ahluwalia Hawkins Centre)
    • BC Cancer – Prince George (Centre for the North)
    • BC Cancer - Surrey
    • BC Cancer - Vancouver
    • BC Cancer - Victoria
    • Terry Fox Laboratory
  • First Nations Health Authority
    • Interim First Nations Health Authority
  • Fraser Health Authority
  • The Occupational Health & Safety Agency for Healthcare in British Columbia
  • Providence Health Care Society
    • Providence Healthcare
    • Providence Health Research Institute
    • BC Centre of Excellence for HIV/AIDS
    • BC Centre on Substance Use
    • Centre for Health Evaluation and Outcome Sciences
    • Centre for Healthy Aging at Providence
    • Centre for Practitioner Renewal
    • Holy Family Hospital
    • Mount Saint Joseph Hospital
    • St. Vincent’s Hospital
    • St. Paul’s Hospital
  • Nuu-chah-nulth Tribal Council (agreement to be put in place prior to transfer of funds)
  • Vancouver Coastal Health Authority
    • Vancouver Coastal Health Research Institute
    • Vancouver Community - Vancouver Coastal Health (BC)
    • Arthritis Research Centre of Canada
    • The Centre for Aging Smart
    • The Centre for Gender and Sexual Health Equity (CGSHE)
    • Chenchenstway
    • GF Strong Rehabilitation Centre
    • International Collaboration on Repair Discoveries (ICORD)
    • Jack Bell Research Centre
    • The Legacy for Airway Health
    • Lions Gate Hospital
    • Mary Pack Arthritis Centre
    • Mount Saint Joseph Hospital
    • Nancy Chan Ambulatory Palliative Care Clinic
    • Richmond Hospital
    • St. Paul’s Hospital
    • St. Vincent’s: Brock Fahrni
    • UBC Hospital
    • Vancouver General Hospital
    • Vancouver Hospital and Health Sciences Centre
    • The Vancouver Prostate Centre
    • Venture

RSF and IPG Spending, Objectives, Indicators, and Outcomes

In 2024-2025, ԰AV expects to receive $7,046,299 in RSF grants, $1,059,610 in general IPG funding, and $466,658 in Research Security IPG funding. The charts and linked PDF below outline how ԰AV intends to use these funds.


Category Percentage

Research Facilities


Research Resources


Management and Administration


Regulatory Requirements and Accreditation


Intellectual Property


Total expenditures incurred



* For IPG, $574,610 is intended for strengthening community-focused partnership initiatives and $485,000 is intended for the development of and enhancements to research systems. All $466,658 of the Research Security funds are intended to be used for capacity and structure development. Details of RSF, IPG, and Research Security objectives, indicators, and targeted outcomes are outlined in Research Support Fund & Incremental Project Grant Spending, Objectives, Indicators And Outcomes (.pdf).

In 2023-2024, ԰AV expects to receive $7,057,937 in RSF grants, $1,049,546.00 in general IPG funding, and $464,411 in Research Security IPG funding. The charts and linked PDF below outline how ԰AV intends to use these funds.

RSF 2023 - 2024


IPG 2023 - 2024


* For IPG, $450,000 is intended for ԰AV's Research Administration Information Utility Systems and $599,546 is intended for strategic development of innovation and commercialization partnership support. All $464,411 of the Research Security funds are intended to be used for capacity and structure development.

View the details of RSF, IPG, and Research Security objectives, indicators, and targeted outcomes (.pdf)

In 2022-2023, ԰AV received $7,221,790 in RSF grants, and $1,078,709 in IPG funds,and an additional $477,405 in Research Security funds. The charts and linked PDF below outline how ԰AV used these funds.

RSF pie charts 2022-2023

* For IPG, $400,000 was spent on ԰AV's Research Administration Information Utility Systems and $678,709 was spent on strategic development of innovation and commercialization partnership support. All $477,405 of the Research Security funds were used for capacity and structure development. Details of RSF, IPG, and Research Security objectives, indicators, and targeted outcomes areoutlined here (.pdf).

In 2021-2022, ԰AV received $7,487,450 in RSF grants and $1,132,552 in IPG funding. The charts below outline how ԰AV used these funds.

A pie chart showing how ԰AV allocated its 2021-22 RSF funds

IPG Chart 2021-2022

* For IPG, $370,000 was spent on ԰AV's Research Administration Information Utility Systems and $762,552 was spent on strategic development of innovation and commercialization partnership support.

Details of RSF & IPG objectives, indicators, and targeted outcomes and reported outcomesare outlined here(pdf).

In 2020-2021, ԰AVreceived $7,242,096 in RSF grants and $915,961 in IPG funding. See the charts below outlining how ԰AV allocated these funds.


IPG 2020-2021 Pie Chart

*For IPG,$207,980 was used for 4D LABS Service Expansion, $132,981 was used forImageTechLab, $75,000 was used for the CL3 Lab, and $500,000 was used for the Strategic Partnerships Hub.

Details of RSF & IPG objectives, indicators, targeted outcomes and reported outcomes are outlined here(pdf).

԰AV received a RSF grant (excluding IPG) of $7,842,200 and $783,640 in IPG funds in fiscal year 2019-2020.

2019 2020 RSF Chart

2019 2020 IPG Chart

*For IPG,$227,000wasspenton4D Labs Service Expansion; $500,000 wasspent on theImageTechLab Facility;and$56,640 wasspent onSurrey City Centre Innovation Services.

Details of RSF & IPG objectives, indicators, targeted outcomes and reported outcomes are outlined here (pdf).

԰AV received a total RSF grant (excluding IPG) of $8,112,810 in 2019. ԰AV received a total of $618,959 of IPG funding. Spending was broken down as follows:

2018 - 2019 RSF

IPG 2018-2019

*For IPG spending,$318,959wasspentonTechnology Transfer and Commercialization and $300,000 wasspent onCore Facilities.

Details of RSF and IPG objectives, indicators, targeted outcomes and reported outcomes are outlined here(pdf).

What impact has the RSF had on ԰AV research?

The RSF contributes to ԰AV's ability to provide a supportive research environment through the provision of staff and services that allow researchers to pursue their research programs and seek new funding opportunities. It also enables ԰AV to provide research facilities and other resources that help to attract and retain high-calibre researchers and graduate students. In turn, the presence of leading researchers and highly qualified personnel ensures ԰AV's continued participation in major, multi-institutional and international research initiatives.

Progress towards RSF objectives: Overall impacts

Aligning with the university's institutional strategic plan and its core values,԰AV’s 2023-2028 Strategic Research Plan(SRP)captures some of the breadth of activities at the university while identifying areas of research strength and focus for that time period. It is accompanied by an implementation plan that identifies specific actions that will be taken to support and enhance the impact of the university in these priority areas.

԰AV is a comprehensive research university, with research and other scholarly activity spanning a wide range of disciplines and approaches. Each of the priority areas identified in the SRP spans multiple disciplines. As an academic institution we are committed to building multi-disciplinary communities of practice in these areas. We also note that these priority areas intersect with each other and that some of the most interesting research happens at those intersections.

Learn more about ԰AV's SRP and its implementation plan at sfu.ca/strategic-research-plan.

԰AV is among Canada's fastest growing research intensive universities measured by growth of research income. Our sponsored research income has grown by 37.5% over the past 10 years, reaching $141.1 million in 2022.

԰AV continues to be the top ranked university among Canadian comprehensive universities in theMaclean’s annual university rankings. The 2023 World University Rankings for Innovation (WURI)placed ԰AV as Canada's top university for innovation and industrial application, as well as number two in the world for entrepreneurial spirit.The2023 Times Higher Education's Impact Rankingsplace ԰AV number one for its global impact on sustainable cities and communities—and fifth in the world for its response on climate action. These achievements have positioned the university to attain national and international leadership in a number of research areas.

Learn more about ԰AV's research performance and metrics.


Approximately one-tenth of ԰AV's main campus space is used for research activities. With the support of the RSF, ԰AV can maintain modern, safe facilities that enable its researchers to keep up with changes in techniques and methodologies in their fields. The state of the university's research facilities impacts ԰AV's ability to participate in regional, national, and international research collaborations and to attract industrial partnerships. It is also a factor in the institution's ability to attract top faculty and students, and raise its research profile.

Without this support, ԰AV would be unable to maximize its return on external investment by maintaining the cleanliness, safety and efficiency of its research infrastructure, which are the foundations upon which research discoveries are made.

The major cost drivers in this category are the internal costs for labour (salaries and benefits) and the costs of parts and materials. The maintenance and operating costs associated with research space is about 50% higher than the average cost for the university. The RSF supports only a small portion of the ԰AV's total facilities costs.

Renovation and development of research facilities

BIO3 Lab

԰AV's BIO3 Lab is one of a few biosecure facilities in Canada that are certified by the Public Health Agency of Canada. BIO3 stands for biocontainment for infections organisms, level three. Researchers can safely conduct infectious disease research on Risk Group 3 pathogens to help advance breakthrough discoveries.Since it opened in 2020, while ԰AV researchers have been safely working on better understanding SARS-CoV-2 and how it causes COVID-19, the lab now welcomes all ԰AV researchers working on other diseases related to Risk Group 3 pathogens. The facility is the first-of-its-kind at ԰AV and is in part possible because of RSF support.

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Support from the RSF provides ԰AV researchers with the tools and informational resources necessary to carry out their research programs. These include library resources, software and other digital tools, computing and network infrastructure, and research data sets. The accessibility of these resources allows ԰AV to participate in the global 24/7-research environment.

The major cost driver in this category are the fees charged by external providers for these resources.

Research Funding and Award Opportunities Database

With help from the RSF, ԰AV continues to improve upon the, containing the details of over 450 research grant and faculty award opportunities. The database is continuously updated and expanded by ԰AV's Office of Research Services staff.

԰AV's Research Expertise Engine

RSF supports԰AV’s Research Expertise Engine (REE), which is a database that has over 46,000 titles authored by ԰AV researchers, searchable by keyword, author, department or faculty. It helps ԰AV researchers connect to colleagues with similar interests, or with whom new multidisciplinary collaborations can be built; helps researchers and graduate students from other institutions find ԰AV researchers and ԰AV research works; and allows industry, government, partners and media to search for ԰AV scholars and research interests.

Management and Administration

Investment in research support through the RSF is vital to maintaining the smooth operation of ԰AV's research enterprise. It maximizes return on external investment by freeing faculty members to focus their time and effort on research.

The major cost drivers in this category are annual step progressions, negotiated salary increases and benefit costs. Salary costs overall increase annually even when the number of positions remains the same.

Without RSF support, researchers would need to spend more time on management and administrative tasks, which would negatively impact their individual research output as well as ԰AV's overall research productivity and competitiveness.

Institutional Support for Researchers:

Institutional Strategic Awards

԰AV's Institutional Strategic Awards (ISA) team strives to increase success, reduce administrative burden and make it possible for the university and ԰AV faculty members to successfully compete for the most significant and prestigious grants, prizes and awards available. RSF supports with funding for ISA staff with the mission of supporting ԰AV researchers to increase their success for grants, prizes and awards, and therefore contributing to the university's excellent research reputation.

Read the ԰AV News story

Regulatory Requirements

԰AV is in compliance with the Tri-Council Policy Statement on the Ethical Conduct for Research involving human subjects and the use of hazardous materials, as well as the policies of the Canadian Council on Animal Care (CCAC). The RSF supports the salaries of staff members who work to ensure ԰AV's continued compliance with regulatory requirements.

The expansion of ԰AV's research enterprise in recent years has created a substantial increase in workload for these positions. Without such support, ԰AV would be unable to keep up with this increased demand, and ԰AV's ability to meet regulatory requirements would be compromised.

The major cost drivers in this category are annual step progressions, negotiated salary increases and benefit costs. Salary costs overall increase annually even when the number of positions remains the same

Creation and Support of Regulatory Bodies:

Research Ethics

team upholds the highest ethical and regulatory standards of research involving human participants. Research Ethics supports researchers through the ethics review process, from the preparation of a new submission to continuing review of ongoing research. The team educates researchers in the policies and process of research ethics and ethics review and facilitates the review process conducted by the ԰AV Research Ethics Board and its subcommittees.

Technical Support for Animal Care

There are strict guidelines and policies in place to ensure the health and humane treatment of all animals used in research and teaching at ԰AV The same standards apply to all field studies as well. These standards are specified by a national agency, the Canadian Council on Animal Care (CCAC), as well as the university’s own policies, such as, under the direction of the office of VP Research and theUniversity Animal Care Committee(UACC).

In order to conduct research involving animals, ԰AV faculty members must submit an application to the UACC for approval. No research is conducted without this approval. All Animal Care Protocols are reviewed annually and researchers must re-apply every four years, for long termstudies.

A portion of ԰AV's RSF is applied toward the salaries of the animal care staff, technicians and manager.Without the RSF support, animal research at ԰AV would be compromised and in many cases could not be performed. Without this support, the facilities and services for the proper and humane treatment of animals in our care would not function properly. In addition, this would affect the university's ability to maintain compliance with the Canadian regulatory standards for animal research.

Intellectual Property and Knowledge Mobilization

԰AV's Technology Licensing Office (TLO) is focused on delivering intellectual property (IP) protection and technology licensing services and support.

The TLO supports faculty, graduate students and university researchers in the strategic management of the IP they generate through their inventions.

The major cost drivers in this category are annual step progressions, negotiated salary increases and benefit costs.

Technology Licensing Office

The RSF covers the salaries of staff within ԰AV’s Technology Licensing Office. These positions help ԰AV researchers build effective working relationships with communities, industry, governments, NGOs and non-profits to increase the solution capability of ԰AV innovators.

Read the story on ԰AV's Faculty & Staff Dashboard


Last updated: May 21, 2024