

Olena Hankivsky



Dr. Olena Hankivsky (Professor) B.A. (Toronto), M.A. PhD (Western Ontario) specializes in public policy and political theory and has a particular interest in gender, intersectionality, and social and health policy.

Dr. Hankivsky is a Canadian Institutes of Health Research Gender and Health Research Chair and a Michael Smith Foundation for Health Research Senior Scholar.

She is the editor of Health Inequities in Canada: Intersectional Frameworks and Practices (2011, UBC Press), and co-editor of Women's Health in Canada: Critical Perspectives on Theory and Policy (2007, University of Toronto Press) and Gender, Politics and the State in Ukraine (University of Toronto Press). She is also the author of Social Policy and the Ethic of Care (2004, University of British Columbia Press) and co-author of The Dome of Silence: Sexual Harassment and Abuse in Sport (2000, Fernwood & Zed Publications). Dr. Hankivsky's research has been published in journals such as Journal of Health and Social Policy, Critical Social Policy, International Journal of Health Services, Canadian Public Policy, International Journal for Equity and Health, and Social Science and Medicine (for which she is co-editor of a Special Issue on Gender and Health, forthcoming 2012).

In 2008-2010 Dr. Hankivsky was a Visiting Scholar at Columbia University's Centre for the Study of Social Inequities in Health (Mailman School of Public Health) where she established a Canada-USA gender and health research group. She is also a Research Associate at the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives. She regularly consults with government, including internationally, on gender and diversity analyses in public policy and health reform. She has held various academic appointments at the University of Western Ontario and the University of British Columbia, including a SSHRC Post-Doctoral Fellowship in the Department of Political Science at the University of British Columbia.

Research Interests

  •  Intersectionality in Health Research, Gender Policy, GBA+, Inequity, Health Policy, Social Policy

Selected Publications 


Intersectionality Based Policy Analysis edited collection (Institute for Intersectionality Research and Policy, ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV. Vancouver, British Columbia, 2012)

Health Inequities in Canada: Intersectional Frameworks and Practices edited collection (University of British Columbia Press, May 2011).

Special Issue on Gender and Health Social Science and Medicine edited with Kristen Springer and Lisa Bates (April 2012).

Gender, Politics and the State in Ukraine edited collection with Anastasiya Salnykova (accepted and forthcoming University of Toronto Press, December 2011).

Health Inequities in Canada: Intersectional Frameworks and Practices edited collection (Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press May 2011).

Women's Health in Canada: Critical Perspectives on Theory and Policy edited collection with Marina Morrow and Colleen Varcoe, University of Toronto Press, July 2007.

Social Policy and the Ethic of Care (Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press, October 2004).

The Dome of Silence: Sexual Harassment and Abuse in Sport with Sandra Kirby and Lorraine Greaves (Fernwood Publishers, September 2000)


Invited Submission: Understanding and Emphasizing Difference and Interectionality Oxford Handbook of Mixed and Multimethod Research Sharlene Heese-Biber and R. Burke Johnson editors, New York: Oxford University Press (in progress). 

Immigration and Intersectionality: Key Observations From a Community-based Project with Newcomers in Canada’s Rural-Urban Community with Bharati Sethi in Janet Finn, Tonya Perry and Sharvari Karandikar eds. Gender Oppression and Globalization: Challenges for Social Work  (Alexandria, VA: CSWE. Press) (accepted and forthcoming).

Gender and Ukraine: an Introduction with S. Salnykova in Hankivsky and Salnykova eds. Gender, Politics and the State in Ukraine 2012.

Gender and Health in Ukraine in Hankivsky and Salnykovs eds. Gender, Politics and the State in Ukraine  2012.

Gender Maintreaming: The Ukraine Experience in Hankivsky and Salnykova eds. Gender, Politics and the State in Ukraine  2012.

"Future Directions in Gender in Ukraine" in Hankivsky and Salnykova eds. Gender, Politics and the State in Ukraine  2012.

Why intersectionality matters in health research with Rita Dhamoon in Hankivsky et al. Health Inequities in Canada: Intersectional Frameworks and Practices   2011

The Dark Side of Care: The Global Sex Trade in Feminist Ethics and Social Policy: Towards a New Global Political Economy of Care. Rianne Mahon and Fiona Robinson eds. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press.

Gender Mainstreaming in Neoliberal Times: The Potential of "Deep Evaluation" in M. Griffin Cohen and J. Pulkingham eds. Public Policy for Women in Canada: The State, Income Security, and Labour Market Issues. University of Toronto Press. 2009

Gender, Globalization and Sex Trafficking in Ukraine in Patton, C. ed. Global Science Women's Health. New York: Taneo Press. 2008

The Challenges of HIV/AIDS in Ukraine Globalization of HIV/AIDS: An Interdisciplinary Reader, eds. R. T. White and C. K. Pope. New York: Routledge. 2008

Gender Mainstreaming in the Canadian Context: 'One Step Forward and Two Steps Back, in M. Orsini and M. Smith, eds. Critical Policy Studies. University of British Columbia Press. 2007

Introduction with Colleen Varcoe and Marina Morrow Women's Health in Canada: Critical Perspectives on Theory and Policy University of Toronto Press. 2007

More than age and biology: lifespan approaches to women's health. Women's Health in Canada: Critical Perspectives on Theory and Policy. University of Toronto Press. 2007

Engendering Evidence: Transforming Economic Evaluations, with Jane Friesen Women's Health in Canada: Critical Perspectives on Theory and Policy. University of Toronto Press. 2007

Feminist Methodology and Health Research: Bridging Trends and Debates, with Marina Morrow Women's Health in Canada: Critical Perspectives on Theory and Policy. 2007

Gender Based Analysis and Health Policy: The Need Rethink Outdated Strategies. Women's Health in Canada: Critical Perspectives on Theory and Policy. University of Toronto Press. 2007

From global to local and over the rainbow: Violence against women, with Colleen Varcoe. Women's Health in Canada: Critical Perspectives on Theory and Policy. University of Toronto Press. 2007


The lexicon of mainstreaming equality: gender based analysis, gender and diversity analysis, intersectionality-based analysis, Canadian Political Science Review (accepted and forthcoming).

Critically examining diversity in end-of-life caregiving: Implications for equitable caregiver support and Canada's Compassionate Care Benefit, with Melissa Giesbrecht, Valorie Crooks and Allison Williams. International Journal for Equity in Health  11(65), 2012.

Gender and Health: Current Issue and Challenges with Kristen Springer and Lisa Bates Social Science and Medicine 74(11): 1661-1666, 2012,.

Women's Health, Men's Health and Gender and Health: The Implications of Intersectionality Social Science and Medicine 74(11): 1712-1720, 2012.

A social determinants of health approach: Attributing selected costs to intimate partner violence in a sample of women who have left abusive partners, with Colleen Varcoe, M. Ford-Gilboe, J.Wuest, P. Wilk, J. Hammerton & J. Campbell Canadian Public Policy 37(3): 359-380.

Intersectionality and Public Policy: Some Lessons from Existing Models, with Renee Cormier Political Research Quarterly 64(1): 217-229.

Gender mainstreaming in the UK: Current Issues and Future Challenges, with Ashlee Christofferson British Politics 6(1): 30-51.

Gender Mainstreaming in Post Soviet Ukraine with *Anastasiya Salnykova Journal of Communist Studies and Transition Politics 26(3): 315-340. 2010.

Exploring the Promises of Intersectionality-Type Methodologies for Advancing Women's Health Research, with Colleen Reid, Renee Cormier, Cecilia Benoit, Shari Brotman, Natalie Clark and Colleen Varcoe, International Journal for Equity in Health 9(5), 11 February 2010).

Gendering the Health Determinants Framework, with Cecilia Benoit, Leah Shumka, Kate Vallance, Helga Hallgrimsdottir, Rachel Phillips, Karen Kobayashi, Colleen Reid & Elana Brief Sociological Research Online (November 30, 2009).

Gender and Health Inequities: A Comment on the WHO Commission on the Social Determinants of Health Final Report, with Lisa Bates and Kristen Springer Social Science and Medicine (2009): 1-3.

Invited Editor with Arminee Kazanjian, Reflections on the future of women's health research in a comparative Canada-US context: Why more than sex and gender matters, Women's Health Issues 18(5): 343-6. 2009

Intersectionality, Social Determinants and Health Services, with Ashlee Christoffersen Critical Public Health 18(3):1-13. 2009

Gender Mainstreaming in Canada and Australia: A Comparative Analysis. Policy and Society 27(1): 69-81. 2009

Gender, Diversity and Evidence-Based Decision Making,with *L. Blackwood, *R. Hunt., S. Pigg, M. Morrow, C. Reid and C. Patton. Health Law in Canada, (28):1. 2007



Human Resources and Skills Development Canada GBA Qualitative Research Toolkit  2012.

Status of Women Canada GBA+ Research Primer. 2012.

Status of Women Canada (2010) Gender-Based Analysis, Gender and Diversity and Intersectionality (300 pages).

Hankivsky, O., Cormier, R. (2009). Intersectionality and Women's Health Research: A Primer. Vancouver: Women's Health Research Network.

Hankivsky, O for Canadian Council on Learning. The Costs of High School Non-Completion in Canada. February 15, 2009.

Hankivsky, O., Rodney Hunt (2007). Research Methodologies and Women's Health Research. Vancouver: BC Women's Health Research Network.