
Appointment of Associate Deans, Associate Chairs/Directors, Program Directors and Program Coordinators


October 1, 1992

Revision Date


A 13.03

Revision No.

  1. Appointment of Associate Deans

    1.1 The Dean shall consult with the Dean's Advisory Committee or similar body on the appointment of an Associate Dean. There shall be a ratification vote on the nomination and a recommendation may proceed to conclusion when a nominee has been approved by more than 50% of those voting. All faculty members1 in the Faculty are eligible to vote in the ratification vote.

  2. Appointment of Associate Chairs/Directors

    2.1 The Chair/Director shall consult with the members of the Department/School on the nomination of an Associate Chair/Director. There shall be a ratification vote and a recommendation may proceed to conclusion when a nominee has been approved by more than 50% of those voting. All the faculty members1 in the Department/School are eligible to vote in the ratification vote.

  3. Appointment of Program Directors and Program Coordinators

    3.1 The Dean shall consult with the members of the unit on the nomination of the Program Director2 or Program Coordinator. There shall be a ratification vote and a recommendation may proceed to conclusion when a nominee has been approved by more than 50% of those voting. All faculty members1 in the program are eligible to vote in the ratification vote.

  4. Term of Appointment

    The term of the appointment shall be determined by the Dean and may not exceed three years.


Questions of interpretation or application of this policy shall be referred to the President, whose decision shall be final.

1 Eligibility to participate in the ratification vote is restricted to tenured and tenure-track faculty, and to laboratory instructors and lecturers with appointments of longer than one year.

2 Directors of Programs in the Faculties of Education, Business Administration and Health Sciences are equivalent to Chairs of Departments/Directors of Schools. They are covered by the Chairs' policy.