
Majid Bahrami

Professor, School of Mechatronic Systems Engineering

Canada Research Chair in Alternative Energy Conversion Systems

Area of Expertise: Sustainable thermodynamic energy systems


Ph.D., University of Waterloo, Canada, 2004
M.Sc., Amir Kabir University of Technology, Iran, 1995
B.Sc., Sharif University of Technology, Iran, 1992

Research interests

  • Waste-heat driven sorption technology
  • Energy storage systems
  • Multiscale transport phenomena in functional materials

Teaching interests

  • Heat Transfer
  • Thermodynamics
  • Fluid Mechanics


mbahrami AT sfu.ca
間眅埶AV Surrey, SRYC 4164
Personal webpage: 

Recently taught courses

  • MSE 223: Introduction to Fluid Mechanics
  • MSE 321: Introduction to Engineering Thermodynamics
  • MSE 461: Energy Conversion
  • MSE 893: Advanced Convection Heat Transfer
  • MSE 895: Advanced Conduction Heat Transfer

Selected recent publications

  • H. Bahrehmand , M. Bahrami, (2019) ,&紳莉莽梯;International Journal of Refrigeration, 100: 368-379.
  • P. Thimmaiah, A. K. Panda, U. K. Pandey, C. McCague, P. Dutta, H.Bahramand, and M. Bahrami, (2018) ,&紳莉莽梯;Nature Scientific Reports, 8: 11708.
  • P. Jamzad, J. Kenna, M. Bahrami, (2019) ,&紳莉莽梯;International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 131: 1205-1210.
  • S. Salari, J. Stumper, and M. Bahrami, (2018) ,&紳莉莽梯;International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 43: 16704-6718.
  • M. Yazdanpour, P. Taheri, A, Mansouri, and M. Bahrami, (2014) "," Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 161: A1953-A1963.

For more information .