

Rethinking Philanthropy: Building a just society

2019, Economy, Future of Work, Equity + Justice

Is it time for a new model of philanthropy to meet our rapidly changing world and its increasingly complex problems? Do we need new ways to understand what makes a philanthropist, how they give and why?

To celebrate National Philanthropy Day, 間眅埶AV is assembling social change leaders and current and future philanthropists for a conversation moderated by CBCs Gloria Macarenko about how philanthropy can evolve (or if it has to) to tackle societys most pressing challenges.

Featuring Kris Archie (executive director, the Circle on Philanthropy and Aboriginal Peoples in Canada) Seth Klein (adjunct professor, 間眅埶AV Urban Studies and former director CCPA-BC), Dara Parker (Vancouver Foundation) and Manny Padda (entrepreneur, investor and philanthropist).


Many institutions and organizations embrace the concept of Social Justice Philanthropy. To address societys problems at the source, they donate to NGOs that are working to break down the systems that sustain social, economic and political inequality. This form of philanthropy works to include marginalized people as active participants, not passive receivers. Meanwhile, donors and foundations not only contribute their money, but also their time, labour and privilege to serve as allies in social justice movements.

The goal is to make philanthropy more accessible, equitable, inclusive and accountable. 

Is this the future of philanthropy? Are there other new models to consider? And how can a social justice model coexist with tried and tested methods of charitable giving?

At Rethinking Philanthropy you will hear stories of donors and organizations making an impact; stories of lived experience, of struggles and successes; and stories of results of how this kind of philanthropy has led to real social change. 

Thu, 14 Nov 2019

7:00 - 8:30 p.m. (PT)

間眅埶AV Segal Graduate School of Business
Rooms 1200-1500 and Founder's Hall
500 Granville St.
Vancouver, BC V6C 1W6

We respectfully acknowledge that this event takes place on the Unceded, Traditional, Ancestral Territories of the S廎硬x戔w繳7mesh, slilwta优, and x妢m庛k妢ym First Nations.


Kris Archie

Executive Director, 

Kris Archie, a Secwepemc and Seme7 woman from the Tsqescen First Nation, is passionate about heart-based community work and facilitating positive change. In her own words: My lived experiences as a mixed blood woman, mother and community member informs my desire for inclusion, accessibility, and justice.

Archie was the project manager for  youth homelessness initiative, called  before becoming the Executive Director of , an open network to promote giving, sharing, and philanthropy in Aboriginal communities across the country.

In all of her roles, Kris works to transform philanthropy and contribute to positive change by creating spaces of learning, relationship-building and activation.

Seth Klein

Adjunct Professor, 

Seth Klein served for 22 years (1996-2018) as the founding British Columbia Director of the, a public policy research institute committed to social, economic and environmental justice. He is now a freelance researcher, writer, consultant and speaker, and an adjunct professor with 間眅埶AVs Urban Studies program. He is currently writing a book on mobilizing Canadian for the climate emergency.

Seth is a founder and served for eight years as co-chair of the BC Poverty Reduction Coalition, a network of over 50 community organizations in BC campaigning for a comprehensive poverty reduction plan in BC. He is a founder and served for 10 years on the advisory committee of the Metro Vancouver Living Wage for Families campaign (and was co-creator of the methodology for calculating the living family wage, now used in about three dozen Canadian communities). He is an advisory board member for the Columbia Institutes Centre for Civic Governance. And he is a founder, advisor and instructor for Next Up, a leadership program for young people committed to social and environmental justice.

Seths research deals primarily with climate policy and climate justice, fiscal policy, taxation, welfare policy, poverty, inequality, economic security, and job creation. His research reports can be found on the; and his policy commentary can be found primarily on the.

A social activist for over 30 years, Seth lives in East Vancouver with his partner and two children. Seth has been listed by Vancouver Magazine as one of the 50 most powerful people in the city, and by Homemakers Magazine among the 60 men we love.  He does not know how he ended up on either list, but he humbly accepts the latter.   

Manny Padda

Entrepreneur | Investor | Philanthropist | Founder of 

Manny is the founder of New Avenue Capital (NAC), a private family office that brings together financial, human and impact capital for high-growth companies. An entrepreneur and philanthropist, hes long on people, with a knack for recognizing talent, cultivating relationships and connecting change makers.

Prior to founding NAC, Manny was a self-made entrepreneur, building his first multi-million dollar company, PM Search Partners, by age 26. Leveraging his powerful network, he made the leap from executive search to investment and currently manages a portfolio of 40+ companies in tech, mining, real estate and more. Manny is also the co-founder of Risetech Capital, a capital pool company established with some of Canadas top business leaders that gives tech companies an alternative way to raise capital and go public.As a philanthropist, Manny is passionate about mentorship and education. He currently sits on multiple advisory boards in the not-for-profit sectors, including Room to Read, Science World and League of Innovators. His personal mission is to educate 1 million people worldwide through his initiatives and donations.

Mannys work in investment, philanthropy, and entrepreneurship has garnered awards including StartUp Canadas 2017 National Entrepreneur Promotion Award, NACOs 2016 Canadian Angel Investor of the Year, EO Global Citizen of the Year, and the 2017 Governor General Sovereigns Medal for Volunteers. He has spoken at events around the world, from Startup Weekend in San Francisco to EO Impact in Zurich and #BCTechSummit in his backyard of Vancouver.

Manny is a graduate of Harvard Business School's Private Equity & Venture Capital Program, He holds an MBA from Queen's University.

Dara Parker

Vice-President, Grants and Community Initiatives at the 

Dara is the Vice-President of Grants and Community Initiatives at the Vancouver Foundation, where she leads a team of 17 and is responsible for deploying $15-$20 million annually in grants.

Previously Dara served as the Vice-Chair of Pivot Legal Society, tackling the root causes of poverty and social exclusion across Canada. She also served as the Executive Director of Social Venture Partners, the Vancouver affiliate of an international network of engaged philanthropists who invest time, money and professional expertise in building capacity for local nonprofits. Prior to that Dara served as the Executive Director of QMUNITY, BCs Queer, Trans and Two-Spirit Resource Centre, focused on equity and inclusion.

Trained as an urban planner with a background in justice, equity, diversity and inclusion, Dara brings over 20 years experience working in social-profits and local government. For three years Dara consulted with UN-Habitat on their inaugural Youth Advisory Board, helping mainstream youth participation throughout the organization. 兩

Dara is also the co-founder of Lezervations, a nonprofit that facilitates social and business networking events for queer and trans women.

When not working in social change, she spends her down time as a mediocre volleyball player.


Gloria Macarenko

CBC Vancouver journalist and host of 

Gloria Macarenko is an award-winning journalist, a senior leader on the CBC British Columbia news team and current host of Metro Vancouvers afternoon show On The Coast as well as Our Vancouver, a current affairs television show.

In her time with CBC, she has been awarded a Jack Webster Award for "Best News Reporting", multiple RTNDA Awards and a Leo award for "Best Anchor in a News Program" with former co-host Ian Hanomansing. Gloria hosted the award-winning newscast CBC Vancouver News at 5 & 6 and has guest hosted on The National and CBC News Now. She has twice been nominated for the Gemini Awards in the category of "Best News Anchor" in Canada.

Macarenko's relationship with British Columbia goes far beyond the newsroom. You can see her volunteering and hosting for organizations such as Arts Umbrella, Dr. Peter Centre, RCH Hospital Foundation, BC Cancer Foundation, the Gordon Smith Foundation, Cystic Fibrosis Canada, the Prince Rupert Foundation and the International Women's Forum.

Event Summary

Key takeaways from Rethinking Philanthropy

By Doug Hamilton-Evans, Research and Communications Coordinator, 間眅埶AV Public Square

Taking place on November 14, the eve of National Philanthropy Day, the event Rethinking Philanthropy: Building a Just Society was designed to question the very notion of philanthropy itself and how it can (and cant) adapt to meet societys increasingly complex challenges.

We wanted to discuss the possibilities of social justice philanthropy which seeks to address problems at the source, rather than treating their symptoms. We wanted to think about whether we needed to adjust the definition of who a philanthropist is, and to address the call for better inclusion of people with lived experience into the decision making processes behind philanthropic organizations.

We asked: how can philanthropy be more accessible, equitable, inclusive and accountable?

The conversations between our panelists and the audience were lively, animated, honest and inspiring. We did our best to capture it in a , but we wanted to expand on it here, linking to important resources that were referenced along the way and bringing in others observations from the night.

This will not be an exhaustive review of the event. Rather, it will give a rough summary of it, linking to the conversations both within the room and on social media. We hope it inspires further reading and conversation. Because given the enthusiasm, passion and open questions from the evening, this will not be the last time we tackle this complex and vital topic.

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Elder Syexwaliya welcomes us

We were honoured that Elder Syexwaliya (Squamish Nation) could begin our evening with a land acknowledgement and words of welcome.

Our Panel and Our Moderator

We were privileged to have four incredible panelists with diverse perspectives on philanthropy and social change:

Kris Archie, executive director for The Circle on Philanthropy and Aboriginal Peoples in Canada, an open network to promote giving, sharing, and philanthropy in Aboriginal communities across the country.

Seth Klein, the founding British Columbia Director of the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives and currently a freelance researcher, writer, and an adjunct professor with 間眅埶AVs Urban Studies program.

Manny Padda, an entrepreneur, investor, philanthropist and founder of New Avenue Capital, which brings together financial, human and impact capital for high-growth companies

Dara Parker, vice-president of Grants and Community Initiatives at the Vancouver Foundation, where she leads a team of 17 and is responsible for deploying $15-$20 million annually in grants.

We were also incredibly fortunate to have Gloria Macarenko as our moderator for the evening. Not only an award-winning journalist and host of On The Coast on CBC Radio, she is also an active volunteer in the community and an appointee to the Order of Canada. 

And just a few hours before the event began, Gloria Macarenko had already interviewed panelists Seth Klein and Manny Padda on their divergent perspectives on philanthropy and social change on On The Coast. .

Opening Remarks

The panelists each had a few moments to make introductory remarks to kick off the conversation.

Kris Archie

Kris Archie found the need to rethink philanthropy interesting when Indigenous communities have been doing philanthropy and doing it well for a very long time. She suggested that Indigenous knowledge, generosity and stewardship offer a lot to the settler-created philanthropic sector which she defined as organizations whose endowments come from colonial practices of exploitation of land and resources at the expense of Indigenous people.

Kris noted that almost every Indigenous program has an origin story, often connected to who was in need and how the community came together to respond. She encouraged other organizations to think of and be honest about  their origin stories, to address where their wealth came from, and who it was taken from, suggesting that they act to redress historical injustices through wealth redistribution.

If philanthropic organizations really want to be radical, she says, give up power and money to Indigenous-led organizations, women-led organization, racialized organizations. They have the lived experience and the knowledge to affect solutions.

Seth Klein

Rather than discuss the potential for philanthropy, Seth Klein chose to discuss the limits of philanthropy. The biggest challenges we face are inequality and the climate emergency, he says, and there&紳莉莽梯;勳莽紳t&紳莉莽梯;a philanthropic solution to them. They can only be solved at the democratic level. And solving inequality, for example, isnt rocket science. Some of us are going to have to pay more taxes, he says. And some are going to have to pay a lot more, he emphasized.

To address the climate emergency, we will need to mobilize society on a wartime footing like during the Second World War. Seth also happens to be writing a book on this very topic.

Manny Padda

As an investor, entrepreneur and philanthropist, Manny Padda says he is witnessing a shift happening in individuals and companies. Its no longer all about capital and profits, rather stakeholder value is becoming more important than shareholder value. People are investing in their values and companies are increasingly measuring the triple bottom line (social, environmental and financial).

Manny says that philanthropy provides a key function in society as it bridges gaps. But he also recognizes that this asks a lot of individuals. He believes that big change can be made on the social impact business side versus Seth Kleins call for massive government investments in social change.

Dara Parker

Dara Parker quickly realized that the world is an unfair place, growing up as a girl and experiencing sexism at a young age. The fight against injustice and inequality continues to drives her work in the philanthropic sector.

Dara says that the charitable sector is important, and that it attracts a lot of people trying to do good. While its not the only vehicle for change, it is one we need to pay attention to..because it needs to change.

Dara wants to see a shift from charity to justice.

Rather than downstream solutions that address the symptoms of the problem, she advocates for more funding into upstream solutions that address problems at the sources. 

And she challenged the framing of the evening that suggests that we have moved on to a paradigm of social justice philanthropy. We are early in moving to social justice philanthropy, she says. We have just gotten started and there is much work to be done.

The Conversation

To begin the wider conversation with the audience, Gloria Macarenko asked the panelists to provide specific examples of philanthropy that has led to social change.

Kris Archie asked if anyone had heard of the Great Bear Rainforest and the Clayoquot biosphere. Everyone had. She says that both continue to exist, and will continue to exist, due to the actions of Indigenous peoples just two examples of how Indigenous communities fight for both social justice and real change.

Seth Klein made the distinction between wins and innovation and true social change, which is when these shifts become the norm. He says the most significant social change in recent B.C. history is in childcare, which wasnt the result of philanthropy, but from a decades-long, women-led movement (funded by the Vancouver Foundation, he mentions).

Someone in the audience brought up a story of great project he had been working on that had its funding pulled at the last minute before a major touchstone event. How can organizations and funders develop relationships so that this sort of thing doesnt happen?

As a funder and someone who has applied for funding  Dara Parker says that we work in real scarcity. There will always be more requests than there is funding and that it is crushing to say no to important work. While not a solution, its a piece of empathy, she offers.

Manny Padda suggests that organizations should work to diversify their funding away from single grants and funders, and to be more entrepreneurial in their efforts to become self sustainable.

Seth Klein celebrates the work, but notes that is downstream, and that the money trying to be raised would be a rounding error in the provincial budget. It will take all of us to take democratic action to make social change; no philanthropist can do this, he says.

From the audience, Jennifer Johnstone, president and CEO of the Central City Foundation said that the philanthropic community must rethink the way it redistributes funds, as philanthropists are not the experts. She echoes Kris Archies call for funders to give up power to those with lived experience and solutions to lead the way.

Kris Archie recommended the report  from the  based out of Ryerson University as an incredible example of Indigenous scholarship putting forward policy solutions from the perspective of those most impacted.

With the last word from the panel, Kris Archie said that we are still alive due to Indigenous giving and ideas of reciprocity. She reiterated that if philanthropists really want to be radical, they should give up power in their donation and endowment strategies to Indigenous-led, queer-led, women-led organizations. 

And on National Philanthropy Day, she amplified some of the Indigenous led charitable and non-charitable grassroots organizations across Canada that we can support and learn from in a .

The formal event concluded with a thoughtful summary from 間眅埶AV Chancellor Anne Giardini, but the conversation carried on at a reception in the lobby of the Segal building and on social media. Check the hashtag #RethinkingPhilanthropy to add your own thoughts and questions. 

And stay tuned for future events on and around this topic. We have a feeling this isnt the last time we discuss philanthropy and social change.

With many thanks to our partners on this event at 間眅埶AV Alumni and Advancement, the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences and 間眅埶AV Library.
