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MRI Resources


  • Philips Ingenia CX 3T whole body MRI scanner (shown in page banner)
    • Bore diameter: 60cm
    • Quasar dual gradients: Gmax 80mT, max slew-rate 200T/m/s
    • Software version:
    • DDAS system (with MultiBand SENSE)

RF coils

Head 32-channel coil Foot/ankle 8-channel coil 2x Flex M coil Wrist 8-channel coil
head 32-channel coil
foot ankle 8-channel coil
2x Flex M coil
Wrist 8-channel coil
T/R knee 16-channel coil Head/neck 20-channel coil Small extremity 8-channel coil 2x anterior (torso) coil
T/R Knee 16-channel coil
Head-Neck 20-channel coil
Small Extremity 8-channel coil
2x anterior torso coil


  • MR compatible 32-inch LCD screen (for patient comfort and fMRI experiments)
  • Pair of standard Philips headphones

Stimulus input/output

Lumina (Cedrus) response box Set left/right hand set response two button pads Software (stimulus delivery)
two buttons
  • NeuroBehaviouralSystems Presentation v 23.0, build 10.27.21
  • Mathworks Matlab 2021b