
5G20.27 Iron Filings Domains


Magnetization of a ferromagnet


A tube filled with iron filings is magnetized and the magnetization is shown using a compass. Note: this demonstration can be shown on the overhead projector and is appropriate for large lecture halls.



  • [1] Glass tube filled with iron filings
  • [1] NdBFe magnet
  • [1] Small compass

Important Notes

  • The magnet is strong. Handle with care.


  1. Shake the filings into the long thin section of the tube.
  2. Magnetize the filings by stroking the length of the tube several times with a magnet.
  3. Hold the end of the tube near the compass. Note the movement of the compass needle.
  4. Shake the filings into the bulb end and shake several times.
  5. Shake the filings back into the tube.
  6. Hold the end of the tube near the compass. Note that the iron filings are now unmagnetized as the compass needle no longer moves.

Additional Resources


  • PIRA 5G20.27


  • Don't attempt this at home!

Last revised

  • 2018


  • The magnet should be strong. A 1/2 inch diameter NdBFe magnet is used here.

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If you have any questions about the demos or notes you would like to add to this page, contact Ricky Chu at ricky_chu AT sfu DOT ca.