
4F30.10 Stirling Engine (Hot Water, Ice)


Heat cycles


The Stirling engine will run when it is placed on a dish of crushed ice or on a mug of hot water. The manufacturer points out that the engine will run if placed on an ice cream cone, but this is messy to clean up.



  • [1] Stirling engine
  • [1] Mug or thermos
  • [1] Kettle of water
  • [1] Dish of crushed ice

Important Notes

  • Handle with care. DO NOT USE dry ice or liquid nitrogen. DO NOT USE anything hotter than hot water.


  1. Place the Stirling engine on a mug of hot water. The Stirling engine will begin to run.
  2. Place the Stirling engine on a dish of crushed ice. The Stirling engine will begin to run.


Additional Resources


  • PIRA 4F30.10
  • Ross, Andy. "Stirling Cycle Engines." Solar Engines 1981 (copy in demos)


  • Don't attempt this at home!

Last revised

  • 2023


  • Original construction: purchased. We use a demonstration Stirling engine model MM-1 manufactured by American Stirling Company.
  • The pictured engine is our old MM-4 model, which could be filled with helium. It is no longer working.

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If you have any questions about the demos or notes you would like to add to this page, contact Ricky Chu at ricky_chu AT sfu DOT ca.