
Sumreen Rattan

B.A.Sc. '20

An entrepreneur’s success depends on various factors, such as having a clear vision and goals, a positive attitude and perseverance, the right business skills and intuition, and the ability to make and stand by difficult decisions. Rattan, is a recipient of the Globe and Mail's 2022 Changemaker award which honours the top 50 entrepreneurs, academics and executives in Canada who are creating and inspiring change.

Rattan, a mechatronics alumnus has been recognized for her work in transforming the Canadian cleantech landscape with the startup that she co-founded, . The company is working to repurpose electric vehicle (EV) batteries into hybrid generator systems that can store sustainable power, such as solar and wind.

The company is supported by ¶ˇĎăÔ°AV VentureLabs and received mentorship through Coast Capital Venture Connection in its early years. Moment Energy is also the only Canadian company that works directly with major automotive companies, like Nissan, to repurpose old EV batteries which is central to their core mission of accelerating the world’s transition to renewable energy.

“You can have a positive impact on the environment and a successful business. You don’t have to sacrifice one for the other,” says Rattan.

Her unwavering vision for renewable energy is key to her success as an innovator and for Moment Energy as a whole.

Rattan continues to make her mark as a woman in STEM. Just last year Rattan was accepted into the RBC Women in Cleantech Accelerator and was recognized as one of 20 emerging leaders selected by Clean50 which profiles innovators and disruptors in the cleantech space.

Read more about Rattan and Moment Energy at the