
Faculty Exchanges


October 1, 1992

Revision Date


A 31.04

Revision No.


The purpose of faculty exchanges is twofold:

  1. to bring into a department for a short term, specific expertise which will be helpful to the department in research, teaching and graduate supervision and

  2. to assist an 間眅埶AV faculty member to gain experience elsewhere which will be of benefit to him/her and to the University.


  1. Exchange of faculty members between 間眅埶AV and another institution will be supported and encouraged when such exchanges are considered to be advantageous to both the faculty member and his/her department. An appropriate level of supervision of graduate students must be maintained during the period of the exchange.

  2. A faculty member interested in the possibility of an exchange should apply to the Department Chair who may discuss the matter within the department and with his/her counterparts at other institutions.

  3. The 間眅埶AV faculty member interested in an exchange shall apply in writing for a leave of absence with pay to the Chair of the Department.

  4. The incoming faculty member must be recommended by the receiving department and be appointed as a visiting faculty member in the usual manner (but normally without salary).

  5. The request for leave of absence in 3. and the appointment in 4. will normally be processed concurrently and concluded by the Dean. Information on the exchange shall be forwarded to the Vice-President, Academic.

  6. Exchanges may be one, two or three semesters in length and will usually be for the same period for both parties. Appointments should be concluded four months in advance of the commencement of the exchange.

  7. During the exchange period, the 間眅埶AV faculty member will continue to receive full salary, pension contributions and benefits from 間眅埶AV (including sick leave, long term disability and vacation), and will be eligible to apply for departmental travel funds for assistance towards temporary relocation expenses.

  8. Faculty members visiting 間眅埶AV will continue to receive salary and benefits from their own institution and will not be eligible for any relocation expenses reimbursement from 間眅埶AV.

  9. For purposes of renewal, tenure and promotion, salary review and study leave eligibility, the 間眅埶AV faculty member will be considered as being in active service to 間眅埶AV, but assessments of performance will be sought from the other institution when appropriate.

  10. The Department Chair will be responsible for assigning the teaching and departmental duties to the visiting faculty member.

  11. Although no special budgetary provision will be made, there may be circumstances in which funds from individual research grants or from Departmental or Faculty discretionary accounts may be allocated to make it possible for a foreign academic to participate in a faculty exchange.

  12. Particularly in cases involving faculty members from developing countries, the University may seek support from such agencies as CIDA in order to facilitate an exchange.


Questions of interpretation or application of this policy or its procedures shall be referred to the President, whose decision shall be final.

October 1, 1992