
Groundwater Quality Risk Assessment, Langley, BC

Groundwater Quality Risk Assessment Framework

Aquifer Susceptibility Map

  • Represents the natural susceptibility of near surface geological materials.
  • Includes Conduits representing wells that may increases the natural susceptibility of the aquifer if poorly constructed
  • Ratings are scaled (1-10)

Hazard Threat of Pathogens

  • Based on Land Use Type - includes septic sources and farmland
  • Ratings are scaled (1-10)

Vulnerability Map

  • Includes both Susceptibility and Hazard Potential
  • Ratings are scaled (1-10)

Total Loss Map

  • Considers cost to the public health care system if people get sick from gastrointestinal illness
  • Ratings are scaled (1-10)

Final Risk Map

  • A product of Vulnerability and Loss
  • Ratings are scaled (1-10)

This work was produced by Mike Simpson (M.Sc., 2012)